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Seriously, almost all the posts are just doom scrolling. And yes, I'm aware of the irony
  • No it doesn't. I can't believe you'd say such a thing. Those were all well thought out and valid replies.


  • Do other languages have similar acronyms to 'tbh', 'imo', 'smh', etc?
  • My post was mainly a joke, however, I find your comments extremely interesting and well worded.

    That last example "забил хуй (zah-beel khooy)". I find very amusing and I can grasp the feeling. Google translates it literally to being "Hammered the dick".

    Is that accurate?

    I think slang and vulgar terms are fascinating and tell a lot about the culture that produced them. I even go so far as to say, swearing is one of the most illuminating things there is to language.

    Thank you so much for sharing!

    Speaking of the ongoing war, did you catch this video?

    (Sorry for the Reddit link, it's the only place I've seen it.)

    How would you rate the translation of the subtitles?

  • Seriously, almost all the posts are just doom scrolling. And yes, I'm aware of the irony
  • No, we just have to get into a pedantic and derivative argument and we should be all good!

  • Seriously, almost all the posts are just doom scrolling. And yes, I'm aware of the irony
  • Tell ya what, you up vote it and I'll down vote it and all should be right in the world.

  • Do other languages have similar acronyms to 'tbh', 'imo', 'smh', etc?
  • I've been saying it for years, what is a dickshit?

  • Clarence Thomas takes aim at a new target: Eliminating OSHA
  • Really profoundly unnecessary there pal.

  • Discord servers and their problem
  • That's interesting and all, but I don't think it qualifies as world news.

  • A cool guide from 1797 on the effects of drink on the mind and body
  • But I do love the occasional Toddy and Crank.

  • To all you outside of the US...
  • Canada is north of America. North is typically depicted as being up, or on top.

  • Help Finding a Game
  • Yup that's the one! Thanks.

  • Help Finding a Game
  • Oh word. I was wondering what the fuck was going on. I'll fix it. English major habits die hard lol.

  • Help Finding a Game

    So some months ago I watched a trailer for an upcoming game that looks pretty neat, but of course I can't remember the name for the life of me. Maybe y'all can help me. I don't think it's been released yet.

    It was a FPS maybe with RPG elements set in a cyber-disytopia. The trailer had the player exploring an abandoned gas station in a desert type setting. Armed with a revolver. I think the enemies were some kinda robots. The setting and aesthetics were kinda 80's retrofuture. The player character was driving a very Night Rider kinda car, but it hovered with no wheels.

    I've just built a computer that's not a POS laptop and have been searching through steam for fun things to play, that I'd never dreamed of being able to run, when I remembered this one I'd seen that looked interesting.

    Thanks for the help in advance!

    EDIT: Unindented Consequences

  • I love how they both have Camel toes somehow. Great work by the wardrobe dept.

  • Facts
  • When that said, "get inside me" I don't think they meant through the fucking torso.

  • Modern betrayal
  • Modern Cyrano De Bergerac.

  • A future sci-fi writers never could've imagined
  • I'm not a fan of the music, but I'd rather be surrounded by authentically deranged weirdos than an endless sea of yuppies.

  • [Feature Request] Instance Specific Settings?

    I've a naughty alt account, and I set it to unblur NSFW posts in feed. That also unblurred NSFW posts on my main.

    Thanks for the dope app! I immediately went ad free. Keep up the great work.

    What genres of music do Lemmites enjoy?

    Bands suggestions too, curious what folks are into!
