Rolling up the contents of a town into a big, sticky ball.
108 0 ReplyI've been playing Paradox games, so I'm probably going straight to the Hague and deserving it
70 0 ReplyBringing democracy to the wider galaxy.
59 0 ReplyBeating wild animals into submission, capturing them and putting them to work in a shack I built in the woods.
55 0 ReplyPlacing a billion conveyor belts, strip mining a planet with no regard to the pollution I caused, and full scale genocide against the native bugs who already lived there.
Sorry, biters, I gotta launch my rocket.
54 0 ReplyTrafficking humans, putting them in tiny 1x1m cages where they cannot sit, force them to do cheap labour, separate their children at birth, and kill them if they are too expensive...
Fuck I love Minecraft!
34 0 ReplyFishing
I didn't realise our poaching laws were that severe
34 0 ReplyPoluting the environment with my selfbuild automated factorys and thus enrage the local bug population (wich i sadly now have to nuke)
32 0 ReplyI picked a bad time to close a porn game.
30 0 ReplySpreading democracy for the glory of Super Earth!
30 0 ReplyBuilding a miles-long cobblestone road through mountains and over frozen rivers to a farming village from my house on a snowy plain then entering peoples homes while they sleep and cleaning them out of any food and valuables. Also crop theft.
And maybe pushing that wild pig into my fenced in pasture from the mountainside because I didn't have any carrots to lure him in willingly.
27 0 ReplyStrip mining a planet, refining raw materials, building factories, and researching new technology. All to build a rocket to get off said planet.
24 0 ReplyBuilding a house in the woods without planning permission.
24 0 ReplyTurning the universe into paperclips
21 0 ReplyKilling thousands of mortally challenged, including a few with a chainsaw.
I’m probably not who you were hoping to reach with this meme lol
18 0 ReplyAssault, battery, torture, stalking, breaking & entering, trespassing, destruction of property, illegal search & seizure, tampering with evidence, aiding & abetting, reckless driving, speeding, operation of an unlicensed vehicle, unlawful interception, child endangerment, unlawful imprisonment, conspiracy, and, of course, vigilantism
But absolutely zero murder
18 0 ReplyOsha violations (Portal 2)
18 0 ReplyWarframe Makes the Geneva convention a grocery list.
17 0 ReplyFood was very sparce so I had to butcher the last prisoner we had. And we didnt even get much meat, he was missing both legs and an arm from the raid he came with.
15 0 ReplyI was merging different colored jellies. It's actually pretty relaxing lol
15 0 ReplySpreading democracy
15 0 ReplyRocking and stoning
14 0 ReplyImpersonating a defense attorney.
14 0 ReplySweats in Stellaris
14 0 ReplyProbably for driving truck into car while being drunk. (the former in game, letter in RL).
14 0 ReplyBuilding a house...seems fitting.
13 0 ReplyNot paying for the resources that I collected to survive while crash landed on an alien planet.
13 0 ReplyEcological warfare on a planet-wide scale
13 0 ReplyThe last game I played was Insurgency, and I was playing as the "Security" side, so I'm golden. I could commit genocide and they wouldn't fucking touch my ass.
12 0 ReplyMining rocks and killing bugs. Hey we all gotta make a living
12 0 ReplySpreading Managed Democracy.
12 0 ReplyCalling in a 500kg bomb to kill a few bugs.
12 0 ReplyI will be protecting and distributing managed democracy across the galaxy.
12 0 ReplyDispensing Freedom.
11 0 ReplyI may have harvested my beets a little late.
11 0 ReplyArson, murder, murder, murder, vigilantism, murder, arson, environmental damage, arson, murder, possible war crimes (Fallout 76 doesn't really have laws I suppose), murder...
11 0 ReplyEradicating an entire species of bugs
11 0 ReplyAttempting to win at poker with a collection of rocks, glass and, cards I have doodled on.
11 0 ReplyId get a medal for defending democracy.
11 0 ReplyHaving six throwing stars and a shitload of buffs... as a potato
11 0 ReplyBuilding without a permit
11 0 Replyi built a fortress for dwarves to brew and prosper inside
11 0 ReplyPublic inebriation, disturbing the peace
(Rock and Stone ⛏️⛏️⛏️⛏️⛏️)
10 0 ReplyHaving eleven kings in one poker hand.
