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least paranoid arch user
  • That quote goes hard for no reason

  • NSFW
    This show used to be about good ol’ fashioned family values
  • Im probably not even from the same country but you got my vote

  • Dad is so cool
  • Your mother and I are getting divorced

  • There should be a rule against this
  • Imagine wanting to be a cat petson

  • RIP in pieces
  • Wait i thought that was only a shit post... I gotta google something real quick

    Edit: google (or rather brave search) says hes not dead

  • Trust exercise
  • Almost had me there

  • We got options rule
  • Well he's not picky

  • average reddit user
  • Well people who read/watch hentai care

  • Biweekly rule
  • Here in germany that's the norm. It's unusual to get paid in other timeframes

  • Divinely pruletected
  • So will my life improve if i right you?

  • rule
  • Oddly enough the part that made me most uncomfortable is temperature regulation as that would imply sweating

  • average reddit user
  • Im pretty sure shota just means "little boy" no? I don't think this has anything to do with gayness

  • New language
  • Back in my dsy we only had non programmable computers. Wanted to make the computer do something? You had to specifically build in the function. And that worked JUST FINE

  • Why don't banks like root on Android?
  • Well zygist didn't work before so i thing the did change something, wich is also likely cause it seems like they redid the whole app

  • average reddit user
  • gay hentai

    That's called yaoi if you may

  • I did not know the origin of the quote
  • Only post images as ASCII art

  • Why don't banks like root on Android?
  • My bank app had this and i had to go through quite a lot of hoops. Then i didn't have root for a while (new phone) and when i got root again i also only needed to enable zygist for it to work. So i guess they changed it?

  • I just hope both sides have fun
  • I understand this was a pun but its autobots vs decepticons 😞

  • acceptable screws
  • That's another american/british English thing

  • Unixporn ☭ SaltyIceteaMaker ☭
    [Hyprland] saw the default background for the first time and just had to reconfige my whole setup


    •Distro: Arch

    •WM: Hyprland

    •Status bar: Waybar

    •Terminal: Kitty

    •Editor: NvChad with a custom (messy) theme

    •Sound visualiser: cava

    •Browser: Firefox with the Firefox Colors plugin

    •Screenshot utility: Grim (with Slurp if you want to select an area to screenshot)

    •Wallpaper utility: none just add

    misc { force_default_wallpaper = 3 }

    to your hyprland config
