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One foot in the grave
  • Why do all of these things make me feel old... I'm gen Z but heavily relate to gen x and millennial when people ask me "wtf does that mean?" and I just say "it was before your time." Like wtf it was "before my time" too... idk I guess that's the only benefit of being adopted by boomers.

  • One foot in the grave
  • Gen Z here, after creating my mastodon account on an infosec instance and using that for a while, I found out about Lemmy and ditched reddit for good. So after registering on a smaller furry instance through my browser and trying a couple of different apps, I ended up here... not all of us are dumb ipad kids. Don't get me wrong either, most of my generation are indeed a bunch of skibidi-brains... but there's some hope anyways. I think. If we survive the civil unrest, climate change, the coming world war, and the general ignorance of the vast majority of our generation.... ok maybe we are fucked. I guess we can thank the boomers together for that.

  • Love yourself
  • I mean, this is somewhat true... self-hatred in itself is a terrible thing. But you can use it as motivation, and reason to change into a better version of yourself. Of course that would be easier without all the self-deprecation, not saying its a good thing, but there's always a way to work with what you're given and turn it around, even if just to make a little bit of progress each day. That's how I found the willpower to finally start transitioning. I couldn't look myself in the mirror without crying, so I tried to single out one thing that was "wrong with me" (which is especially hard in the beginning when it feels like that's literally everything), and do something, no matter how small, about it. Years later I still hate how I look sometimes, but I'm slowly getting better at it and starting to be someone I like.

  • Spotify launches a new Basic streaming plan in the US
  • Agreed. And they may have Tidal outclassed for the student bundle if you like the TV streaming services it comes with, but it's not like college students have time for TV anyways. I just like to listen to music while studying for a test, for the same $5.99 / mo (within $1 of each other anyways) I'll take lossless audio over a TV service I'll never use.

  • 40 years of Boston Dynamics
  • Boston dynamics is trying to focus on research until they create a product they think has value, rather than release what they have now. AI is mostly running on hype, it's severely underdeveloped for what the media is saying it's capable of. Atlas isn't ready to be alone in an airport loading baggage. Spot, on the other hand, is ready for survey operations in hazardous areas, and has been released now that it's a viable product.

  • Catholic Bishops finally apologize for church’s role in harming kids at Indigenous boarding schools
  • "Church's role in harming kids..."

    That's a funny way to spell "church officials raping kids..."

    Editorial watering down like this is disgusting. Even if it wasn't intentional, if you as the reporter aren't comfortable calling sexual abuse rape in a headline and have to water it down to "harm," that's another reason to keep it full-strength. If it makes people mad, good. The truth should make people mad in cases like this.

  • _____ Rule
  • Correct! Thank you for catching that, I accidentally put it in third declension. So yes Wuges. I was referencing when second declension nouns borrowed into English sometimes remain -i for the plural (as in radii, stimuli etc.) So Wugus, Wugi.

    Oh yeah and sometimes it's actually Greek causing irregulars (looking at you, criteria)...

  • _____ Rule
  • Wugs, if its an Anglo root, unless it's derived from Latin "Wug*, wugīs" in which case there are two Wugi (wûg-eye). Unless its one of the random Latin words where we don't do that and it's still "wugs." Unless it's a loanword from germanic then we might anglicise it or we might say "wugar." Because eNgLIsH iS EaSY...

  • The police need this for...?
  • I propose we buy a few, mount machine guns on them, and paint them in rainbow pride colours just to screw with the "liberals are weak sissies boohoo" nonsense. We gotta have artillery too lol. But, ya know, use it to protect human rights rather than harassing innocent civilians like those pigs...

  • My rant against Christian doctrine - The people aren't the problem...

    So, with family anyways, despite all outside appearances Christians don't 'hate' a child who turns away. They still love the kid, but their religion teaches them that if they truly love them, they must do anything to make them come back to their religion - even abuse them hoping the kid breaks down and 'repents.' That's how twisted their doctrine is. It makes them commit atrocities in the name of love. And they're blind to it, because even when others point out how evil their abuse is, the doctrine teaches them that others will call "'good' (abuse) evil and 'evil' (acceptance) good." They truly believe they're helping. They believe that if their child is 'going to hell,' any amount of trauma and abuse with even a chance of preventing that is justified. It's not the people, it's the ideology. The very fundamentals of Christianity justify literally anything to convert a soul. It is fundamentally evil, all the way back to the moment Jesus died. Anything that claims to be better is no longer Christianity.

    My source: The story of my life. A story of abuse and pain, of seeing my loving mother become a monster when I left the church. Forcing me to leave my unbelieving friends. Controling every part of my mind and beliefs to 'save' me. And seeing the atrocities that I committed under that same doctrine, and how I was blinded by it.

    This needs to end. Christianity must end. The problem isn't the people - it's the doctrine. And until the moment that Christan doctrine is destroyed forever, it will never cease to turn more innocent, loving people - even my own mother - into monsters blinded by their evil.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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