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Why are Japanese developers not undergoing mass layoffs?
  • Thanks, I knew Japanese pay was bad compared to the US, but I figured it was probably in line with the cost of living in japan. I forget that the US' draconian taxes restrict where someone can reasonably immigrate due to double-taxation though (and potentially 3x~4x or more if you're a freelancer, since companies have to pay half your taxes from their own pockets in the US and you have to make up the difference as a freelancer).

    Edit: also the drug/ADHD thing. I'm ADHD and you've basically told me I'm illegal in Japan since I can't function without my medication. Though it looks like my specific medication is legal, albeit with a bunch of hoops to jump through. Apparently Adderall is illegal though, which is strange because it's been around a lot longer than my medication has.

  • Why are Japanese developers not undergoing mass layoffs?
  • Yeah, it'd potentially be pretty cool. I kinda imagine what'd happen is that you'd end up with a very westernized city where most of the dev studios are, while the rest of Japan would likely continue to conform to current Japanese culture. Kinda like how I've heard Osaka is, but more weeb-y and less military grunt-y.

    I imagine most westerners who'd immigrate would be more aware of Japanese culture though, so it might not cause as much of a culture clash as you might expect.

  • Why are Japanese developers not undergoing mass layoffs?
  • With the protections that Japan's game industry employees have, it makes me wonder if Japan's ideal solution to their population decline would be to open visas specifically to people with experience in the game industry. They could potentially steal a lot of developers from other countries and become the country that the best games come from.

  • ruletation
  • No, Time is 1 dimension for us. It's 1 temporal dimension, not the same as a spacial dimension. When you see someone say 3+1D or 3D+1D, that usually refers to 3 spacial dimensions, 1 temporal dimension.

  • TIL humans are the only animal with a chin. We aren't sure why.
  • As bigfig said, your cat probably doesn't have a chin. That said, you might consider feeling your cat's chin to see if it's actually a chin and not just fluff or something.

    If you feel a boney protrusion similar to a human's chin, then you should unironically contact an evolutionary researcher. They might be fascinated about your cat having an actual chin as humans and only humans (not even neanderthals) are the only known chin-havers. Who knows, your cat might be the "missing link" between chinned and chinless humanoids.

  • TIL humans are the only animal with a chin. We aren't sure why.
  • Many animals, including most felids and canids, have a fifth toe (aka dew claw), which could potentially evolve into a thumb. You don't normally see it on domestic dogs though, because if I'm not mistaken, it usually gets cut off when they're a puppy due to it being weak and having a tendency to get caught on things.

    Alternatively, there is polydactylism in cats, which can give them extra toes that can help them grab things (I've seen a video of a polydactyl cat using it's extra foretoe like a thumb, though I can't find it). It seems possible that, overtime, an extra foretoe like that might eventually provide enough of a evolutionary benefit for it to become a standard feature.

    If cats evolved human-like intelligence, they'd absolutely have night clubs of some kind. That said, I'm not convinced that cats don't already have human-like intelligence and aren't just choosing to not use it, but that's beside the point.

    Walking bipedally is something a lot of smaller mammals can do as well, it just isn't their normal mode of locomotion because their bodies aren't currently designed for it. Going the evolution route again, however, and it's possible that a species might eventually decide to stand up like humans did. Edit: I forgot about birds, dinosaurs and semi-bipedal mammals like the pangolin. Birds and pre-historic theropods walked on two legs, and pangolins have heavy tails they can use to balance on their hind legs so their forelegs are free to dig at ant mounds. So humans aren't the only animals that walk on two legs.

    The wing things are part of her clothing.

    You're correct that being bothered by a chin alone is strange, but,

    A) people have weird things that bother them, sometimes illogically

    B) I kinda look at anthropomorphic animals as being evolved from their real world counterparts, so I tend to rationalize things in regards to how they might have evolved. It makes it more believable for me.

    C) iirc, in the context of the movie that specific character is from, thats actually someone's VR avatar. As such, it makes sense to make human concessions like opposable thumbs, five fingers and toes (cats technically have five toes on each forepaw, four toes on each hind paw), walking plantigrade, etc. A chin seems like an odd concession to make. From the article, it doesn't really give humans any really evolutionary advantage so it's not like you're gonna be unable to do something because you don't have a chin; and based on what I've seen in the furry community, chins on anthros doesn't really seem to have much of an aesthetic appeal either (otherwise nearly every fursona would have an obvious chin).

    D) It just looks weird. Idk man, it just looks weird to me.

    That said, I don't tend to mind hybrids or mythical creatures like gryphons, dragons, dragon-cats, or whatever, so idk. It just looks weird to me and I guess the thing about humans being the only ones with chins is a explanation and justification for why I find it weird-looking.

  • TIL humans are the only animal with a chin. We aren't sure why.
  • This is why it bothers me when artists add chins to animalistic characters. It looks so wrong. An example:

    Like, shit. Cool character design but you gave the cat lady a chin. Cats don't have chins, why did you give her a chin?

