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Proton Mail Discloses User Data Leading to Arrest in Spain
  • ...yes, that's what I said. But sign them locally. Do not put your private key on Protons service. Sign and distribute pub keys locally.

    Probably should have clarified.

    Also, paid IMAP/SMTP makes Proton a freemium service. Thought I should just underline that.

  • Proton Mail Discloses User Data Leading to Arrest in Spain
  • This is why you sign and encrypt the contents of email. If the recipient doesn't have the public key, they can't read the content.

    Allowing a service provider to "handle your keys" is tantamount to letting the fox watch the henhouse.

    Proton doesn't provide IMAP/SMTP access for free accounts, so you won't be able to encrypt emails locally.

    This ultimately is the tech version of "trust me bro". This means you are as secure on Proton as you are on GMail, depending upon how you use the service.

  • Man confesses to killing hospitalized wife because he couldn't afford to care for her, police say
  • No, I wasn't referring to her. FFS. Like I understand why you would say that, because him considering his own suffering is just too selfish to be taken into consideration when asking why he did it, and us considering it as a part of his decision making process or that laws and systemic issues line this shit up like bowling pins? Noo! That's not allowed when considering motive... he's just EVIL which is a scientific term and influenced by SATAN because he DIDNT VOTE REPUBLICAN and probably LIVED AMONGST IMMIGRANTS /s

    Like seriously, Americans are fucking stupid sometimes.

  • Man confesses to killing hospitalized wife because he couldn't afford to care for her, police say
  • Bro... I just listed the reasons... like if you don't want to understand human nature, human psychology, sociology or why systemic issues are apart of creating the conditions that would allow this to happen, then that's your dumbass problem.

    Like seriously. Read a fucking book - and not the Abrahamic ones. Those rot your brain.

  • Man confesses to killing hospitalized wife because he couldn't afford to care for her, police say
  • "Evil" is a social construct for people in the dark ages, because it holds as much merit as believing in fairies.

    Again, you are really in denial of human nature, and as such don't know that the conditions I mentioned set the stage for this kind of thing to happen.

    Do you know that you can be corrupted, that you can commit murder, if the conditions are right?

  • Man confesses to killing hospitalized wife because he couldn't afford to care for her, police say
  • "Inconvenienced"?

    Oh I'm sorry. Taking care of someone for the rest of their lives, not being able to, not having the means to and all the while suffering for it is something you think is a walk in the fucking park?

    I think the key word here is "suffer". Americans worship suffering. It gives them a hard on. So when someone wants to end the suffering, that's an insult. Typical ugly American mentality, devoid of any understanding for human nature and full of piss and vinegar. Also, it's unrealistic and kind of naive, because I bet this happens more often than you think - but it's hard to actually figure out. Why? Let me count the ways.

    You have a judicial system committing mass judicial murder on a weekly basis "because you can't afford the fight the case", a for profit health sector that would pull plugs in concert if an insurance company told them to, doctors and surgeons dodging malpractice suits on a cross-state basis like it's a sport and you're probably happy knowing he'll be sent to a for profit prison system that makes profits in the billions, where he'll become a slave for the state to "pay back his debt to society".

    But sure, means and needs were not the issue. He should have pulled himself up by his bootstraps and gotten that 4th job.

  • Gnome developers in a nutshell
  • Both are great projects really, and big projects at that - big stacks, lots of moving parts.

    Whereas GNOME tries to be more uniform, Plasma tries to be more bespoke.

    I don't care which one you use, really. I just love GNOME design principles and it's desktop paradigm.

    Is GNOME a perfect project? No. But when these troglodytes crawl out of their discord servers, I just can't help but be infuriated by their pure malice and ignorance.

    So fuck em. I'm done with this thread.

    You have a nice day now, y'hear?

  • someone actually asked for an info dump
  • Do not, I repeat, do not infodump on someone today.

    Hi, my brain is wired so that it obsesses over details, combs through data and sifts through documentation, over decades even, only some poor soul to give me attention, which promptly opens up the spigot.

