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  • *aber auf einmal die Sonne aufgeht

  • ich😵iel
  • Ich, am lurchen von einer anderen instanz aus

  • my home rule
  • ASK her if can move in

  • gotta get inside their head
  • My rule of thumb for where I live, is that the bus can arrive in a range of -25% of route frequency to +100% of route frequency. Any longer and there is a 50% chance that the bus may never appeare.

  • ich🚗iel
  • Schnell erinnerer, dass E-Autos nur die Autoindustrie retten und nicht das Klima

  • What's the story of your name?
  • Everytime I saw it before, it just felt right, then I named my cat like that before eventually making it my own

  • "(I wouldn't call myself human, just in a flesh prison.)" rule
  • My body felt like like a flesh prison before I came out to myself

  • rule
  • We should add prices for basic need to this chart to show the non believers that there's no reason other than greed for this

  • Rule
  • Every Saturday, especially when there is a backlog of easy tasks...

  • Button Rule
  • Thats a win-win Situation, why wouldn't I push it?

  • Pride Tram!
  • Even keeps the bigots out

  • If somebody spends the whole day watching fox or religious propaganda, gets worked up and all he can think of is owning a liberal or converting an unbeliever, is this person a victim or just gullible?
  • Why can’t they keep their opinions to themselves?

    Freedom of speech?

    "Why don't you keep your non cis het stuff to yourself" is something I hear often from that side. We should be better than that

  • A cool guide to most popular foreign cuisines in different European countries
  • Maybe I should fact check mouth propaganda more

  • A cool guide to most popular foreign cuisines in different European countries
  • I wonder if in germany the creators considered Döner as Turkish, if yes then this is questionable because Döner is more German than Turkish. If than it's surprising that Italian food looses against Turkish

  • silly little rule
  • I'm small, silly and a threat to national security

  • Me irule
  • Hey, maybe thats just what I need

  • Why people are boycotting Asus all of a sudden? Asus outrage explained
  • Bruh it just didn't work, I still have this shit ass main board. Linux worked almost completely fine on it(besides some windows applications) but Windows itself would run until I switched the main board. I just used this phrase because I've skipped over it in a forum while figuring this issue.

    Asus has become shit get over it

  • Why people are boycotting Asus all of a sudden? Asus outrage explained
  • My ROG Strix main board somehow didn't support(?, idk what word would be accurate) Microsoft .NET Try using Windows with that. (That is intact why I used Linux for the first time) After a year or so I got tired of .NET not working and switched out my main board(to MSI). Everything worked perfectly fine since then. I don't even know how that's even possible

  • Rule
  • Any day any time

  • ich🤯🤬🤯🤬iel


    Caitlyynn Cait

    Your average linux loving Anacho-Synficalist trans emo cat girl

    Posts 2
    Comments 141