how does that work?
"could y'all please help me" -> "could mates please help me"?
i think its mostly an issue with not being used to it. "you" is both singular and plural as well and we manage fine. "we" is plural but it does not distinguish between inclusive and exclusive "we". arguably those cases are more rarely relevant, and honestly id prefer if all of them had solutions, but i think we can handle it once we are used to it, or solutions will develop.
btw not trying to be antagonistic here, just sharing my thoughts :3
i think there is alot to be said about the influence of patriarchy on masculine words becomming applied to everyone. men being seen as the norm and all that...
my prediction is for th'all and y'all or just thal and yal in the long run
real libertairians dont use the snek flag tho. thats a us rightist "libertarian" thing
like yeah but no
this gives me british rainbow pride flag vibes :<
the kinda flags queer rightwing ppl might unironically fly
i much prefer genuine anarchi-trans flags
isnt it the transphobes who say that archeologists will (incorrectly) assume your gender based on your skeleton?
it looks like there arent many (any?) responses :< maybe you could share what its like to live in the us as a trans person and ask trans people in other places, how life there compares? there are probably more people who can say something about that.
i reject the careless use of gender in the english language. there is no point in mentioning someones gender every time you mention them, other than implied sexism. bernies gender was not relevant to my comment, so i do not see a need to mention it.
what's best for [their] country and the planet
maybe the best that can be achived in the US, via reforms.
social democratic societies are better for their people than rampant capitalism, but they are still deeply hierarchical. they still leave state and capital with too much power, while apeasing worker with the sham of parlamentary democracy, and benefits, that are controlled by the state. this is already not a great end goal, but its also unstable, because capitalists still have enough power to take away the reforms that were made, and they will eventually.
i think radical queerness is about liberation and radical love an acceptance. accepting that every person in their uniqueness and loving them the way they are. breaking free from the opressive social norms and expectations, that force people to hide who they are, experience bigotry and live in shame. and ultimately radical self love, to allow oneselve to love oneself the way one is and in that overcome the internalized bigotry.
a conclusion of this kind of queer love, is the building and protection of queer community, free of hierarchies and opression and full of love and empathy. building the society we want to live in and that we are willing to fight for.
or you write about something completely different. either way, id love to read the storry, once u finish it :3
will u be posting about it when you release it?
ive never had that happen. i think in a "conversation" with a lib, tankies actually make ok backup, because they at least criticise capitalist societies (that are not painted red) decently well.
but what? be gay, do crime. legality has nothing to do with ethicality. dont support oppression and hegemonie!
crypto currency is actually very useful when you need to buy meds that states dont want you to have. i dont know if blockchain is the best way to implement decentralized currencies (proof of work blockchain definitely isnt) but its what we got rn
imo opinion this meme template works better when you use it ironically (greedy wokers stealing all the work time from poor starving employers)
the more i learn about humans the more one thing becomes clear to me: humans are incredibly good at adapting to new environments and accepting them as their new normal.
we are so incredibly shaped by our environments, i doubt there is much essential about people other than maybe a few inherent tendencies. that doesnt mean tho that people dont aquire attributes during their lives that become basically impossible to change. what has been unleashed once might be impossible to lock away ever again.
but whether inherent or not doesnt matter, because imo we should always let people be the way they wanna be and support them, unless they are being harmful (by a libertairian understnading), which is when we should try to help them or at least protect ourselves from them.

a pretty gobwin with a bloody mouth, smiling. text: do not be alarmed, i am normal and can be trusted with your flesh.

a drawing of a person wearing a balaclava and holding a gun with the text "all my homies hate tankies" :3
low spoilers for wind and truth, duh
i am still in fhe first half of the book but already it is so queer, with so many different charecters having their quewrness explored.
while it has been present for a while, i always thought the cosmere books were lacking in this regard and i am so happy this has been so greatly improved now :3
this combined with the focus on healing, empathy and redemption - almost reminding me of steven universe - as well as mental health and neurodivergence makes me love this book more, than the phantastic world and storries already did

this comic is a joke about how anarchist ideology is different from whats informally called anarchism. i am not transcribing it, because it has wayy too much text for that. sorry

ein bild einer solar punk stadt, mit der caption "gesellschaft wenn wenn duden nach phettberg entgender würde"

ein bild einer solar punk stadt, mit der caption "gesellschaft wenn wenn duden nach phettberg entgender würde"

hiii 196, i created a queer xmpp space: neon space cafe join here now neonspacecafe@conference.trashserver.net :33
(picture stolen from the "the restaurant at the end of the universe")

image: a drawn picture of a cute smiling demon, with red skin, horns, a pointy tail and a rainbow tattoo, wearing hot pants and a t-shirt with a transition from the text "pridemonth" to highlight the "demon" part of the word. there is a cute frog with a rainbow flag in the demons right pants pocket. the backgroung is made up of colourful, sparkly tiles in rainbow colours.
image credit: lahfy
heyy 196, a friend is brainworming and thinks no one will be attracted to them, if they get boobs. they have a twinkish build and expect big boobs. what do y'all think?
light dragonsteel prime spoiler
does anyone else ship bat'chor and topaz? that's really all i wanted to ask :3
i think the two have a cute dynamic. i really like that idea of a merchant, escaping their responsibility, to go on adventures with an excentric jesk they secretely love. following them on an unknown quest, out of loyalty and love..
i dont really think it's there in the text, but i like to imagine it anyway

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sitelen pi jan @TATODRUDIS

image transscription: a screenshot of a twitter post with the caption "On this Trans Day of Visibility, let's never forget when Jesus came back to show the lads his top surgery scars" and a picture of a painting that depicts jesus with one arm raised, showing off their now flat chest. one apostel inspects the top surgery scars, while other people watch in the background.