    Please be advised, you will know why VST2 instrument plugins can take audio input, but only because Native Instruments sort of "hacked it in" during the 2000s, even though it wasn't apart of the VST2 specification, which Steinberg obviously isn't a fan of, because even to this day Cubase won't recognise audio inputs from VST2 instruments in Cubase, but you can with VST 3 instrument plugins, and even though VST4 was at some point announced, it was presumably scrapped because plans for VST5 was leaked time after, but never actually came into fruition. Really though, vendors should be distributing CLAP plugins and contributing back to CLAP, because we could really use an open standard beyond Steinberg's proprietary SDK, but then people like Native Instruments, Arturia, etc would have to "port their plugins" over to CLAP, which shouldn't be too hard since it's sort of API compatible - though not really - but since they won't see instant returns they probably won't dedicate the billable hours... so anyways, I program Maxforlive devices nowadays - oh, wait. Butterfly...

  • Organizers of Eurovision Song Contest ready to remove Palestinian flags or symbols
  • Bro, why is Israel even in there? "They are in the broadcast union" is not the gotcha you think it is. Isreal neighbours are Egypt, Yemen, Iran and so forth.

    The fact that you don't see that European intervention and colonization in the middle east merits representation in European media shows a disconnect that can only be described as pure unadulterated repression. If you then also try to say "music" or "the arts" shouldn't be political", I can only assume you actually like to listen to the music that comes from EuroVision.

    If you want to continue with the financing of geo-political fuckery under the guise of "liberalism", you've got to face it as well. You shouldn't get to bury your head in the sand.

    That being said, Palestine flags should be prominently features in the Isreali part of the crowd, since Isreal occupies their land.

    It's only fair to have proper representation.

  • „If companies were to do the right thing, they would lose the most valuable customers on earth, preteen kids”
  • ...well, is he wrong? Exploiting kids is the most lucrative endeavour. In fact, if we're going by piece meal and not lump sum, young people are a fat wad of cash.

    So of course you knew we need to take every musical art form and turn it into sensory overload on stilts, because money.

    Your little crotchgoblins are a path to your wallet.

  • Gnome developers in a nutshell
  • Oh noes! Design spec?!? :( STANDARDS AND ETHICS?!?! No! I Want you to install my halfass, broken solution instead of waiting for a proper solution to come along! I'm such a special boy and know coding better than you! HOW DARE YOU HAVE PLANS!! /s

    Like some of you are buffoons and need to go use something like Plasma instead. I love Plasma, not pushing that down, it's just that if you don't know the modus operandi of GNOME in 2024 already, you might as well give up trying.

    At the very least give up complaining. You wouldn't have Wayland if it weren't for WONTFIX, ya daft cunts.

  • David Cameron backed Israel arms sales two days after death of UK aid workers
  • Bro, you're just ignorant and also a hypocrite. You're still putting words into my mouth, whereas I am appraising your attitude. I know you don't know the difference.

    First of all, the entirety of Russia was alienated from Europe because of McCarthyism. Even though Europe has a lot of socialist parties, going that route would mean an instant dismissal from certain trade deals when sanctions and embargos hit you in the face. So Europe is run by neo-liberals - consistently. The same leaders who voted to go into Afghanistan, the same leaders who voted to go into Iraq, and that last thing, surely that was just Americans, right?

    Check your political map. You're ignoring about 6 decades of McCarthyism in geo-political form. You're just naive enough to not think US imperialism isn't a matter of soft power.

    And also, if you're left wing, you're not liberal. "Liberal" is a political marketing buzzword. "Liberalisation" is about privatisation, like Milet is doing.

    So I don't know why the heck you're defending liberals when in fact they have run the world ragged.

    Seems like you're an abused spouse or something.

    Anyways, shake the conditioning and brain rot, and then get back to me.

    If you're just here to "own" and dominate? That's very liberal of you.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    I have peepee doodoo caca brains.

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