You guys! I did it! Like, with an actual woman! And, wait for it, no condom! You guys, I wennt in raw! And I totally came inside! Is your mind blown yet?
Wow, he really wants to go with the "childless" thing, huh? Should go over swimmingly with Millenials and Gen Z that can't afford to have children anymore.
He just wants Millennials to be the happy and proud parent Trump is of his children- Ivanka, Don Jr., Derek, Barron, and he doesn't have any other daughters.
They're so fucking stupid. If they wanted to keep making the ultra rich richer, they'd give all of us enough money to spend disposable income. But the current policies are coming to the inevitable late stage capitalism conclusion where none of us have enough money to continue propping them up.
It's been decades of short term gains over sustainability, and we're at the end of that pattern now
There was a Twitter post claiming he wrote in his book that he fucked couch cushions as a younger lad. It is (as far as we know) not true, however it caught like wildfire and is now a certified dank meme
I've been saying this for a while now that this anger and resentment over childfree people has become increasingly pervasive and dangerous and it really feels like we are going to be one of the first against the wall.
Even among otherwise reasonable people I know there is a shocking amount of resentment towards people who choose to live their lives for something besides children.
I haven't really seen that honestly, it's pretty much a non-event. I have a kid, some of my circle don't plan on it. No one really cares.
I've seen childfree people on the internet complaining about people with kids plenty enough, but I always assumed they were a vocal minority.
The only time I've ever seen this topic as an actual point of contention in real life is people who insist on no kids at weddings. Which I do think is kind of a dick move, but also people's preogerative.
I've seen kids at weddings. Hell, I've been a kid at weddings. It was generally a bad experience for everyone.
Bored. Hungry. Thirsty. Where's the toilet? I wanna play over there. Not allowed to touch this and that. Don't run around. Don't yell. Stop doing rude things. Don't cry. Barf. Sleepy. Who gave them alcohol? I wanna go home! Stop crying. Etc and so on.
Kids and weddings rarely mix well, often making it a burdensome experience for everyone, mostly for the kids.
It’s because so many of these people hate their children and resent those kids for being alive. I have heard other parents talk about how much they wasted on kids bringing them up, and how much better they imagine their lives had they not had kids.
They want other people saddled with this same burden and drag everyone down to their misery.
It’s natural as a parent to think about life without kids, especially with how miserable it has become. Kids are seldom allowed to be kids. It’s all structured nonsense and constant trash like 20 games of little kid sports, which they don’t want to play. They want to sit inside and play electronics just like adults.
Parents also spend hundreds of dollars on things like music lessons, and the kid gets bored because Minecraft genuinely is more fun for a kid. Then they get angry and hateful at the kid.
Well what good are you if you aren't making future soldiers? Get out there and sow your wild oats. Or spread your legs. Whatever you have to do, do it for America.
Harris out here telling us we shouldn't throw up our arms when we should be rolling up our sleeves. Vance just wants to roll up our slipcovers.
This isn’t even bronze age bruh some primitive societies had women who specialised into certain tasks not have children for various reasons. Or even for paganist (religious) reasons.
The wealthy want more people in the world so that they can pay employees less. More people, more competition for jobs. Also, more consumption, more sales.
Hell yeah JD!!! That's my boy! Keep giving us this motivational locker room talk, you're the gift that keeps on giving! Keep cooking (yourself) King. You're kinda mainlining the LGBTQ stuff to the point that it's stale, maybe alienate some minorities next go round, that'd be SICK
I'm a childless adult. I'm such a terrible person. I worship the devil and I kill people. What are you gonna do about it? My cats are literally tiny Satans.
Actually, they fucking rock. Best kitties in the world.
Fellow childless adult here. Partner and I want kids, but we can't bear to bring a person into this world where the climate is fucked, reaganomics has ruined the middle class, and restrictive reproductive healthcare laws make pregnancy a huge risk.
JD Vance wants to bitch about childless adults, but he and his ilk are causing us to abstain from having kids.
I don't know, if Trump drops him, that looks a lot worse for Trump than it did Biden dropping out for Harris. There haven't been months and months and months of people on both sides saying Biden is unfit for another term.
Why do Republicans hate children so much? I have kids and fail to understand why the party supporters want children born unwanted. Do they secretly relish the idea that these unwanted kids will grow up in misery? Neglected, abused, worse? WTAF?
Unironically, they absolutely do. Children are the punishment for having sex out of wedlock, and not only must the woman suffer for having this child, but the child must suffer because they're the product of sin.
I knew a number of people at my old church who ABSOLUTELY thought this way.
I had a conversation about abortion with a friend once where, after a lot of effort by my to keep the conversation on topic, she finally admitted that having a child if the punishment you deserve for getting pregnant.
In this case I think it’s not even anything to do with the contempt for children. It’s just yet another way to mark people you don’t like as outsiders and others. Republicans absolutely love to demonize the media any way they can.
Military recruiting is down and their pipelines are weak as our knowledge and information economy have proliferated and thrived. So: do whatever is needed to make childhood so shitty being raised from a negligent and abusive household, and flyover country future economic prospects so bleak as an adult that an Army 11X MOS looks like a golden ticket out.
The military doesn’t want well-adjusted, emotionally stable and regulated to enlist for combat arms. Their need for warfighters outweighs the ethics of manipulating a society’s citizens to worship war.
And there’s only so many officers (whom they actually do want to be emotionally stable, educated, and rational) that they need.
And since it's republicans, we haven't even acknowledged that these are all underaged couches, still well within their warranties with a lot of life and promise ahead of them... That is until old "Just Do (it with couches) Vance shows up...
it's not a random thing to demonize people for the simple choice to not have kids. corporate greedlords have been shitting their pants over the declining birthrate because less kids means less money for them. no matter who's paying to raise a kid--parents or taxpayers--that money isn't spent on kids that don't exist, and every industry suffers for it: food, medical, gas, clothing--everything
so if you already felt bad about not having kids, the goal is to make you hate yourself even more, and make having kids an even higher priority in your life. it seems like it should be about more than money, but for republicans it's absolutely not.
But with stable or falling populations, economic stagnation, such as that which afflicted Japan for a decade, limits opportunities to profit. And establishment think tanks worry about how to fund Social Security without taxing the rich.
they use words like crisis, panic, catastrophe, etc. -- it's all to scare people into thinking the world is going to implode unless everyone starts furiously having babies. the world isn't going to implode from fewer babies. profits will go down. that's it.
edit: also-- "shrinking tax base"--fuck that. tax the fucking rich
What’s the tactic here to win voters? Alienate them? Are the republicans trying to neg women into voting for them?
I don’t think lack of self esteem is going to win them any votes, how will Republicans raising taxes on the poor and giving corporations tax cuts help the childless cat ladies have babies?
Vance faced an onslaught of bad press, as many commentators—including Harris’ step-daughter, Taylor Swift fans, Democratic officials, actor Jennifer Aniston, and several conservative women pundits—decried his comment.
My reading comprehension must be pretty bad because for a second it sounded like Taylor Swift was Kamala Harris' step daughter.