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Saying hello rule
  • Hiiiiii~~

    Also in Catt: nyaaaaa~~

  • Are Body Temperature and Depression Linked? Science Says, Yes.

    People with depression have higher body temperatures, suggesting there could be a mental health benefit to lowering the temperatures of those with depression.

    Are Body Temperature and Depression Linked? Science Says, Yes.
    She thirsty, not hungry
  • I feel so worldly

  • If insane, go into politics rule
  • Same here!! 🙌

  • the futrule if it didn't suck
  • I just appreciate their innovation in green architecture, I am not aware of any other particularities with the place. I think all countries have their warts and what not though

  • She thirsty, not hungry
  • Which loaf of bread do you want to be?

  • the futrule if it didn't suck
  • Have y’all see Singapore? Gardens by the Bay are truly a vision for the future

  • She thirsty, not hungry
  • Which one, inquiring minds would like to know đź‘€

  • Supreme Court says cities can ban homeless from sleeping outside
  • I think the lack of empathy and compassion for homeless people comes from the puritanical roots of America where failure in some aspect of life was related to moral or character failure.

    So again, it’s important to point out that the fact some people fall through the cracks means there are deficiencies in the social fabric which disallow optimal self determination for all individuals in that society. No one dreams of growing up to be a homeless person as a child.

    America is the one country in the world which has the resources to pull off market socialism correctly. But many progressive ideals are off the table because of rich or billionaire class.

    We should stop hating each other and just hate on the rich for robbing us of a healthy and well functioning society

  • Supreme Court says cities can ban homeless from sleeping outside
  • Lack of sleep can lead to psychosis and other mental issues. Preventing people from sleeping in some manner is just inviting unintentional consequences. More muggings, stabbings, rapes, looting or something else?

    People being homeless is a failure of society, not an individual.

  • Farting
  • No discourse on farts is complete without mention of the Dutch oven. The type of cover material used to create the oven is just as important as what is eaten prior to the farting itself

  • I just want to be an unfortunate cousin
  • I already got the degen part down, poetry is so so

    …actually it’s bad, I need a smoke now

  • smol frog I saw on a hike
  • Yes, but also OP is a giant

  • smol frog I saw on a hike
  • You get out of here with that smol frog, no way! I call fake news

  • Just Want to Test Something Rule
  • So you’re saying we can get the bots to organize their own game of werewolf? The prompt injection sends them to a bot only instance and you can’t join/comment the instance unless you enter via that injected link, but can still view it

  • Or your dog.
  • Uh huh sure. Hey, do you know about toxoplasmosis?

  • Just Want to Test Something Rule
  • See, your mistake is confusing people with brain rot as bots, brain rotted humans are more likely to fail this test fyi

    Though seriously, I think I’d like to find a way to catch bots in the wild, not sure what’s a good strategy for that. A game of werewolf? If account is not colluding with other players in DMs you know that account is sus

  • Everyone skims past filler anyway
  • If the email did find them in a well, they’ll ask for help and that’ll just be a whole thing. Better not to send the email in the first place

  • Just saying
  • You know, the least you can do if you’re dumb is not be a racist piece of shit. Dumb and racist is just too much

  • It's easier to remember the IPs of good DNSes, too.
  • I feel like I could learn Dutch, my English is already broken

  • Rare tissue-damaging bacteria spreads in Japan, kills in 48 hours Rare tissue-damaging bacteria spreads in Japan

    At the current rate of infections, the number of cases in Japan could reach 2,500 this year, with a mortality rate of 30%.

    Rare tissue-damaging bacteria spreads in Japan

    Thread with more comments, didn’t see it before:

    I am the outwitter!

    Couldn’t find anything with less pixels, please save to disk and remove resolution yourself ❤️

    LGBTQ+ nifty
    Watching some documentaries on drag queens, what other cool movies for Pride month? Greatest Documentaries About Drag Queens: The Best Films Unveiling the Art Form — Factual America Podcast

    Dive into the vibrant world of drag with our list of the greatest documentaries about drag queens, showcasing the passion, artistry, and cultural impact of this dynamic performance art form.

    Greatest Documentaries About Drag Queens: The Best Films Unveiling the Art Form — Factual America Podcast

    Movie suggestions don’t have to be documentaries

    Microblog Memes nifty
    Next explain cars
    Ultra processed foods unhealthy even if plant-based Not all plant-based foods are equal. This type can raise the risk of heart attack and early death | CNN

    Eating plant-based ultraprocessed foods raise the risk of heart disease and early death, but there’s an easy fix, a new study found.

    Not all plant-based foods are equal. This type can raise the risk of heart attack and early death | CNN

    plant based alternatives are pretty good for reducing calories or inflammation in my experience.

    Ultra processed foods are unsurprisingly (but disappointingly) still bad.

    Is God gay rule?

    He made angels unsexy so wouldn’t be distracted by them…!?

    nifty nifty

    smol, femme, nerd

    libera te tutemet ex machina, and shitpost~~

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    Comments 1.6K