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Undecided voters say they now support Joe Biden after debate
  • Not saying I get it, but most undecided voters I know are undecided between voting for Biden and not voting. They don't seem to care about the implications of a Trump presidency, and nothing can get through to them. They just don't want to vote for Biden.

    Obligatory, I'm holding my nose in November

  • Do you like America? Why or why not?
  • It depends on what you mean. America the government courting christofascism? Hell fucking no. I wish all the Republicans and neolibs in power would have a heart attack. I also wish to live long enough to read Trump's and Alito's obituaries. But I do love my local community too much to just abandon them. At best, I would call my relationship with America akin to Stockholm Syndrome.

  • Oklahoma’s State Superintendent Requires Public Schools to Teach the Bible
  • I just don't see how this is so blatantly done. It should be a slam dunk in court.

    The fact that they're doing this openly should be a warning sign of where this country is currently, and is heading. They're doing this because they know the SC is compromised in their favor. All they have to do to get away with it is promise 5-6 judges a small gratuity.

  • US Navy nuclear ballistic missile submarine surfaces off Norway in unusual flex as 'Doomsday' plane flies overhead
  • Your example hinges on the implication that 100 America Street (ie the Republican Party) is stable and unable to cause further harm. In reality, 100 America Street is a blazing inferno, has billionaires in white hoods tossing cans of gasoline at it, and houses tons of high explosives that will absolutely level the entire neighborhood if/when it goes off.

    Ignoring 100 to piss on 102 is only going to make a bad situation much, much, much worse. And at this point in time, one can't help but wonder whether anyone distracting from 100 America Street is doing so out of ignorance or malice.

  • US Navy nuclear ballistic missile submarine surfaces off Norway in unusual flex as 'Doomsday' plane flies overhead
  • But the first step is Dem voters having higher standards than "not a Republican".

    The prerequisite to that is to dismantle the NRA and purge the Republican party from power by vote or by force so they can't ever back another Hitler wannabe again. Then we can talk policy.

  • Smiling robot face is made from living human skin cells
  • I have a day job that pays the bills (many of us do) because the only money in art is money laundering, but I do perform fairly often, and occasionally produce. Of course it varies on the season, some months are slow for everyone. My day job is a grind.

    Also how was the bifurcation process?


  • What's your biggest gamer achievement?
  • I used to collect professional stranges in TF2 and had (have?) every single strange up to box 60 or so, including highly sought after stranges like the festive minigun, kritzkrieg, and machina.

    I absolutely hated machinas so I remember I nerfed the fuck out of my own and named it "Who buys this trash?" since I would get frequent requests from buyers

  • Smiling robot face is made from living human skin cells
  • I'm a sideshow circus performer. My specialty is fire performance, but I have other talents as well as a split tongue. My friends are the kinda people who like to swing from meat hooks and swallow swords. Freak show type stuff. We do it live on stage.

    Unsurprisingly, I've also performed in haunted houses.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Fire Witch

    Professional circus performer by night, master code monkey by day

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