10 0 ReplyDemocracy (it was helldivers)
10 0 ReplyAbandoning my post in defense of Super Earth. I am sorry, Democracy.
10 0 ReplyI didn't get arrested, because I suffer from a knee injury and my adventures have ended
9 0 ReplyFalcon punching Pikachu.
9 0 ReplyClimbing a mountain but dying too much along the way. Like a little too much.
9 0 ReplyCapturing and enslaving weird magic animals
9 0 ReplyPossession of psychite with intention to distribute
and like, at least 3 or 4 warcrimes, but whose counting
9 0 ReplyStealing villager's beds.
9 0 ReplyRotting in a Shinra prison for bombing a Mako reactor. In my defense, the new explosion graphics were great.
9 0 ReplyUnauthorized orbital rocket launches.
9 0 ReplyUnlicensed space travel
9 0 ReplySupporting democracy!
9 0 ReplyTax Fraud.
9 0 ReplyLoving Managed Democracy too hard
9 0 ReplyI guess I'll be getting arrested for helping people build a village.
8 0 ReplyThrowing a stick of dynamite into the middle of a kkk meeting outside of Rhodes. Sorry, not sorry.
8 0 ReplyBeen playing Dorfromantik so building quaint, idyllic villages with expansive forests and streams.
8 0 ReplyDriving a giant tractor with a trailer full of soybeans the wrong way around a roundabout to deliver the soybeans to the grocery store.
8 0 ReplyGambling fraud. I keep playing 5 of a kind Flush in Balanto and it keeps working!
8 0 ReplyForcing a dragon to fuck a bear?
8 0 ReplyForcing thousands of grandmother's into endless work. Destroying ecosystems. Ravaging planets. Ending light itself. Enslaving Gods. And eliminating every parallel world in existence. All to make cookies. More and more. On and on and on. Universes of cookies more numerous than atoms in the cosmos.
But I'm almost done.
8 0 ReplyGenocide
8 0 ReplyFailing to properly evacuate the city during a Tsunami because its easier just to clean up afterwards (Cities Skylines).
8 0 ReplyElden Ring... soo.. lots of murder
8 0 ReplyMurdering tens of thousands of natives in North America to build plantations to make money to build factories in England.
I think this is the kind of violence history books often frame as the "unfortunate side of progress", so I guess it's okay ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
8 0 ReplyUsing obscene amounts of violence to protect freedom and democracy across the galaxy.
8 0 ReplyPC: Politely asking for and engaging in street fights with random strangers.
Mobile: Baking cookies
Web: Making paperclips
8 0 ReplyDisregarding all Osha violations, colonizing a planet and killing all natural life.
damm I love factorio
8 0 ReplyMass murdering animals.
Doing 95mp/h in a semi down the shoulder of a highway in Colorado.
7 0 ReplyGoing a-víking and dismembering "a few" Englishmen...
7 0 ReplyCrushing LEGO villains and collecting silver, gold, and purple studs.
7 0 ReplyDestroying a planet solely to exterminate an invasive species in order to thwart the plans of a space pirate organization who were planning on leveraging the powers of said invasive species for nefarious purposes.
At least I saved the animals.
7 0 ReplyBeing too homosexual.
7 0 ReplyRunning a 75 ton Timberwolf Battlemech.
Pretty sure just turning the thing on would be enough to get me arrested. Civilians typically aren't allowed Surface To Surface missiles, and megawatt power lasers that are effective weapons at a range of over 1000m.
I'll have a 100 ton Madcat 2 soon.
7 0 ReplyAssisting a vampire in plotting and then carrying out the murder of her father.
7 0 ReplyFor yelling too loud.
Statement of an observing police officer:
They say ToxicWaste murdered that Salesman... with his voice! Shouted him apart!
7 0 ReplyBeing an ex yakuza
7 0 ReplyDemolishing robots with a magnetic guitar-sword in beat with my rock playlist that plays in my heart.🤘
7 0 ReplyGenociding an entire planet, making said planet implode.
