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spidey senses
  • Yeah you are probably right. i vaguely remember giant dragonflies in that Earth age with more oxygen.

    I'll burn the script then... Although a space station with broken scrubbers...

  • spidey senses
  • Now, a study of orb spiders (Trichonephila clavipes) in space has revealed that these smart arachnids can orientate themselves with light when there is no gravity to tell them which way is 'up'.

    So you're telling me they are already adapted to space, a place where they wouldn't be size-constrained by gravity...

  • They're rare, but they're unfortunately here
  • Let's not kid ourselves, Lemmy is great because it's still in its infancy and gen pop is still a minority for now hence the bot makers not being too interested.

    Also caretakers of the forums still care enough to adress issues.

    I'm happy with what we have now and the idea that it will get bigger is not something I think we should work towards but maybe that's just me.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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