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To serve his country, Donald Trump should leave the race | Editorial Board
  • Hah, no ones deluded enough to think trump wants to serve America or even that he gives a flying f*ck about what’s good for it.

    Oh my sweet summer child...

    They believe that Trump is simultaneously the reincarnation of JFK jr, and JFK jr is going to come back from the dead and be his VP. Scientist need to invent about 200 more dimensions in order to describe the space their mental gymnastics flips and cartwheels through.

  • CNN's debate was no fair fight
  • 2 major problems with that. Good luck getting him to agree to a debate with fact checking. Even when he is blatantly lying, he's just going to accuse the fact checkers of bias, and force his supporters to distance themselves from reality more than they are already.

    The best defence is to ignore it, and focus on the issues that people care about. The best thing Biden can do is present a strong coherent front, and pretend like trump isn't even there at all.

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  • well he did quickly processing and responding to trump’s gish gallop and unchecked stream of consciousness mistruth firehose with little help from the impotent moderators

    This ain't you fam? Maybe read what you wrote before you accuse someone else of building a strawman.

    Now take your shitty ad-hominems and fuck off.

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  • Not really. I've had some close family get dementia, it doesn't look like that. If Biden had dementia, there is 0 chance they would have stood him up for a debate. It's really a condition called "fucking old".

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  • You know the moderators are there to enforce the rules of the debate, right? They aren't live fact checkers. Their job is to manage clocks, present questions, and occasionally, ask a followup question, not to defend one particular position or person.

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  • This. Debates mattered 20+ years ago, when Candidates had just a few opportunities to talk about who they are, what they've done, what they want to do, and why those qualites make them the best choice for President.

    Now, we have a near inescapable connection to politics. The content of the message is known, and the only reason for debate is confrontation, and delivery is all that matters.

  • Biden’s debate performance sets off alarm bells for Democrats
  • Yeah, it takes a lot of chutzpah to say, "Look, I tried, but I can't do it. This guy can do it, and I'm giving him my full support, you should too".

    I think just about anyone who has the confidence to run for President is narcissistic enough to think they are the only person who can do the job, so Biden, or Trump, stepping down willingly is not going to happen.

  • What’s the worst piece of technology you’ve ever owned?
  • It's probably a bit of both here. We didn't have the "disposable" lifestyle 50 years ago that we have now, and a stronger push for efficiency and features has had trade-offs in complexity and reliability.

    Example: My current dryer (and my dad's new dryer) both have a lot more plastic in them. The motors are smaller, and quieter, while making the same power (or more). They are loaded with temp, humidity, weight and wobble sensors, and my dryer has 4 dials, 5 different temperatures, and 2 different modes. The old one, had a dial to control the heat, and a timer.

    As for disposable, I think older generations had an expectancy that you would buy an appliance once or twice in your life. I've got a 1000 dollar poket shit-posting device that I'm going to get rid of because it is pushing 4 years old. We just accept that these devices are uneconomical to repair, and we toss them out. I think the only things American's bother to fix anymore are cars, and that's going away because every year, they get harder and more expensive to repair.

  • What’s the worst piece of technology you’ve ever owned?
  • I usually buy Asus for computers, and I go for a mid-range business model with dedicated graphics. They're cheaper than the gaming counterparts, still have good specs, and they are much more reliable and easy to work on.

    Had a secondhand Alienware, circa 2017, and that thing looked nice, but it was heavy, bulky, and you had to remove the back cover, drives, battery, WiFi antenna, and a bezel just to swap the CMOS battery. But that's everything Dell IMHO.

  • What’s the worst piece of technology you’ve ever owned?
  • Gotta have one from 30 years ago. My dad's secondhand Maytag dryer survived 4 moves, and 35 years. We had it serviced twice in that time. First time was at 30 years. It stopped running because it filled up with pocket change. Some of the coins were polished almost completely flat. Second time, the heat quit working. Bought a new dryer after that. It's going strong, but it's got a long way to go just to be half as good.

  • Why do some Americans get angry at other people for not speaking English?
  • I love hearing other languages in the US. It reminds me of the lofty ideals that were taught to me as a child. The Great Melting Pot, Give me your poor, your tired, your huddled masses, E Pluribus Unum and all that.

    I hate that there is a significant portion of the population here that violently believes that English is the only language here.

  • Fearing Losses, Banks Are Quietly Dumping Real Estate Loans
  • Yep. Biggest disappointment about the 2008 crisis was that all the people who caused it were able to go back to work and start doing it all over again

    I say, if you crash the global economy, you ought to be relegated to fast food service for the rest of your life.

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