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What's the best "fuck you world" song of all time?
  • Static X - Get to the Gone

    Cradle of Filth - Gilded C**t

    Ektomorf - Show Your Fist

    Wednesday 13 - Mr Motherf****r

    Dope - Die MF Die

    Sorry, I couldn't decide.

  • What is your favorite though provoking movie?
  • 'Rambo' Laugh, if you want, but that flick made me realize how awfully governments treat Veterans. Non-Military guy here. Saw it in the nineties, must have been 11 or 12 or something like that.

    Then 'Philadelphia' was pretty intense and made me realize reality holds more truths, than the narrow minded household I grew up in.

    'Milk' was pretty eye opening, too.

  • What is your favorite though provoking movie?
  • Yeah, I love that movie!

  • He likes to watch
  • I thought he was busy giving AIDS to kids in Africa.

  • "Soundblaster" was such an 80s/90s name for a computer part.
  • And if that cable's isolation was crap, you could hear your mouse movement through your speakers.

  • "Soundblaster" was such an 80s/90s name for a computer part.
  • I know that was a thing and I tried to get it done, but never managed to get it to work properly. So back to manual configuration and rebooting it was.

    But I like to think that's how I learned how my PC works and what it does when doing so, which helped me identify the cause of many issues over the years.

  • "Soundblaster" was such an 80s/90s name for a computer part.
  • What a nightmare it was to have sound AND your CD drive drivers to load and leave enough memory for some of those nasty old DOS games. Felt like being a hacker.

    (I might have realized I'm the old guy in the picture)

  • Favourite patient modern game?
  • Love the scope mechanics! And yes!

  • Death toll tops 1,000 after Haj marked by extreme heat
  • No, no! Skydaddy good! Everyone else is ignorant!

  • Favourite patient modern game?
  • I keep coming back to Insurgency: Sandstorm's PVE modes. Man, what a underrated shooter!

    I wish it had some better AI enemies, though.

  • Lemons(?) of Lemmy, what is something that feels so obvious to you that you just get lowkey pissed at the world for not knowing?
  • Humans are not descended from apes. They have the same ancestors.

    Why is that so hard to understand?

  • Hee hee
  • Shamona

  • Elon Musk Begs Advertisers to Return as Twitter's Revenue Plunges
  • 'The ones I called, the ghosts - I can't get rid of them!'

  • Too powerful for their Euro arteries
  • This is why you need Healthcare.

  • Dog-eating crocodile that terrorized Australian town is killed and eaten by residents: "Never a dull moment"
  • How Australian can a story be?

    Aussies: Hold my Foster's, mate...

  • _____ Rule
  • It's obviously 'Weeg'.

  • What's an idea you have that should be an actual thing?
  • For me, there would be public holidays that celebrate social, cultural and scientific achievements.

    A day of printing, the decoding of the human genome,... you know - real achievements, not only stories of some ancient folks being tortured to death and such.

  • What's the hardest lesson you've learned?
  • You don't have to forgive everything.

  • [PC] Milsim(-ish) games against AI?

    Insurgency Sandstorm got me hooked. I've now played over 500 hours against bots and it's still a lot of fun.

    Are there any comparable milsim(-ish) games against AI?

    • PC
    • I'm not interested in PVP
    • ARMA is great but for me more cramp than fun
    • Ground Branch feels more like a tech demo

    Do you have any tips for me? They don't have to be brand new games either.

    BudgetAudiophile t_berium
    Wired InEars for Music and Gaming?

    Hello everyone,

    unfortunately I have to replace my audio-technica ATH-CKX9 InEars with a new pair.

    I was hoping you could help me find new ones:

    • Wired InEar
    • 3.5mm jack
    • Use at home (Music/Gaming: 50/50)
    • Homogeneous sound (if possible)
    • Up to 120€/$

    Thanks in advance, help is much appreciated!

    Which grow box to buy?

    Hello all,

    I am about to become a gardener as well, but I am a blank slate. Since I live in an apartment in the city and without the possibility of using the garden (balcony is also not possible), I am toying with the idea of getting a decent and large indoor grow box.

    However, the offer is quite large and quite confusing. Does anyone have experience with these things? Which are particularly recommended? The price does not matter for now. I'm willing to pay decent money for it to have something neat and durable.

    Do you have any recommendations? What do I have to look out for?

    t_berium t_berium
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