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Absofuckinglutely agreeing with this
  • Reminds me of that scene from Spinal Tap lol

  • is the far-right gay-friendly now?
  • No. They don't even like themselves. The only thing that the far right is interested in is the acquisition of power. If they suddenly embrace a group they were previously opposed to it is done solely to help achieve that goal of acquisition. If the far right is now "gay friendly" it is only being done in hopes that gay people will shut up and stop opposing them. Once they get what they want they will immediately start ranting about "the gay agenda" again as if nothing had happened

  • Scripto VU lighter
  • Cool! As long as the button on the side of this one doesn't leak then I think it will still work! I just need to replace the flint and the wick and possibly the little gasket around the bottom screw

  • Bacardi and Stearns Brand Electric Paste 1965
  • From what I could find online the "electric paste" is just a paste made of yellow phosphorous which is apparently excellent for killing things lol it seems to have stopped being sold after an EPA recall in the 80s

  • Scripto VU lighter

    This belonged to my grandfather originally. There's not a ton of info about when these were produced that I could find, but what I did find suggested that this is probably from the very early 60s sometime

    Vintage and Retro Ads, Promos, Fliers, Etc. MrJameGumb
    Bacardi and Stearns Brand Electric Paste 1965

    Found this old newspaper page folded up in a box in the attic at moms house and thought I'd share!

    I'm bringing chili
  • He can do whatever he wants to my texts as long as I don't have to hear about it lol

  • I'm bringing chili
  • A few years ago I started getting random texts in the middle of the night from some guy who thought I was a girl he'd met at a bar. I guess the guy was kind of a pest so she gave him a made up number that just happened to be my number. I tried politely explaining that I was:

    a. not a girl

    b. definitely not anyone he knows


    c. trying to sleep because it's 2am

    He seemed to think this was some sort of courtship game and kept messaging me until I finally just told him to fuck off

    This scenario kept repeating itself every few weeks apparently whenever he would get drunk and/or horny in the middle of the night

    It kept going until one night I finally told him I would meet him somewhere and just went back to sleep

    I never heard from him again after that... Maybe he's still waiting there? 😂

  • Jug car rule
  • I see they've included a sticker for that unsung hero of the internet Jones Good Ass BBQ & Foot Massage! That really classes up the whole thing!

  • We finally got a chance to put up my Father's Day present: Tree faces!
  • Careful, you may have just started an Entmoot

  • What is up with all the German posts about pizza today?
  • It's fine I actually like seeing all the posts from Germany and France and the UK, it was just weird to see the same meme show up so many times with no explanation lol

  • What is up with all the German posts about pizza today?

    I just opened Lemmy to browse all and half the posts are memes in German about pizza. Wtf Germany?

    Is there any better example of a food that doesn't deserve to exist?
  • I'm in the US. On my last trip to the grocery store I saw that the Mt Olive brand is now selling pickle juice as its own separate product. They had little shot sized bottles and big liter jugs of it. Someone had the actual nerve to market this as a "sports drink".

    It's literally on the same shelf right next to the pickles, and cost nearly twice as much.

  • Pre-2000’s vegoons all died of lack of flavor, everyone pay their respects
  • This reminds me of a lady I used to work with around like 2001 or so. She was the first vegan person I'd ever spent much time talking to. Every vegan I'd met up to that point were people I'd consider to be "health nuts" as in they were constantly talking about nutrition, they were all on the thin side, most of them didn't smoke or drink. After talking to this lady for a while though it became apparent that her "healthy" vegan diet was like 80% deep fried oily junk food and the other 20% was mostly booze lol. She was always complaining that she couldn't lose weight. I remember thinking at the time how silly it seemed to go through all the hassle involved with staying vegan while still getting zero health benefit from it.

    Even if you're only vegan for moral reasons it seems like you'd have to really work to make it that unhealthy lol

  • house always wins
  • I guess it would depend on how badly I need to use the bathroom... If it's becoming an emergency situation then I'll go pretty much anywhere.

    Most people get way less picky once they're legitimately afraid they'll shit their pants

  • "アルビノドラゴン" by Sunakawa_mizuti (2023)
  • I wonder why they spelled it like that... It looks like "albeeno" lol

  • I Just wanted to close the valve...
  • Looks like a job for some pliers

  • A ruleussy most profound
  • The actual word is "citrusy"... What kind of restaurants have you been going to? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Hmmm

  • Weak aura vs. STRONG AURA (Centurii-chan)
  • That's some very odd comma placement... 🧐

  • Hmmm
  • Sounds like Debbie may be getting a call from HR soon...

  • The Supreme Court rejects a nationwide opioid settlement with OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma
  • It's literally in the article my source is right there. The only person trolling at this point is you. There is literally nothing I can quote here that isn't in the article, so copying and pasting it for you serves no purpose. I am done arguing with you about it, so I am blocking you now.

