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Is sex really that awesome? am I really missing out?
  • Have a look at Asexuality. Might be helpful.

  • How supportive is your family of your transition? (Rate 1-6)
  • Mom is level 2.

    Dad is level 4-5 depending on the day.

    My wife's parents are both level 6. Haven't talked to them since we came out.

  • Name one successful communist nation!
  • So many examples of this.

    US absolutely torches any progress made in alternative fuels then goes on to claim no possible alternatives to fossil fuels.

  • What's the story of your name?
  • Very excited for Dawntrail. My FemRoe game remains strong!

  • What's the story of your name?
  • It's a very nerdy one.

    In Final Fantasy XIV, there's a race of little dudes named Lalafell. Their naming scheme makes for repeated and rhyming couples between the first and last name.

    I made a Lalafell boy years ago named Cocozan Cozan.

    After playing for a bit, my wife's character and mine got married. I decided to change my character's last name to hers, so the Cozan was gone. We always joked about the height difference, though, since I was a little guy and she was a taller race. So I joked about making the tallest character I could, which I believed at the time to be a female Roegadyn.

    We quit playing for a while and then returned to the game a few years later.

    When we came back, I decided it was time for a change and used an item that lets you change your appearance permanently. I ended up finding an old saved appearance from when I was joking about Fem Roegadyn, and just went with it.

    The name Cocozan was no longer appropriate, given the lore, but I found out I could drop the Zan and it would fit fine.

    So I became Coco.

    It was absolutely amazing being called Coco and she/her by folks online. It wasn't the only thing that did it, but the whole thing absolutely helped crack my very thick egg.

    I ended up stealing my character's name IRL, and now I have a very nerdy origin story.

  • Innovation under capitalism
  • The thing that gets me is how often this sort of thing is happening all around us without us noticing. Every online purchase is bound to be doing this in some form or another. Every plane ticket, every uber ride. All designed to figure out the exact cost we're willing to pay for the service.

    I'm so tired of capitalism...

  • A New Study Investigates 'The Failed Migration of Academic Twitter' To Mastodon
  • It's a shame, really. A non-centralized internet has existed before and must exist again if it's to remain useable. It's sad so many have given up because of early internet struggles. Things are even far less painful now than I remember them being in the past.

  • A poem of frustration
  • Very real and relatable. Except my spouse was the one on your end of things opposite my other partner.

    It didn't end well.

  • Hatched rule
  • Lol, much happier now than before. Thanks! 💖

  • Hatched rule
  • Lol, it's me. Pre-transition I was very potato, and now I'm very rabbit. Potato to rabbit pipeline.

  • Dawntrail promotional site has launched
  • I waffled back and forth on retiring my main character for the end of Endwalker and using my free fanta to change things up. Decided to stick with my femroe, though, and bring her "out of retirement" as it were.

    My first plan will probably be to check out Viper and Pictomancer to see if they feel like I'd vibe with them, and then will likely start MSQ stuff a bit after the initial rush has died down. Will likely stick with RDM primary with SGE secondary for the MSQ.

  • Dawntrail promotional site has launched
  • I noticed under systems it talks about two dyes and then being able to wear "facewear and headwear simultaneously". I know we had heard about glasses, but now I'm wondering if this means certain masks will count as facewear and can be combined with helmets

  • "Of course not - that might hurt my accelerationist dreams!"
  • They're both running against fascists, lol.

  • What linguistic constructions do you hate that no one else seems to mind?
  • James, while John had had "had", had had "had had". "Had had" had had a better effect on the teacher.

  • What plot holes could be adequately explained away with a single shot or line of dialogue?
  • A little bit more emphasis during Star Wars that Vader wanted the Storm Troopers to aim poorly and let them get away. It would have solved decades of jokes and arguments about Storm Trooper weapon accuracy.

  • What's a piece of media that is meaningful to your transition or coming out?
  • Animal Crossing New Horizons. Game came out right at the start of a pandemic and within two weeks I was girl moding in game.

    Took me a year and a half to understand what that meant exactly, but the game let me explore what it means for me to be femme and try on different looks.

    I probably would have figured it out without Animal Crossing, but I bet it would have taken way longer.

  • So what have you been doing while waiting for Dawntrail?
  • OMG! You're right! I totally missed it. Thank you! This solves the one issue I had with the whole system. 💖

  • So what have you been doing while waiting for Dawntrail?
  • Gotcha! We just got started on Rokkon. Is there one for Sil'dihn that you know of? I looked around Ul'dah and didn't see anything.

  • So what have you been doing while waiting for Dawntrail?
  • Is there one? I did the final route and fought the last boss. I got the achievement and the mount. Was there a final quest somewhere?

  • So what have you been doing while waiting for Dawntrail?
  • Only thing missing in my opinion is some kind of capstone quest to summarize stuff after you unlock all the endings.

  • recently_Coco Coco

    trans lesbian of little renown

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