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Samsung Galaxy Watches could soon measure AGEs for your metabolic health (APK teardown)
  • Too big for the wrist?

    Honestly I just settled on a Fitbit Sense 2, it's not perfect but it works well.

  • Please describe your problem ...
  • General electric plant

  • Where to find Bilimbi in Ottawa
  • Check on Instacart, it might give you a hint on which grocery store has it.

  • Rule
  • Me, not sure why

  • 38-year-old woman died after being hit by train in Osborne Village early Monday: Winnipeg police
  • The article was updated, she was just walking on the tracks rather than having just left a passenger train.

  • Little Swedish Rule Chair
  • fĂ„rt Ăžn me, Bjork

  • Proton mail android: Inline attachments + Seeing / removing existing attachments
  • I'll give it a shot, thanks! It just sucks to be paying so much for a service and not even have a functional mobile app, nor be able to connect something like K9 to it.

  • Proton mail android: Inline attachments + Seeing / removing existing attachments

    On Android, I noticed two major features that are missing that make it extremely difficult to use the mobile version for me:

    1. I can't add inline attachments. This makes communicating with clients and pointing at stuff impossible on mobile.
    2. I can't browse existing attachments to view and remove them. This means I have to start my reply all over again and delete the draft if I uploaded the wrong thing, and I can't validate that I did upload the right thing.

    Also, pasting into a message body is broken on the beta, but working on stable (the only option is "select all")

    There's also no rich text, which is sometimes painful when writing long emails on the go, and it means I can't bold stuff to indicate importance.

    I also had issues with sent emails from drafts where a draft was created on mobile, finished on the web and sent, the mobile client will show as if I had sent the unfinished mobile draft, which sent me into a panic last night haha.

    23 June 2024
  • yamlscribe

  • Daniel Suelo already did that
  • Agreed, I don't come to Lemmy to be treated like a child.

  • Plaques de l'Ontario durant le dĂ©mĂ©nagement
  • C'est probablement juste pour visiter de la famille, y'a beaucoup de quĂ©bĂ©cois anglos dont la famille a dĂ©mĂ©nagĂ© en Ontario au cours des annĂ©es.

    Je te dis ça en tant que quelqu'un qui est à Winnipeg live (pour visiter de la famille!), quasiment aucune plaque de l'Ontario ici.

  • Daniel Suelo already did that
  • The censored work is


    As in Jerk chicken, Jerkey, etc.

  • Is there a Linux drawing tablet, or a tablet Linux can be installed on?
  • I can report that the HP ENVY X360 15-eu0013ca has a Wacom display and pen and it works perfectly under Linux.

  • Faut vraiment ĂȘtre colon...
  • J'ai trouvĂ© une Communauto quand je me servais du service oĂč quelqu'un avait aiguisĂ© le volant avec un couteau. Plus rien ne m'impressionne.

    Juste l'autre jour j'ai vu une Communauto volée qui foutait la marde dans mon quartier parce quelqu'un a pas barré ses portes.

  • Start ups when that VC funding kicks in
  • I bring my dog to work every day by working from home!

    Smart ass answer, I know

  • I didn't know where else to ask rule
  • ...need your mom for anything?

  • Remote Amazon tribe finally connects to internet — only to wind up hooked on porn, social media

    “We’re worried young people are going to want to try it,” on tribe leader said of the kinky sex acts they’ve suddenly been exposed to on screen.

    Remote Amazon tribe finally connects to  internet — only to wind up hooked on porn, social media
    McGill asks police for help as pro-Palestinian encampment enters 4th day

    cross-posted from:

    > The president of McGill University says officials have called for police assistance after pro-Palestinian protesters refused to dismantle their encampment on the university's downtown Montreal campus. > > "Having to resort to police authority is a gut-wrenching decision for any university president," Saini said. "It is, by no means, a decision that I take lightly or quickly. In the present circumstances, however, I judged it necessary." > > Lawyer Neil Oberman, who represents McGill students Gabriel Medvedovsky and Raihaana Adira, is set to ask a judge for a provisional injunction against the encampment on Tuesday afternoon. > > The injunction request, expected to be filed at the Montreal courthouse at 2 p.m., will target groups currently protesting on campus, according to Oberman. McGill University is named as an interested party in the case.

    2 Montreal police pursue criminal charges against journalist for covering Gaza protest

    This is the second time this year that police in Canada have sought to send a journalist to jail for doing their job

    Montreal police pursue criminal charges against journalist for covering Gaza protest

    cross-posted from:

    Can't add inline images on Android email client?

    Seems like a really basic feature, I can't paste / add inline images on the Android email client, my only option is to attach images and hope the recipient thinks to click on the attachment.

    I can't think of another email client that is this basic.

    Regardez pas dans le soleil sans lunettes approuvées!

    Et enlevez pas vos lunettes pendant que vous regardez le soleil. J'suis totoche, je l'ai fait, pas recommandé. Bonne éclipse!

    Reprise du nettoyage des rues demain

    Pour ceux d'entre vous qui avez des voitures stationnées sur des rues ayant une cédule de nettoyage, n'oubliez pas de vous re-stationner cette semaine ;)

    0 How a Cold, Hilly Canadian City Became a Year-Round Cycling Success Story

    Who would go cycling in snowy conditions, in a city with a 764-foot-high hill right in the middle of it? Montrealers, and the city’s bikeshare program has the stats to prove it.

    How a Cold, Hilly Canadian City Became a Year-Round Cycling Success Story

    cross-posted from:

    > Traduction française

    Trans ruleights

    Just figured out how to address my RGB RAM on Linux, and the 5 LEDs were perfect for a trans flag

    Shrinkflation setVeryLoud(true);
    Food with artificial sweeteners tastes bitter and unsweetened?


    Today's culprit is... Jello's Chocolate Pudding! Oh wait, no, "pudding snacks", whatever in the label-regulation-dodging fuck that means.

    Posting here because this has quickly become a very common shrinkflation tactic where the manufacturer substitutes fructose/sucrose in their main product with the cheaper aspartame and stevia and calls it "healthy". There is no sucrose-only version of this product anymore.

    However, these shrinkflated products taste bitter, unsweetened and are completely unappetizing to me. So I end up having to look at labels very carefully (usually some thin text at the bottom of the label) to make sure they didn't sneak in some artificial sweetener.

    The strangest part is I haven't seen or heard of anyone complaining about it, are we in the minority of people for who artificial sweeteners are bitter, like Cilantro that tastes like soap? Both me and my partner find it bitter and unappetizing in any product, but only I have the "cilantro gene".

    I did find these articles on the topic: (the source link is dead, here's a wayback machine link:
