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It's painful to not be able to see everything at once.
  • Virtual desktops are a lifesaver, 3 finger swipe on the trackpad to go to the next screen

  • definitely accurate
  • Tbh the Jetsons was always a capitalist dystopia we were just seeing a white upper class family that benefitted from it

  • ruletation
  • That's hard to wrap my head around lol, but thank you for the explanation

  • ruletation
  • Would you not just be moved to a different time? Like the 4th dimension is time right? So you'd just be in another time period, in a different place.

  • Anon thinks about Google
  • Didn't say iPhones were better, I didn't even mention them, this isn't a competition

  • Anon thinks about Google
  • 5 of the 7 issues I list have news articles, official responses from Google, or recalls/warranty replacements, but ok

  • Anon thinks about Google
  • For Android you have to hold on the side for a second then side menus pop out, I hate it lol

  • Anon thinks about Google
  • So apple has slowly added some of these swipe features and a lot of iPhone users were basically trained how to use them over time.

    I'd honestly say swipe is a bit of a misnomer for them, it's more like eases. There's a specific way you to swipe for different things, it's nuanced. When I switched to iPhone for a year, I had to ask my gf a few questions to get the hang of it, but once you do it's super intuitive. On almost every app a swipe from the left is back and a swipe from the right is forward. And there was a different in finger action for a back swipe and a side menu. Once you get the hang of it it genuinely feels like second nature, I almost never missed my android buttons. When I switched back I tried androids swipe features and was immediately disappointed. Android's backswipe is really oversensitive, meaning that it's way too easy to swipe back when I'm not trying to. Also they're multitasking up swipe is less sensitive meaning it's harder to get to multitasking than on iphone. And of course the final nail in the coffin there is no forward swipe from the right, a swipe from the right is also just back on Android which was a real mind fuck. Currently I just use the Android old buttons, or I use the Android gestures where you have a home and back button and then you swipe for multitasking stuff. I can say that the multitasking swipe stuff seems to be better than the last time I tried it.

    I would say the biggest difference is when you swipe on the iPhone it's like turning a page, a smoothe slide. Where as android it's just a flick. So when I accidentally swipe the screen, I'm going back on Android, but on iPhone I have to definitely be doing an intentional slide, and for me that slide was just short enough to not be annoying.

  • Anon thinks about Google
  • Pixel 1 recall and class action in 2019:

    Ram issue mentioned in user forum with listed official response from google:

    Some of these others are harder to pin down because there's no official response but I'll do my best

    Here's some users experience charging issues:

    Pixel 8 lemon unit post:

    Pixel 4 lemon post:

    Pixel 6 buzzing issue;

    Pixel 3 buzzing:

    Pixel 2 buzzing:

    Article on tensor chips overheating: brings the heat%2C literally!&text=While all the AI advancements,some reason or the other.

    Pixel 8 screen issues customer has bad expires with Google support: (thought they were doing better these days, guess not)

    Pixel 8 screen issues warranty extension: (thought this was a recall, guess not)

  • Anon thinks about Google
  • I don't think so, unless I'm missing something

  • Anon thinks about Google
  • That's good to hear, probably so

  • Anon thinks about Google
  • Must be nice, I have a pixel 1, straight up won't turn on, I have a bunch of stuff that wasn't backed up on there. The flash chip is fine I just can't turn it on

  • Anon thinks about Google
  • Yeah but they've got their own issues. They're so anti right to repair and their OS is so much more restrictive. That's how it is under capitalism, kind of just have to pick your poison :/

  • Anon thinks about Google
  • I can't speak from experience outside my own issues with my 5a but supposedly they're better about that stuff now. One reason I'm interested in the 8 is the unlocked bootloader and their smallish form factor. I have a Zenfone 9 RN and I went to put lineageOS only to find out they locked the bootloader down six months after release 😭

  • Anon thinks about Google
  • I've decided that I'll never get a phone with a boot loader than you can't unlock as long as I can help it, so Samsung is out for me

  • Again.
  • Eugenics in a game where it's been decided in universe that the animals "just like fighting" and that "it's fun for them!" Is not surprising lol.

  • Anon thinks about Google
  • The shitty ram thing is especially egregious and was not the industry standard at the time, especially for your flagship phone.

    The weird audio issues on multiple devices is also out of the norm.

    Current pixel phones are pretty good! But it's clear that for at least the first 4 gens they had some QC and quality of parts issues.

    Edit: also to add, it's a basic thing that if your phone is dead dead then you should use wall power to power the circuit to charge the battery. But if you let it sit for a few months, your older pixels will not charge again unless you put in a new battery with some charge, that is definitely out of the norm and is also something that should have been rectified sooner.

  • Anon thinks about Google
  • Android is getting weird. It's not bad but some UI choices just don't make sense. They're making everything super large, and required so many swipes and clicks for certain settings. They've lost the plot a bit. Also, having used both iOS and Android, iOS gestures are leaps and bounds ahead of Android. Genuinely, it's no contest.

    All this being said I prefer Android, I just wish they put more thought about ease of use and feature refinement rather than changing for changes sake. Like we are JUST NOW getting an update to the gesture controls. They've been basically unchanged since Android 11/12 they have had ample time to refine them a bit.

  • me irl candyman337
    [Bug]Sidebar still very very laggy, basically unusable

    Since the much earlier version of this app, the sidebar has been basically unusable, it almost completely freezes up anytime I do anything on it. Is there any fix for this? Is this a know issue? What's going on?

    I'm pretty sure it has something to do with how the sidebar renders my subscriptions. As soon as they load everything in the sidebar takes forever.

    This is the thing that has kept me from using this app despite basically being theost feature rich lemmy app.

    Looking for: Photo Viewer app for local and NAS files

    I'm looking for a photo viewer thay allows you to view local storage and connect network storage

    But I also want to be able to move and copy to and from network storage and local storage

    And modify (ie delete, move files, etc) the files in network storage

    I have fstop currently, but thay allows only read only access to network storage

    Anyone have any recs?

    I can set up most network file sharing standards so that's not really a limiting factor

    if comments are broken on an instance (like they are right now) the app will crash if you edit certain settings.

    Just about anything to do with comments that tries to fetch dara from the server will crash the app if comments aren't working

    Is it time for to work with other hosters to have "sister" instances?

    Lemmy.World is rapidly growing, maybe it’s time for some holsters to group together and distribute Thay load to other instances.

    Maybe custom ui logic could be made for the sign up page that auto signs you up for an instance that is an official sister instance to the main it could tell the user why ( to reduce load on a single server) and have a choice for the user to opt out.

    Just a thought. I mean I made a new account because I was having trouble posting on my .world account, and I can't even login to jerboa still.

    IMO I think in order to fully utilize part what makes the fediverse great, this should be supported natively. Thoughts? I’d love to hear from the admins and community mods.

    candyman337 candyman337

    main account for because it's down so often

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