I just finished a rail world and never got around to making a train XD
Searching trebuchet launch velocities, I'm getting 30-70m/s (67-157mph, 110-250km/hr), so a decently fast car might actually have trebuchets beat here
Trans people are extreme...ly cool and valid 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵
Your body, her bullet
Genuinely clueless and wanting to understand here
What's the difference between liberalism and leftism? My understanding of them is very nebulous and there's a lot of overlap
"I have a question... for God... WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY?!?"
After some quick research, it seems like this one is a "eating rocks is dangerous and bad for you" not a "there's no point in eating rocks, don't do that"
Which is kind of a bummer, I think it'd be fun to swallow a small pebble every couple days just for the satisfaction of knowing you have a small pebble in your gut
I really like A Sign of Affection:
Came here to mention both, my job has been done!
I had this printed in very pretty script on my cubicle once upon a time XD
Fellas, is it straight to... checks notes publicly fantasize about making five men your sex slaves?
Promise? 🥺
Oh freddled gruntbuggly,
Thy micturations are to me
As plurdled gabbleblotchits on a lurgid bee.
Groop, I implore thee, my foonting turlingdromes,
And hooptiously drangle me with crinkly bindlewurdles,
Or I will rend thee in the gobberwarts
With my blurglecruncheon, see if I don't!
Learning about dielectric waveguides in my EM propagation class, we got to the GH effect and I had to make this =)
I would much prefer this piece of shit die in obscurity, thanks
.. -. / - .... . / ... - .-. .. .--. .--. . -.. / -.-. .-.. ..- -... .-.-.- / ... - .-. .- .. --. .... - / ..- .--. / .-..-. .--- --- .-. -.- .. -. --. / .. - .-..-. .-.-.- / .- -. -.. / -... -.-- / .-..-. .. - .-..-. --..-- / .... .- .... .- --..-- / .-- . .-.. .-.. .-.-.- / .-.. . - .----. ... / .--- ..- ... - .-. / ... .- -.-- .-.-.- / -- -.-- / .--. . .- -. .. - ...