7 0 ReplyRimWorld... I'm not the type for cannibalism or human skin hats, but I do produce and sell a shitload of cocaine.
Oh, and I killed a child colonist, in this run. There was a bug in her age-up event, and the game would not let me proceed until she was... removed. I hate killing children, but since it was the end of the world without doing so, I give myself a pass this time
7 0 ReplyWar crimes.
7 0 Replyclimbing a mountain and curing my depression
7 0 ReplySpace mining.
7 0 ReplyStarting a cult and working people to death so that I have infinite money without having to do anything.
Edit: before you ask, no, it's not Rimworld or Cult of the Lamb
Edit 2: I wonder if anyone can guess the game
Edit 3 since it's been about 12hrs and no one guessed, it's The Sims.
7 0 ReplyGunning down helpess mutants, raiders, and scavengers who happen to cross my path in a nuclear wasteland. I think I might get the chair for mass genocide.
7 0 ReplyMarioKart so hit and run or throwing things at other cars
7 0 ReplyIdk...Being a good lawyer? I was just playing The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles
7 0 ReplyRimworld players:
7 0 ReplyKilling Nazis
Good thing I don’t have to worry about that ever happening IRL…
7 0 ReplyDriving a Trabant through the desert. Occasionally shooting rabid bunnies.
7 0 travelling through time and mass exterminating purple lovecraftian monsters with my pet bird a crime? Because if not, I got nothin
7 0 ReplyI'd probably be done in for EPA violations (Satisfactory).
7 0 ReplyRolling a ball that, through exponential growth, eventually starts to swallow up the likes of skyscrapers, clouds, Godzilla, and the planets of the galaxy.
7 0 ReplyDriving a truck without a license and transporting goods incorrectly declared (Euro Truck Simulator 2)
7 0 ReplyI am getting called a hero! Other than that orbital strike I called down on my entire squad….
6 0 ReplyNothing because no one's alive anymore - gtfo Animal abuse and slavery - Palworld
6 0 Replydefinately animal abuse.
i put 25 cows into a 1m² pen.6 0 ReplyPolluting and extracting every raw resource for my own benefit, mindlessly destroying the native alien population as they attempt to stop my destruction of their land.
6 0 Replymass killing of scribble spiders? idk
6 0 ReplyTrespassing - have to catch that pokemon for Pokemon Go.
6 0 ReplyMurdering zombies with plants.
One could say it's zombies vs. plants!
6 0 ReplyGraveyard Keeper.
I don't even know. An absurd amount of mishandling and experimenting on corpses.
6 0 ReplySonic Adventure
- property damage
- animal abduction
- petty theft
- fishing without a license
- treasure hunting without a license.
6 0 Replybrutal organ harvesting using exclusively medicinal plants, followed by cannibalism
the name of the game
6 0 ReplyDestruction of property and I guess kidnapping by rolling everything in earth into a giant ball
6 0 ReplyLast game I've played was egg, inc. It's a mobile idle "numbers go up" game.. There's nothing overtly criminal, so probably tax evasion or something on my trevigintillion bocks.
6 0 Replyremoving the stairs on the pool, and let my sims cant get ou tof the pool till they die (the sims)
6 0 ReplySpreading Managed Democracy, whether they want it or not!
6 0 ReplyShooting myself in the head with a very realistic looking toy gun-- repeatedly (?)
6 0 Replynot slaying the princess I guess.
6 0 ReplyKilling hundreds of zombies, skeletons, creepers, and Illagers, not so I can save the villagers they wrongly imprisoned, but so I can get that one specific gilded sword.
6 0 ReplyViolation of aviation laws, murder, unlicenced posession of high explosives, and initiation of murderous chicken attacks. (TOTK)
6 0 ReplyPlaying poker with a non-standard deck.
6 0 ReplyMaking my government into an expansionist empire and leading its armies with a bit too much detail.
6 0 ReplyMurdering wildlife and blowing up planets.
6 0 ReplyDriving my rocket powered car into someone so they explode. What a save.
6 0 ReplyPlaying cards...? It was solitaire 😅
6 0 ReplyFor apprehending or killing terrorists, and defusing their bombs in a hospital terror attack
6 0 ReplyTrying to commit a hostile takeover by having my company's employees fistfight their company's employees in the town square.
