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So this is what [CW: misgendering] feels like [Transfem]
  • Honestly, I just can’t stand honorific terms in general

  • mod accountability rule [action taken]
  • Idk, willful ignorance is kinda stupid

  • Sometimes I write poetrule
  • The path not tread is the path yet to be formed. The idea is to make your own, in which others may follow.

    And thank you very much, I appreciate the kind words 💜

  • Makeup practice with fashion frames
  • Then the look fits!!

    Love the glasses btw

  • Makeup practice with fashion frames
  • You look like the kind lady who works at the front desk of a school or library, or maybe a flower shop

    The kinda person who offers her new neighbors a pie or smth

  • NSFW
  • WOAH

    Moist Cr1tikal is running for president???

  • Stay Mad, Tankies
  • Have fun contributing to the Republicans

  • Stay Mad, Tankies
  • I’m not “giving up”, I simply recognize the situation for what it is. I’m a realist, not a delusionist. Our situation is fucked either way, and the only choice we have is laid out plainly in front of us. We have the option of bad, or worse. I know what I’m choosing.

    By all means, voice your displeasure. Attack the party, attack those that got us to this point, attack the fuckers that continually neuter any attempt at having an even somewhat decent person running this country.

    We are largely on the same page. Fuck Democrats, fuck the DNC, and fuck the spineless bastards that support them.

    But at the end of the day, facts are facts. We can wish the situation were different, and we can fight for a better one going forward, but this is what we’ve got right now.

    So are you going to do your part in mitigating the shitshow, or will you sit in selfish apathy, willing to let the bad be worse?

    I know what I’m doing.

  • Stay Mad, Tankies
  • This is the option we have. I don’t like it either, but unless some miracle happens and the DNC gets their head out of their ass, it’s either Biden or Trump.

    Refusing to vote because you’d rather stick it to Biden is not only stupid, but it’s exactly what republicans want you to do. You are inherently aiding them and Trump by doing so.

  • Stay Mad, Tankies
  • It was implied.

    And do you really think the literal fascist will be a better option?

    No? Then vote Biden.

    We only have two options. There is no way around that.

    Throwing your vote away is disgustingly irresponsible, and those who do are culpable for everything that follows if Trump wins.

    It’s not apathy, it’s pure selfishness from those either too privileged to be seriously effected if Trump wins, or too stupid to realize the effect it will have

  • Stay Mad, Tankies
  • So throwing away your vote is doing what is best?

    Great. When Trump wins, you’ll be just as responsible as the republicans

  • chair.exe
  • Someone dragged the error window

  • rule
  • No, it doesn’t.

  • rule
  • You’re being pedantic..

    If you write a first draft and then go back and edit spelling or grammar mistakes before saving it, does that make it your second draft? No.

  • rule
  • Is it really a first draft if it’s also the final draft?

  • rule
  • Tbh I haven’t written an outline or rough draft since I was required to in high school. They always irritated me, and I’d rather just write it out in full and edit as needed afterward

  • It's like the Bacon game, but funnier
  • What has it gots in its nasty little pocketses, the piece of shit

  • Evidence
  • Well, yes and no. Time is a concept derived from a change in state. There is no “real” time. If the universe before the Big Bang existed in a static state, then the concept of time itself becomes meaningless. So in that case, it would be “before time” in a sense

  • Stomach fat

    Sorry if this topic has been posted a lot before, but I’m struggling with my body image rn - specifically with my stomach area. Are there any particular exercise routines to get rid of stomach fat? Or do I need to focus on eating habits and stuff?

    Mind you, I want to start eating healthier, but if there’s any exercise/cardio routines that will accelerate me burning of stomach fat, I’d greatly appreciate the info

    What's the best headset to use for both PC and console right now?

    So, I currently have a HyperX Cloud Orbit S headset that I’ve been using for both my PC and my PS4. It’s served me pretty well for a few years, but over the past few months the band has snapped and been superglued/reglued 5-6 times. It still works fine, but I’m getting tired of repairing it over and over, and feel it’s finally time to just get a new headset.

    So, I need some recommendations

    Ideally, I’d like a headset that has similar features to my current one but is wireless - at least on PC. The 3D audio feature is really neat, but I could live without it. Also, my current headset only works on my PS4 in 2-channel mode, as opposed to 7.1 surround on my PC, which is odd because the PS4 has 7.1 support. I want one that will work with surround sound on both platforms.

    Mic isn’t really of any concern, as I use a separate mic on my PC and mostly just use my PS4 for single-player games

    I’m not trying to break the bank, but I don’t necessarily have a set price point either

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    shitposting BluJay320
    I was just reminded
    Transition anxiety

    So I’m seemingly stuck wanting to medically transition, but perpetually fearful of doing so. I have the misfortune of living in Texas, as I have for most of my life, with no feasible way to leave any time soon, as well as having mostly unsupportive family - my parents especially…

    As it currently stands, I can pass as cis with little to no effort. I fucking hate doing so, but I fear for my safety and treatment otherwise. This is the same reason - aside from money - that I have yet to pursue any HRT. I’m simply terrified of losing my ability to “blend in” and being targeted.

    Has anyone else dealt with this, and if so, how have you managed/overcome it?

    BluJay320 BluJay320
    Posts 19
    Comments 723