    Have a nice day

  • Gloria Jones: Tainted Love (1964)

    I never knew the 80s new wave version by Soft Cell was a cover lol

    WIP Wednesday! What are you working on this week?

    I had to frog almost all the progress I made last week and redo it after realizing I'd somehow stitched everything in the new section one row too low... Thankfully I got caught back up and made a little more progress though so I hope this panel will be done by Friday!


    Apparently it's a regular occurrence

    WIP Wednesday two for one! (2nd picture is in the post)

    I'm finally starting the dragon!

    Also here is a little tiny Sakura tree I started! I still have to do all the back stitching


    How would you complete this part of the pattern?

    There aren't really any other instructions included on the PDF. I think it's supposed to be a half stitch of one color and then a half stitch of the other maybe?

    WIP Wednesday!!!

    Those little flowers took a while to finish but I'm really happy with how they came out! I think by the end of today I'll be able to finally move on to the next section!

    Model Makers MrJameGumb
    Making a tiny model of a bookshop requires making A LOT of tiny books!
    Model Makers MrJameGumb
    "Sam's Study" books shop model

    This is pretty much all the furniture that will go in this one! Now I'm starting the daunting task of building all the books that go on the shelves lol

    WIP Wednesday!

    This section is taking a while since there's so much confetti stitching between the pink sections! Hopefully by the end of the week this part will look like flowers lol!

    Model Makers MrJameGumb
    Magic House book nook completed! (closeups in post)

    This one went pretty fast! These book nook models really kind of fall in between model making and something like a 3d puzzle, so I ended up finishing it after just a few days, but it was still really fun! There are 4 different LED lights I had to rig up here and they all connect to a touch sensor on the base so you don't have to take it off the shelf to turn it on and off.

    It was fun to build but I think I'll go back to building the more traditional models after this



    Model Makers MrJameGumb
    Rolife "Magic House" Book Nook model (more pictures in post)





    Model Makers MrJameGumb
    Kiki's Magic Emporium completed! (more pictures in post)







    WIP Wednesday! I'm almost done with the center sections!

    Once I finish the first half of No Faces mask and the bottom where Chihiro's shirt is I can finally move on to the side sections!

    Model Makers MrJameGumb
    Update: Kiki's Magic Emporium

    I've finished the building and the light works! Now I just have to arrange all the stuff in there!

    My EDC when I'm just at home

    This is just what I keep on me when I'm at home being lazy lol

    Guitar pick for scale

    Flashlight: Nitecore TIP SE Knife: CobraTec Stinger

    Kerry King "From Hell I Rise" an honest review

    I've been a Slayer fan for nearly 30 years now, and as a guitar player Kerry King has been one of my heroes since I was a teenager, so I went into this with high hopes.

    I'm sure you've all heard some reviews already calling the whole project "Slayer Lite" and I can't completely disagree with that, but I really feel it's not entirely fair, and I will clarify that as I go through the good, the bad, and the "meh" of this album.

    Let's get the bad out of the way first. This is mostly just a Slayer album. As much as I love Slayer I was really hoping for something more from this solo outing. The part that really kind of irritates me the most is that it's not even a cohesive Slayer album. Some tracks sound like modern Slayer, some like 90s Slayer when they flirted with nu metal, and my favorites sounded like classic 80s thrash era.

    What we've ended up with sounds more like a collection of Slayer B-sides and unreleased tracks that goes on a little longer than it probably should. While they are all definitely good songs, there's really not much here I haven't heard before. The guitars sound like Slayer, the drums sound like Slayer, the bass sounds like Slayer, even the singer sounds like Tom Araya with a sore throat.

    Wow, I really used the word "Slayer" a lot there...

    That's really it for anything negative I can say about it, so let's move on to the positive!

    There are a number of tracks on here where you can actually hear Kerry King very tentatively trying to step out of his comfort zone a little, and that kept me engaged enough to listen to the whole thing. Mostly these were little things that I think would have been vetoed on a regular Slayer release. There are some neoclassical riffs, a couple of tracks lean a little more punk which I really liked, I think I even heard a little blues lick here and there!

    I wouldn't call any track on here bad! I enjoyed all of them individually even if they don't necessarily add up to something that sounds like an "album" as a whole! If you were really wanting more Slayer after the last album you won't be disappointed!

    My final conclusion is that this is an album written by a man who has played the same type of music with the same band for 40+ years, and is not yet really sure how to branch out on his own. If he makes another one, and I hope he does, I'd like to hear him go completely off the deep end and play something totally unexpected that he always wanted to do but couldn't because it didn't sound "Slayer" enough.

    My final grade is 3 inverted crucifixes out of 5


    MrJameGumb MrJameGumb
    Posts 193
    Comments 2.7K