6 0 ReplyKilling the queen (chess)
6 0 ReplyLegend of Zelda, maybe somebody finally had enough of me smashing all their pots and cutting all their grass. I don't think those monsters are calling the cops for all the murder, they always seem to pop right back anyway.
6 0 ReplyKilling mr house
6 0 ReplyForging a committed relationship with Shadowheart.
6 0 Replyliterally what is there to say about geometry dash, it's a fucking square
6 0 ReplyI’m not sure I’m getting arrested. Me and a team of mercenaries were fighting another team of mercenaries over suitcases of intelligence. Seems like a state of war.
6 0 ReplyGrowing produce and processing various materials down into oxygen.
5 0 ReplyMurder of two mercenary teams using arrow carts, balistas and magic weapons while they siege my castle with catapults and trebuchets (World vs World mode of Guild Wars 2).
5 0 ReplyObliterating the natural resources of a small island for a couple of golden walnuts
5 0 ReplyI beat up a gang of criminals as twinkified pinnoccio
5 0 ReplyBlasting a bunch of bad guys in Rainbow 6: SMOL…
5 0 ReplyAiding a cartel in smuggling illicit goods
5 0 ReplyCaving a green wyvern skull in with my big hammer that I made of the bones and flesh of another
5 0 ReplyRepeatedly murdering the same small group of heroic individuals on ritual meat hooks at the direction of an eldritch being
5 0 ReplyEither terrorism or impersonating a counter terrorism officer
5 0 ReplyDigging out of the holy mountain. Not much of an arrest tho, Steve has orders to shoot on sight
5 0 ReplyStopping some guys who are Definitely Not Team Rocket from harassing and capturing some creatures that are Definitely Not Pokemon.
5 0 ReplyShooting people with ink until they explode violently
5 0 ReplyBuilding without a permit
5 0 ReplyDriving my mostly broken car badly as the door pops open when I shift into drive.
5 0 ReplyLocking my child in a chest in the basement until he dies
5 0 ReplyVehicular manslaughter, hit and run, and god only knows how many illegal car modifications
5 0 ReplyStacking blocks and clearing lines.
5 0 ReplyThrowing darts at balloons
5 0 ReplySneaking into a hotel room to steal cutting edge military tech with a terrorist conscious locked inside of it from the rebellious son of a CEO who had already stolen it from his own father's company to sell to his fathers competitors..
...also I was wrongfully accused of the resulting patricide when the CEO confronted his son regarding the stolen tech.
5 0 ReplySolving puzzles as a robot (Talos Principle 2). That's probably illegal in Alabama (using your brain and not having a human body).
5 0 ReplyTime travel and monster slaying? Also, staging a coup against the immortal emperor.
5 0 ReplyAggressively realistic HEMA reenactments
5 0 ReplyUnlawful harvesting of jellyfish? Dave the Diver.
5 0 ReplyBlackmail. You can have your "shorts" back after I win first place at the town fair.
5 0 ReplyBreaking and entering, vandalism (not my fault, ghosts are dicks), and possibly framed for murder (again, ghosts are dicks).
5 0 ReplyHeresy. Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader.
5 0 ReplyThrowing bombs from my go-cart at other people on go-carts does sound rather reckless!
5 0 ReplyVarious Building code violations, possession of dangerous chemicals, Code violations concerning nuclear reactors, unauthorized mining. Possibly poaching wildlife. Minecraft: All The Mods 9. I'm not very far into it yet, so there's probably a lot of stuff coming on top of that soon.
5 0 ReplyDo porn games on an old android count?
5 0 ReplyI haven't played any games for quite a while. I don't remember...
5 0 ReplyIntergalactic genocide
5 0 ReplyGuilty of killing a prince that had become to become a giant toad due to a curse.
(Witcher 3)
5 0 ReplyUsing remote control toy cars to crush children’s dreams. And being bad at Karaoke.
5 0 Replyreckless driving
5 0 ReplyI don't know... Majonging?
5 0 ReplyHighly unsafe shipbuilding practices (Spiritfarer)
5 0 ReplyInappropriate construction of a factory.
