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Those without A/C, what are your tips to stay cool during the summer?
  • If you're in a humid environment and you have a way, dry the air. It makes any other cooling thing you do more effective.

  • Kevin and Arthur have a chat about Pong (hilariouschaos warning) (post body doesn't matter)
  • What are you warning us about? I'm not familiar with the site.

  • Why does my cat like to go into the bathroom and take my towel off the holder and then leave?
  • Does your cat rub against the towel, or scuff it with her back feet? If so, she's mingling her scent with yours as a territorial marker.

  • just found a flea on our cat, do we go full nuclear?
  • If you've checked the cat's fur thoroughly and found no other fleas, it's not a big deal. Check sleeping spots for eggs and use preventative treatments regularly and you should be fine.

  • It's dessert time, what's your perfect post-dinner treat?
  • Or that with the exception of corn, I eat all my vegitables raw only?

    Even potatoes?

  • It's dessert time, what's your perfect post-dinner treat?
  • …also, I don’t like cheesecake.

    Are you an alien? Welcome to Earth.

  • It's dessert time, what's your perfect post-dinner treat?
  • C'mon, you can't ask us to pick just one. Sometimes you feel like something creamy, sometimes you want crunchy, at times even fruity.

    Actually, it's cheesecake. This week. Because my wife has banned it from the house.

  • What are some marketing tactics that you dislike ?
  • Drive-by advertising. When someone joins a forum I'm active on just to let us know about their shiny new product and doesn't participate in any other way. Even if it's relevant, it's still pretty scummy.

  • Do you think people who consume drugs are cool or they have mental problems?
  • People who use drugs may simply be looking for an enjoyable experience, they don't necessarily have mental issues.

    On the other hand, everyone I know who admits to using drugs is ANNOYING AS FUCK, so no I don't think they're cool.

  • Mr. True goes grocery shopping [Outbursts of Everett True, 1926]
  • /u/randomaccount43543, are you ChatGPT?

  • how easy is it to install arch?
  • I'm a perma-noob and I was able to do it. Had to re-do a couple of steps because I interpreted instructions that were meant to be literal, but the wiki pages are very comprehensive. I just had to pay attention to the details.

  • At what hour you go to sleep?
  • I leave the house for work at 6, so I'm in bed at 10. As for when I got to sleep... sometimes the snooze gods are kind, sometimes they aren't.

  • It should be about *rehabilitation*
  • Fuck those fuckers. I critted twice in my last session and rolled minimum damage both times!

  • The selfish sky
  • Every single time -

    Me: "Is rare astronomical phenomenon visible from the Southern hemisphere?"

    Google: "Ha ha, nope."

  • Thank you for the condolences, DM
  • Thanks. Now if you don't mind, my new character is going back to drying the pieces of my old character over a fire to preserve him until we get back to civilisation.

  • The US healthcare system is barbaric...
  • To be clear, health should be a human right, housing should be a human right, food should be under health as a human right but let’s be serious it should be a separate human right so everyone has to acknowledge it.

    You've just summed up article 25 of the universal declaration of human rights. The US is a signatory to it - but it's not legally binding.

  • The US healthcare system is barbaric...
  • The US healthcare system is a hostage situation.

  • Sometimes it's just easier to let the players shop
  • "Roll to see if you know the leech-to-gold exchange rate."

  • What's the worst invention of the 21st century?
  • Billionaire celebrities with millions of fans enabling their narcissism.

  • Tesco's Laser-Etched Avocados to Save on Packaging Waste - Core77 Tesco's Laser-Etched Avocados to Save on Packaging Waste - Core77

    "Laser avocado" sounds like a Doritos flavor, but it's actually a packaging technique being trialed by Tesco. In a bid to reduce packaging waste, the UK supermarket chain is laser-etching avocados rather than using barcode stickers. And for their avocado products that come in twin packs, they're dit...

    Tesco's Laser-Etched Avocados to Save on Packaging Waste  - Core77

    I'm sharing this because any reduction in unnecessary packaging waste is good for the planet - and because I think laser-etching avocados is funny. 🙂

    Alternatives to onion grating

    I followed a Jaime Oliver recipe for curry, which started with grating onion, ginger and garlic. I liked the curry, but grating an onion is a miserable job. He said that technique unlocked the onion's 'sweetness'. How much difference do you think I'd notice if I used a food processor?

    14 'Reef stars' restored Indonesia's blast-damaged corals in just 4 years

    A community-based approach to restoration using an ingenious device can bring back coral reefs traumatized by dynamite fishing.

    'Reef stars' restored Indonesia's blast-damaged corals in just 4 years

    cross-posted from:

    > cross-posted from: > > > 'Reef stars' restored Indonesia's blast-damaged corals in just 4 years

    Loki (spoilers)

    I noticed that one of the monitors in the loom control room had "SKIN?" written on it in the dust that covered it. It seemed pretty mysterious and I was sure it was a detail that was going to be important, but it never came up as far as I noticed. Any theories as to what it's about?

    Book recommendations for cosmic horror on a spaceship

    I've been on a cosmic horror kick lately, and what I'd really like to read is stories or novels of the awful and unfathomable on a spaceship. Stories where we go to them, poke what shouldn't be poked, scan what shouldn't be scanned, and things proceed from there.

    24 Membrane-Free Green Hydrogen To Chase Fossil Fuel Blues Away

    A new electrolysis system can pump green hydrogen from water without an expensive membrane, taking a giant step toward the $1-per-kg goal.

    Membrane-Free Green Hydrogen To Chase Fossil Fuel Blues Away
    Quick 'n' easy halloumi curry


    • 1 can chickpeas
    • 1 can diced tomatoes
    • 2 tbsp water
    • 1 cup frozen peas
    • 180g/6.5oz halloumi cheese
    • 2 heaped tbsp garam masala powder
    • 1/2 tsp vegetable stock


    1. Cube the halloumi and set it aside.
    2. Mix all remaining ingredients together in a saucepan and place on the heat. Allow to come to a simmer, stirring frequently.
    3. Mix in the halloumi and stir until heated through but not melting.
    4. Remove from heat and serve with rice.

    I learned this recipe from a couple of vegetarian friends who eat it twice a week because it's cheap, easy and packed with protein. There's no need to add salt, the masala powder seasons it nicely.

    Bundle Of Holding spittingimage Humble Comic Bundle: The Incal to Twilight Man by Humanoids

    We’ve teamed up with Humanoids for our newest bundle. Get comics and graphic novels like The Incal, the Metabarons, and The Twilight Man. Pay what you want & support charity!

    Humble Comic Bundle: The Incal to Twilight Man by Humanoids

    102 comics published by Humanoids. This seems like a great deal, but it's less than 24 hours from finishing.

    Painter's tape on tile edges

    I recently watched a Wyloch's Armory clip about using painter's tape as edge-cladding for corrugated cardboard tiles. Has anyone tried this? Does the tape take acrylic paint well? If I let segments of tape overlap at the corners, how thick will it look?

    Moving from an electric stovetop to a gas range

    Those of you who've used both, what do I need to know about the difference?

    spittingimage spittingimage
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