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DeSantis vetoes all arts grants in Florida
  • This high heeled tough guy wannabe is the living embodiment of poor and spiteful decision making. Nothing he does helps anybody. It's fascinating really. Everyday I wake up I count my blessings I escaped that shit hole state

  • Winter, trying to chill during the heat wave.
  • OMG so beautiful! You put your coat on too early though babe 😺

  • A Christian writer attacked Dolly Parton for being pro-LGBTQ+. It didn't end well for the writer.
  • Ericka, this is what we call a fuck around and find out situation. Dolly Parton is an international treasure; her consistency of standing on principles regarding inclusivity and her open-minded mentality has always been there. "9 To 5" has to be the most popular pro-union song ever made! Cry mad about it more

  • Jimmy Carter no longer awake every day, grandson says
  • Aww damnit Jimmy.. would that all who took the Oath of Office had your kind soul

  • Sen. John Fetterman and wife Giselle taken to hospital after car crash in Maryland
  • Praying that this somehow glitches him back to the one politician I was actually hyped for back whan

  • US lawmakers advance Bill to sanction ICC over Israel probe
  • Surely not for the last time, I'm an embarrassed American

  • Epoch Times CFO Bill Guan is charged in alleged $67 million global money laundering scheme
  • Who could have possibly foreseen this, another right wing grifter getting caught being an immoral piece of shit. What a shocker. It's everyday with these clowns. It's so obvious and tiresome

  • Russia Declares War on ‘Mediocre Actor’ George Clooney
  • Dude, that's hilarious and I'm so glad that I asked. #CLOONEYD

  • Russia Declares War on ‘Mediocre Actor’ George Clooney
  • Alright, I'll bite. You mentioned it previously, what's your "personal" beef with George Clooney? Are you David O Russell or something?

  • X planning town hall with Donald Trump as Elon Musk reportedly gets cozy with the former president
  • That was probably because he had a good PR team that somehow was able to keep him from saying all this stupid bigoted and homophobic shit, in public at least. Those birds have definitely flown

  • Nation Shrugs After Hearing Trump Guilty Verdict, Unpauses ‘MILF Manor’
  • First January 6th and now today. Once again I'm stuck inside this fuckin store while history is being made 🫡 Anyway honey, I hope you're feeling a little better and I love you so much ❤️

    (Sent to my wife during her second bout with Covid today) Barely any of the customers knew or cared what was going on and we were slammed. I hate it here

  • Hillary Clinton celebrates Donald Trump verdict with 'She was right' merch
  • Read the room Hill-dawg: no one likes you or is buying this horribly designed shit. You are the reason the United States is at 50/50 odds of going full fascism because you bet on yourself. Bad bet. Go away now

  • In memory of Kabosu, here is the first meme I ever made. Posted to Reddit 11 years ago.
  • Holy hell if that's not a product of it's time lol. I used to love the Rage faces too, Yyyeeshing so hard at Past myself

  • TIL that Will Smith turned down the role of Neo in The Matrix to star in Wild, Wild West
  • Oh yeah. He was desperate to get that big ol robot spider in the never filmed Tim Burton Superman movie starring Nicholas Cage too. Weird spider fetish ya got there Jon Peters

  • Israel raids the Associated Press and seizes equipment over war coverage
  • I share your sentiment, believe me I do, but no one gave a single fuck when the IDF destroyed the AP building in Gaza a couple years ago. Disgusting and atrocious, but the mainstream media was crickets

  • Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker bashes Pride Month, tells women to stay in the kitchen
  • As if I needed another reason to hate the Kansas City Chiefs

  • Donald Trump says he'll revoke Joe Biden's protections for trans people 'on day one'
  • I can't believe we exist in such a bastardized backwards timeline where someone like Donald Trump can be lording over us again. If not for my wife I'd be taking my retail related boxcutter to my throat

  • Donald Trump says he'll revoke Joe Biden's protections for trans people 'on day one'
  • Here we go again and again on this repeat episode of Hold Your Nose And Vote For Joe Where as Joe is enacting and upholding protections for the LGBTQ community, Trump is only too happy to repeal that shit so fast. Not only that, but big boi Trump also has alluded to glassing Iran, which is way further than Biden has escalated towards. Biden is sadly, our current cold comfort here. We're stuck between a rock and a slightly more malleable corrupt WW3 causing dipshit rock

  • sarcasticsunrise sarcasticsunrise

    I cannot help it. I cannot change I'm a runaway train

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