5 0 ReplyI won't be arrested at all, as I have been spreading the glory of Managed Democracy across the galaxy.
5 0 ReplyPunching trees
5 0 ReplyBuilding code violations (Minecraft)
5 0 ReplyDelivering pizzas (Death Stranding)
4 0 ReplyDestruction of the afterlife but not the trademarked one the one inside Arasaka NC HQ.
4 0 ReplyI guess I'll be arrested for trying to resist the Absolute.
4 0 ReplyDriving rally under controlled circumstances with closed roads and guards etc. But I'm completing my laps at such mediocre times I deserve jail time I suppose?
4 0 ReplyTrespassing (minecraft parkour)
4 0 ReplyDivinity 2, so probably for being God 2 or something
4 0 ReplyStopping criminal acts by means of self-righteous extreme violence, and littering the streets of the city with the bodies of almost dead criminals
4 0 ReplyIs pulling a previously used cryosphere through a temporal rift before it is used a crime?
4 0 ReplyBuilding a self sustainable underwater home, and not paying taxes on said home.
4 0 ReplyIllegal construction (Minecraft)
4 0 ReplyPurging heretic with bolters, flamers and chainswords!
4 0 ReplyCheating at Poker
4 0 ReplyPlaying pinball and saving the planet from Martians. Pinball is and was against the law in some places.
4 0 ReplyNot being owned by a corporation, working with a "terrorists".
4 0 ReplyKilling gods
4 0 ReplyForcefully mutating innocent larvae to bee larvae and silkworms and forcing them to work for me indefinitely while I ship off the fruits of their labour and cash in those sweet, sweet Terra Tokens.
Screw those critters, I terraformed this planet, gave them life and I'll most certainly make sure to exploit every single one of them. My only regret is not being able to lick all the neon coloured frogs, that should give a nice trip.
Okay, perhaps I should cut down on my Planet Crafter time..
4 0 ReplyI was doing a renegade run of Mass Effect, so I guess I'm being tried in The Hague.
4 0 ReplyMurdering cultists and monsters while traveling through time, all while trying to save reality from the void. Hopefully the Hague will give me a pass on all the murder, even if it doesn't exist in my timeline.
4 0 ReplyUnsure what the law has to say about murder when the targets are the denizens of Hell. Or if earth laws even apply in Hell.
4 0 ReplyI feel like answering this might put me on a watchlist
4 0 ReplyIntentionally getting several Kerbals stranded on another planet.
4 0 ReplyRunning someone over with a train (Factorio)
4 0 ReplyPounding enemy cities into submission with catapults.
4 0 ReplyConstructing a wood and stone platform in a void world without a permit. Surely that's only worth a fine and a warning.
I may also have stabbed one or two uh, dozen, orcs in my dark room.
4 0 ReplyWalking without a torch in Rattay at night
4 0 ReplyBuilding factories on planets I am not supposed to be on
4 0 ReplyCovering up the sun (Dyson sphere program)
4 0 ReplyAnimal abuse
4 0 ReplyIllegal gambling
4 0 ReplyFor robot crimes. I beat the shit out of a flaming puppet working in a smelter area.
4 0 ReplyAssault, rape and public indecency on the very last game I played.
Before such particular game, I'd be arrested for animal cruelty, illegal possession of unregistered firearms, murder, trespassing, drug fabrication, violation of every architectural/engineering rule/standard, building without a permit on land I don't own, slavery and human trafficking.
4 0 ReplyIllegally occupying the Chernobyl exclusion zone and selling the anomalous artifacts within.
4 0 Replykilling zealots
4 0 ReplyAssault and battery, serial murder or at least manslaughter I guess, arson, theft, looting ancient burial sites, hunting endangered species, regicide, trespassing, making rude gestures at a a dog.
4 0 ReplyA wee bit of terrorism
4 0 ReplyShedding my flesh for immortal powers over my undead companions
4 0 ReplyIt's a whole list:
- Illegal biological experiments
- Biological warfare
- Grave robbing
- Booby trapping graveyards
- Kidnapping
- Torture
Guess the game?