  • c/ is full of transphobic trolls
  • Tbh I think the guy drank the flavor aid. I saw how that dude started out and iirc he started with more reasonable political stances; but he's gone way off the rails. If he's who I think he is, then I feel kinda feel bad for him. He wasn't always like this.

  • Blackmagic Camera app with pro video controls lands on Android
  • Nope, CPU-Z says it's a Snapdragon 8. It's a factory-unlocked US model on verizon, and I doubt a EU/ROW phone would support Verizon frequencies (it used to be that phones in the US had to be made for carrier-specific bands, but that might have changed with LTE), but I used CPU-Z just to double check.

  • Blackmagic Camera app with pro video controls lands on Android
  • I used the nodpi version on apkmirror. It's not that the app doesn't run, it launches just fine. It's that it doesn't appear to be able to access the cameras, it's just a black screen and if I try to record then it crashes.

    Also, I just tested it with the apkm via SAI from f-droid to make sure it wasn't an issue with the nodpi version; and I got the same result. The UI and everything loads fine, there just isn't a camera preview and it crashes if I press the record button.

  • Rule.

    Edit: I was trying to make a joke about how her new fondness for the number "34" was because "haha funny sex rule number" aka "rule34".

    Question about federation with a certain instance after a recent ban.

    Hey, I recently received a 14-day ban from for this comment:


    While I suppose it wasn't the nicest thing I could have said, here's what bothers me. They cited rule 1 as the ban reason. Now,'s news community doesn't have its own rules section, so I was left to assume that they were applying the instance-wide "rule 1" which was, "no bigotry".

    No Bigotry.

    Apparently calling someone a tankie and a redfash accelerationist is bigotry? Are they seriously trying to equate being a tankie with being trans, gay, black and/or native american? Seriously? That's incredibly bigoted and offensive; and that's ignoring the fact that the common tankie idols like Stalin, Putin, Xi Jinping and Kim Jong-un are deeply intertwined with things like nationalism, ethnic superiority, queerphobia and the like.

    Meanwhile, their modlog shows that they've dealt with multiple instances of actual queerphobic bigotry by removing the comment while also letting the user go.

    Do we really want to be associated with bigots like that?

    The thing that sucks is that there are communities I genuinely enjoy on, however getting banned for bigotry after calling someone a tankie and redfash accelerationist while actual bigots are allowed to keep hanging out on is like a slap to the face.

    I'm honestly considering leaving Lemmy and social media at this point. It seems like my two choices are corporate-owned black-box algorithms populated by soft-spoken bigots and pissed-off centrists looking for an axe to grind, and FOSS-based federated platforms where you still have to tolerate bigotry because there apparently aren't enough users and interesting content otherwise.

    Inb4 I start getting harassed by admins or something.


    Receipts (click links for images)


    (Community ban)

    (Instance ban)

    (No rules for

    (Rules for

    (Transphobia let off with a slap on the wrist)

    (Queerphobia let off with a slap on the wrist)

    MFW it's dark outside and I'm hungry and kinda cold and lonely and I just wanna come in for snacks and blankets but the human doesn't let me in. (rule)


    Edit for people who are curious: it's not Photoshop, it's a troodontid mask made by Archesuchus for their "Weird Birds" series. Here's what it looks like under normal lighting conditions.

    Not gonna lie, I really, really want one. But fursuit heads are expensive (I'm assuming the cost would be similar since that's basically what it is) and I don't have the skill or tools to make one myself. :c

    Rule of the lake

    Description: A giant snake lady sits in a lake. A man stands next to the edge of the lake and asks, "O snake of the lake, what is your wisdom?"

    The snake replies, "Osamu Tezuka, the inventory of manga and anime, created old-school furry icons like Kimba and Bagi and had a secret collection of erotic furry art that he made which was only found after his death; so weebs are really just a human-focused offshoot of furries.

    35 A retro search engine Wiby - Search Engine for the Classic Web

    Wiby is a search engine for older style pages, lightweight and based on a subject of interest. Building a web more reminiscent of the early internet.

    Hit "surprise me!" and see where it takes you.

    The site is a curated search engine that indexes web 1.0 sites (and some web 1.0-styled sites) submitted by users.

    Mojave and Nyx sleepin' in.

    Usually they come downstairs to listen to music with me while I eat breakfast. However, sometimes they want to sleep in.

    Today I learned about the Judge Rotenberg Educational Center

    This is a """school""" that makes "pray away the gay" camps look like lovely vacation experiences. They primarily cater to families with neurodivergent kids under the guise of helping them learn how to function in a neurotypical society. They use methods like GEDs to administer electric shocks when students "act up", long-term restraints (which the students have to carry with them in case they have to be "conditioned"), solitary confinement, sensory deprivation and food deprivation. I'd highly recommend reading the entire article, especially the parts about behavioral modification, controversies, litigation, and work culture. It's so much worse than you can imagine. I wanted to quote parts of the article to highlight how bad it is, but I would be copying and pasting half the article.

    This place is still in operation.

    Tarantulas rule

    I don't have a tarantula anymore, but they're really cool.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Mossy Feathers (They/Them)


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