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First time DS9... just finished S6E26
  • WoWow you're actually unironically anti-maquis? You think they should just roll over and let Cardassians murder them? Wow you're a piece of shit reactionary troll and I've been wasting my time arguing here. Fuck off xD those planets being handed to Cardassia doesn't give them the right to displace and murder the people there, jfc what's wrong with you?

    They had no options. Molly was gonna get taken away, they couldn't just take her to earth. I really really don't understand why you're so invested in the thought that the O'Briens are evil bc they made a possibly stupid choice.

    I take it back, you really should see a therapist. Someone who can deprogram the nihilistic bootlicker out of you. People aren't evil by default, and driving someone from their home or taking away their rights isn't OK just bc a treaty says so

  • "Cancel Culture"
  • ???

    You suck at telling stories like this lmao, you're the one no true scotsmaning shitty Christians to try and avoid any flak for being associated with them. Legit this comment is utterly incomprehensible, tf is your point? Who's guy? Who's everyone? I assure you far from everyone thinks that republicans aren't real Christians

  • I Think I Am Committing Voter Fraud
  • Libertarians absolutely count tho. I still hear people blame Gary Fucking Johnson of all people for trump winning sometimes xD most 3rd parties are admittedly more likely to get left votes than right, but libertarians are the biggest 3rd party, and most who vote for them sure as fuck wouldn't go blue. And tbh a lot of 3rd party voters prob just wouldn't vote for dems period. I was really close to not voting for biden in 20, and I'm even closer to that this year

  • I Think I Am Committing Voter Fraud
  • Hey look, a liberal too afraid to admit they wanna genocide Palestinians! You're no different than magats, just as reactionary, just as blindly loyal, just as utterly fucking stupid. Yall are gonna genocide your way into losing the election and blame everyone who didn't wanna support genocide, meanwhile we'll all be in camps bc you couldn't consider for one fucking second that maybe being a massive piece of shit to anyone questioning voting for biden isn't actually gonna get you more votes. From the river to the sea 🌸🇵🇸🌸

  • I Think I Am Committing Voter Fraud
  • All the VBNMH fuckers downvoting me like I'm not 100% right xD the only thing that could actually convince even one of you to not vote for biden is if he stopped supporting Israeli genocide. Yall are fucking pathetic, keep doing your shit and you guarantee that nobody will support you and trump will win

  • I Think I Am Committing Voter Fraud
  • Funny how a vote for any 3rd party candidate is magically a vote against whoever you like most. Fuck off libtard, earn my vote don't fucking browbeat me for it

    Like real shit how does that logic work? This does nothing to explain how 3rd party = trump. By that logic it's also a vote against trump (implying there's actually logic here and not liberals just assuming they're entitled to all the votes forever no matter what)

  • I Think I Am Committing Voter Fraud
  • What the fuck do you think "vote blue no matter who" means? Biden could do literally anything, he could nuke Gaza and outlaw trans people and he wouldn't lose a single liberal vote bc trump worse

  • "Cancel Culture"
  • You're not calling out shit. You're refusing any responsibility by claiming they're not even really Christian. They are, and until you admit that, nobody gives a fuck about your claims to the contrary. Christians can be shit, that doesn't make them not Christian you absolute dingus. If you'd actually read the Bible you'd know that slavery and homophobia and sexism are as fundamentally Christian as any love thy neighbor shit

  • The UK Is Using a New Definition of “Extremism” to Repress Palestine Solidarity
  • I don't give a flying fuck about changing their minds. I care about my own safety and the safety of everyone in the world who would be killed by nazis. If they stop being nazis that's cool, but 99% never will. Silencing them is the next best thing. You disagree because you're a nazi collaborator who wishes your fatherland still had a nazi party. Jump off a cliff you fascist cunt, I'm done with you

  • "Cancel Culture"
  • This staunch denial of any responsibility for other shitty Christians is why nobody likes or respects you. Do something about other hateful Christians, don't just fucking deny that they exist. Pathetic

  • The UK Is Using a New Definition of “Extremism” to Repress Palestine Solidarity
  • "i went to demos against a far right party" as a counterprotestor I'm sure. For someone who halfheartedly claims to be against the far right you sure do write a lot of paragraphs defending their right to call for my death

  • The UK Is Using a New Definition of “Extremism” to Repress Palestine Solidarity
  • So you're from a country that isn't full of nazis. That means you don't know jack shit about what you're talking about. Punching nazis works, this is a fact, one you're either fully aware of and that's why you're against it, or one that you know nothing about bc you have no idea how to deal with nazis. Americans are pros at dealing with fascists, you should stay in your lane and quit putting your heart and soul into defending the evil fuckers 💖

  • Workers united!
  • I would never, ever pay 25 cents more for a burger because I don't have to. It's a scam by the restaurant owner who wants to keep making money hand over fist at the expense of their employees and customers. You paying more has nothing to do with paying the employees more, it goes straight to the top like always. This strikes me the same as people begging for video games to cost $70+ bc they think that means the developers will get payed more. That's not how capitalism works

  • White Supremacist Propaganda Incidents Soar to Record High in 2023
  • Wild how zionists will just project all the shit their country does onto people who oppose them. The ADL is made to poison the well on antisemitism, you're being wilfully ignorant of that bc hurting the feelings of some Israelis is a bigger tragedy to you than them murdering thousands of Palestinians.

    "If you have another reliable source that confirms or refutes the information in the article, that would be useful to the conversation." how about you get one? One that isn't run by a state intent on labeling all opposition to genocide as antisemitic?

  • Is it just me or have half the images posted today not loaded at all?

    No matter how long I wait they just don't load. Usually I can see all of them just fine, even if some take longer to load.

    AI is not rule


    The better machine learning gets, the more people who think everyone else is an NPC are going to be correct (at least on the internet)

    I'm sure we'll see more and more advanced bot accounts and customer service and the like (assuming it doesn't learn from other ML-made content until it becomes incomprehensible)

    Wtf is with all the blatant transphobia?

    Edit I'm just gonna delete this soon. I posted it and made most of my comments while angry and looking for blood. yea a lot of cringe stuff got said on that post but I don't think my post is contributing anything to the sub other than anger, and possibly driving people away. Sorry to the people I snapped at, I hope yall have a good night🐕

    The comments are full of people saying transphobic shit and op doubling down on his "making your trans partner feel dysphoric is fine" shit. He'll that pic was a re-upload from one of the mods here. What the fuck!!!! This is fucking 196 why are we out here defending blatant transphobia? People are in there calling trans people karens with a persecution complex, there's tons of defense of treating trans men like shit, "allies" telling trans people they're overreacting, all kinds of inexcusable shit. If this is how lemmy 196 is gonna be I hope this place crashes and burns

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