Meet your maker
4 0 ReplyI feel like having a 2x2m hole with so many sheep that hundreds of them died of suffocation titled "turtle killing machine" on a beach with thousands of turtles breaks a few laws
4 0 ReplyNecromancy
4 0 ReplyHunting a rich person (Astarion's questline)
4 0 ReplyStealing a hacking device from a construction site and then using that hacking device to steal some money after trespassing onto private property.
4 0 ReplyOverthrowing a mega corporation
4 0 ReplyAbuse of hypertube technology to make cannons
4 0 ReplyStealing bison poop I guess
3 0 ReplyKilling the australian wildlife to please my villagers and digging up the whole place for shiny discs and amber. (Dinkum)
3 0 ReplyAbsolutely sucking at sauerbraten insta ctf
3 0 Reply(roblox flee the facility) freezing people in tubes and violence
3 0 ReplyKilling Void Creatures by invoking the power of thunderstorms.
Thinking about it, probably either an illegal rave party or an illegal epilepsy test
(storm totem shaman in Last Epoch)
3 0 ReplyCheating at poker I guess?
3 0 ReplyLeading an armed group of mercenaries who go pillaging across the countryside.
3 0 ReplyRebellion against an unsustainable government
3 0 ReplyGenocide of an entire species through starvation because ghosts told me to, as well as US-tier urban planning. (Against the Storm)
3 0 ReplyTraspassing with a car thru an exclusion zone.
3 0 Replywar crimes. Played hoi4 as Yugoslavia. Beat Bulgaria, Italy and France in 2 hours.
3 0 ReplyGraffiti, murder, and other squid related activities
3 0 Replypollution, destruction of nature, illegal mining operations, destruction of property, stealing and animal abuse
3 0 ReplyWinning the treble with Spurs
3 0 ReplyUsing plasma arrows within city limits.
3 0 Replyaggressive spelling
3 0 ReplyEvil is evil. Lesser, greater, middling, makes no difference. The degree is arbitrary, the definitions blurred. If I’m to choose between one evil and another, I’d rather not choose at all.
If killing monsters for coin is wrong then I don’t wanna be right.
3 0 ReplyImpersonating a cultist with conspiracy to commit mass murder. (Of the cultists)
It's okay though, we're adventurers!
Baldur's Gate 3
3 0 ReplyPoaching and illegal animal trade. With some slavery on the side.
3 0 ReplyDriving semi trucks through mud pits that the game has the gaul to refer to as roads.
3 0 ReplyUhh... Modded Minecraft... Idk lol
3 0 ReplyStacking up colorful bricks
3 0 ReplyAh shit I just virus bombed a planet.
3 0 ReplyTaking justice into my own hands by stealing the twisted desires of criminals
3 0 ReplyI control a giant dinosaur cyborg that shoots nukes out of its chest.
3 0 ReplyStarting a cult.
3 0 ReplyKilling huge beasts and dinosaurs and using their skin like armor.
3 0 ReplyAnimal fighting for money
3 0 ReplyTrafficking rare animals, and of course cockfighting.
3 0 Replyjumbling up a normal deck of cards with a tarot deck and slowly sorting it out myself while counting
3 0 Replyblowing up my neighbourhood by failing to defuse a landmine
3 0 ReplyCan’t catch me if I’m 5 parallel dimensions ahead of them! (5D chess with multiverse time travel)
3 0 ReplyThe last game I played was Persona 3, so.... attempted suicide?
3 0 ReplyStomping a corpse of all limbs and head.
Dead Space
3 0 ReplyWorld of Tanks, seems legal enough honestly. Maybe destruction of property as I like to knock over trees for fun?
3 0 ReplyTraveling with my 7 friends in order to stop the rise of a dark god.
3 0 ReplyBlowing up a shark
3 0 ReplyTaiko no Tatsujin: Rythem Festival... Guess I'm getting arrested for playing taiko in the streets to try and whip up excitement so I can get invited to the big tournament at that the Thunder Shrine?
[edit] Or getting arrested for eating another drum's food
3 0 ReplyDropping high explosives on civilians. (Helldivers 2)
3 0 ReplyHelping depressed people? Sounds about right
3 0 ReplyCarrying a prop gun to shoot myself and summon demons.
