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And guess what, that works.
  • My husband is awful in that regard. He sees the first digit only and then rounds it down. "It's just 30€" - it's 39,99€. "It's like 200€" - it's 289,90€, "5000€" - 5999€. I love him to pieces but I don't trust any of his numbers.

  • Decision Time
  • Yesterday's John Oliver introduced me to the concept of vote swapping and I am so pissed this wasn't pushed for third party/protest voters. Basically, if you live in a swing state and absolutely insist on not voting for the Dems, find someone in a blue state who planned on voting for Harris and let them do a protest vote on your behalf, while you vote for Harris on their behalf. Why didn't I hear about this earlier?! (I live in Germany tho, so maybe it is a thing?)

  • This is how much sugar you are [possibly] eating.
  • It's great that you found a diet that helps with your health and works for you!

    You probably know this anyway and most likely implied it, but I just want to stress that carbohydrates per se are not bad. Yes, eventually everything is being broken down to sugar, but you should not reduce carbohydrates to this function only. Oats are mostly carbohydrates, but they are whole grain with a lot of fiber and are a great source for iron (if not eaten with dairy). Their GI is in the 50s but you would have to take the whole dish into account, as rarely you'll just sit there munching oats like a horse. Buckwheat and quinoa are often praised for their high protein content (and it's true, they have like 10-12g of protein per 100g) but they still consist mostly of carbohydrates. A slow breakdown of complex carbohydrates gives you long term energy without raising blood sugars too much.

  • Spider Friend [But a Jape Comics]
  • For real for real, had a horrible ant infestation, had to leave for a week, came back to a bathroom full of spiders and sucked out mummified ants. I mean they should have used some protection at their orgies but ok I guess a fuckfest after a gluttonous feeding was justified.

  • Have Kids They Said
  • Can I also add: to anyone witnessing a stranger's kid having a tantrum, be gentle. It is not bad parenting or child abuse or anything like that, at least not in the vast majority of cases. If you want a loud tantrum to be stopped right there and then you basically are demanding that a person, who is not yet able to control or even understand their emotions fully due to an undeveloped brain, is being controlled. You want less Karens in the future? Let the kids, please, experience these tantrums and find a way to deal with them. And be easy on the parents. They cannot shut down their kid like a machine and if they can - they shouldn't, it most likely would require some form of violence or control that you would not want a child to experience if you really gave it a thought. And believe me the parent is feeling like shit already, no need to look down on them.

    Please remember you also were a kid once.

    (Also, my love goes out to anyone named Karen, it is a beautiful name and wear it with pride, I am sorry it has become tainted. )

  • why does every single flashlight have multiple settings that you have to scroll through?
  • Same man, where do these people get their flashlights

    Edit: Thank you for the countless tips on where you guys buy flashlights. But neither am I in the USA nor do I actually ever need a flashlight. I have two at home and I don't think I ever actually used them for other than fun. I guess the follow up question is what do you do with all those flashlights?

  • Would it be possible to use aerosol-based geoengineering technology locally to cool houses?

    This is both a shower thought and a stupid question but I think it fits this community better.

    Since air conditioning is apparently heating the local environment while cooling down a house I was asking myself whether it would be possible to basically either build a layer of glass/plexiglass right over the actual outer structure of a house, leaving a tiny gap between wall and glass, or at least put a house in a kind of glasshouse dome with a double glass wall. And consequently inject a sulfur compound, calcite etc into that "gap", basically creating a very tiny micro-atmosphere that has that sun blocking effect.

    Would that work, just logically/technically? Would the environment heat up less, more, or just the same as with geoengineering in the stratosphere? Would it even cool down a house/keep it cool at all?

    Wo finde ich Listen mit geplanten Demos?

    Leute, ich bin einfach zu blöd zum googlen.

    Ich würde gerne an mehr Demos teilnehmen bzw mich informieren, wann wo was stattfindet. Ob München, Leipzig oder Berlin - ich schaffe es einfach nicht, eine Liste mit angekündigten Demos in meiner Nähe zu finden. Demos müssen doch eigentlich angemeldet werden, müsste es dann nicht ein Einfaches sein, für jede Stadt eine Liste zu finden? Bis vor Kurzen habe ich noch in München gewohnt und hätte gedacht, dass auf mü sowas doch gelistet sein müsste, aber ich hab nie was gefunden.

    Immer wenn ich so etwas google, finde ich aber nur Nachrichten zu vergangenen Demos. Mit ganz viel Glück habe ich vor knapp zwei Jahren mal einen oder zwei Tage vorher einen Artikel gelesen, in dem Aktionen gegen den Krieg in der Ukraine angekündigt wurden.

    Vielleicht kann mir hier ja jemand weiterhelfen. Gerade habe ich wieder versucht, etwas zu finden in Leipzig oder Berlin am 24. Februar, und stoße schon wieder nur auf alte Artikel.

    Edit: Vielen Dank für die Antworten und die Links! Sie helfen sehr weiter. Vielleicht laufen wir uns ja mal bei einer der Aktionen über den Weg.

    Is there a name for downplaying your suffering because other people have bigger problems?

    I am looking for a term to describe the line of thinking that goes something like "I hate my work, I am sick all the time, I am depressed, I can't find happiness. But I should be happy. Those problems don't matter. All my problems are so insignificant, there are little. They're just some stupid first world problems. I have it good, I have food on the table and a loving family. There are millions of people who have real problems, people living in severe poverty, starving to death, being bombed."

    I think about this often, it came up when I was talking with someone with mental health issues and I remember him telling me that this way of thinking has a name/is a common symptom that occurs in people with a specific personality disorder, although I cannot remember what disorder he claimed it was. Also this was more than ten years ago so it might have either changed or my memory of this event changed.

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