3 0 ReplySpeeding (STK)
3 0 ReplyYeeting a fusion reactor into a space dumpster (Hardspace Ship breaker)
3 0 ReplyKilling 300,000 Batarins with an asteroid
3 0 Reply... what crime are you getting arrested for?
all of them
3 0 Replyspeeding in super tux kart
3 0 ReplyTreaspassing, genocide, possession of weapons, robbery, maybe even invasion of dreams? Not sure if the last one is a law. Oh and killing royalty as well. Also took part in an underground fighting rink, so perhaps battery.
Edit: forgot to mention first and second degree murders. Silly me
3 0 ReplyEither saving the universe from Twitter, or doing a silly dance, depending on the hour.
3 0 ReplyExcessive use of portable mini nukes?
3 0 ReplyBarding too hard. In every sense you can interpret that.
3 0 ReplyOpening a gate to"the abyss" because I'm tired of doing menial task.
3 0 ReplyKilling zombies to keep the world safe for democracy
Funny enough the characters go to jail at the end for knowing too much so uh... Fuck...
3 0 ReplyAlright, this is probably the largest thread I've seen on lemmy since the snoopoclypse, so y'all enjoy video games eh?
3 0 ReplyViolation of the genva convention.
3 0 ReplyBeing distracted by a live stream while cutting people off, speeding, running red lights and ignoring police roadblocks while driving a lorry from Spain through the UK to France
3 0 ReplyKilling the entire population of Mos Eisley Cantina and destroying all its property for studs.
3 0 ReplyDying approximately 4,000 times while trying to climb a mountain to collect a single strawberry. (Worth.)
3 0 ReplyLots of murdering but I have one of the queens’ full endorsement after her sister tried to stage a coup.
3 0 Replyvandalism i think? (splatoon 3)
3 0 ReplyBuilding without a permit.
3 0 ReplyPunching coins into people. Shooting coins. Throwing coins everywhere. Lots of coin based violence.
3 0 ReplyNuking Pasagardae
3 0 ReplyFor fighting for a world in which people can live and die on their own terms, no matter their upbringing. Wait, that's just real life.. getting arrested for fighting for freedom.
Founder, help us.
3 0 ReplyTouching paintings.
3 0 ReplyFor mining the ground of all minerals and killing too many loot bugs.
3 0 ReplySpreading managed democracy.
3 0 Replygoing over double the highway speed limit with a fully loader semi-truck
3 0 ReplyBuying zyme from a dealer, then murdering that dealer for not giving me information on the NSF
3 0 Replyfreecell is a card game and it's not even the gambling type... wtf do I do now???
3 0 Replyarrested for photographing some abandoned urban environments 😅
honestly that doesn't seem too much of a stretch
Game was Interior Worlds btw for any interested.
3 0 ReplyStarting a space weed business with the funds I received by committing state-sanctioned genocide, and starting the chain of events that culminates with the destruction of a very big halo (no, not that one)
3 0 ReplyLooking for a bunch of cats with a help of a time machine
3 0 ReplySpreading managed Democracy in Helldivers 2 o7 Liberty comes in 500 Kg doses.
3 0 ReplyDropping a 500 kg bomb on 3 of my my friends (helldivers)
3 0 ReplyIllegal Gambling
3 0 ReplyPalworld - animal abuse, enslavement of both animals and humans, illegal manufacture and possession of firearms, murder
2 0 ReplyCrushing the enemies of my beloved Emperor. Ending the lives of mutants, heretics, and aliens, one ship at a time.
The emperor protects, heretic.
2 0 ReplySinking 76,000 tons of allied shipping in the Atlantic.
2 0 ReplyUnlawful tampering with the timeline and a couple counts of deicide. (Last Epoch)
2 0 ReplyDebt because of gambling (Balatro)
2 0 ReplyI'm locked up for invading north Korea with high tech supersuits and killing tons of soldiers.
2 0 Replylol
ArrestedPlaced into a mental institution* for the psychopathic / sociopathic actions that boiled down to killing everyone and everything, everywhere, using every weapon accessible. They were all evil.I am the Postal dude.
2 0 ReplyImprisoning and enslaving animals to fight for my own amusement
2 0 Reply