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  • Interesting!

    However, this was behind a coffee kiosk at a mall, so I'm going to go with 'the manager isn't too bright.'

  • This is what we used to worry about in the 80s. This and global thermonuclear war.
  • I feel like Bruce McCulloch had a closet full of flannel shirts with the arms cut off.

  • Russian satellite breaks up in space, forces ISS astronauts to shelter
  • Having not seen it, I lost nothing. Except the time I spent watching tons of other boring movies.

  • This is what we used to worry about in the 80s. This and global thermonuclear war.
  • Excuse me, but would the star of 101 episodes of ALF and 15 episodes of Misfits of Science sink this low?

    Don't answer that.

  • This is what we used to worry about in the 80s. This and global thermonuclear war.
  • I think of him as Doc from The Love Boat, but that works too.

  • Neither?
  • I do not, but I would be interested to learn!

  • Garfield
  • Garfield may be dead, but he shall return.

  • History repeats itself.
  • I really miss my tiny 1986 Toyota Corolla. My 2016 Prius is not supposed to be a big car and yet it is still bigger than that Corolla. Both sedans. If anything, the Prius should be smaller because it's a hatchback and those used to be the smaller cars.

    At the time, the Corolla didn't feel small either. Every car is too big now except maybe Minis and Fiats.

    My imaginary dream car would be an EV Nash Metropolitan. It's got 2 doors, a front and a back seat and a decent-sized trunk. I don't haul stuff, there's only three people in my family, I really don't need anything else.

  • History repeats itself.
  • This doesn't belong in the humor community because it's seriously depressing.

  • McCafé
  • It took me until I read your post and went back up and read it again.

    I'm not smart.

  • Help! Help! I'm being assimilated!
  • Is the Borg Queen an Orion now?

  • Trump–Biden Debate Conspiracies Have Already Flooded the Internet
  • They set the expectations ridiculously low for Biden and are desperately trying to claw that back. When they say he can't string two sentences together, all he has to do is string two sentences together and he's shown that they're wrong about him. Such morons.

  • What goes up must… stay there?
  • I knew Elon was going to end the world one way or another.

  • Prospect of low-priced Chinese EVs reaching US from Mexico poses threat to automakers
  • We're talking about new Chinese EVs vs. new American EVs. So obviously we are talking about new cars here. As the article says, you can get a brand new Seagull in China for around $12,000 and around $21,000 in Latin America. I can't think of a new American EV that comes even close to that price point.

  • North Korean troops will become 'cannon fodder' if they aid Russia in Ukraine, Pentagon says
  • Who would you rather have at your side on the battlefield, a hardened combat veteran or a circus performer?

  • InsanePeopleFacebook Flying Squid
    What goes up must… stay there?
    He flipped off a trooper and got charged. Now Vermont is on the hook for $175,000
  • In-law. Not my dad. Although they were both born in 1931 coincidentally. Both no longer with us unfortunately.

  • InsanePeopleFacebook Flying Squid
    Are we talking African centuries or European centuries? There's this guy in front of a bridge...
    Worst cartographer ever.
  • I assume it's a trace, since someone else is saying that guy did draw such a map, but it's funny that the Facebook nut don't suggest it.

  • 7 in 10 Americans think Supreme Court justices put ideology over impartiality: AP-NORC poll
  • I don't know. This is America. I'd say at least 1 out of 10 says, "the supreme what now?"

  • Worst cartographer ever.
  • They are equally credible-sounding because they tell the person what they want to hear. SovCits are told they can get out of debt or a government fine. People who believe this are told that Muslims did something first due to their superior skills. It's the same.

  • InsanePeopleFacebook Flying Squid
    Worst cartographer ever.
    20 'Jack him up on Mountain Dew!' GOP lawmaker floats wildest Biden debate conspiracy yet

    Can Mountain Dew, the famously sugary and highly caffeinated soft drink, cure purported dementia? That seems to be the hypothesis of Rep. Erick Burlison (R-MO), who appeared on Fox Business on Tuesday to speculate about the kinds of "drugs" that President Joe Biden will supposedly take to improv.....

    'Jack him up on Mountain Dew!' GOP lawmaker floats wildest Biden debate conspiracy yet
    InsanePeopleFacebook Flying Squid
    The "buildings exist, therefore history is a lie" person added an explanation. It really doesn't help.
    Look what I got to spend my birthday money on!

    At the risk of once again being told what an idiot I am, healthcare in America sucks. Thanks for the present though, mom. We need all the help we can get.

    By the way, feel free to tell me how great my Photoshop skills are. Some people on Lemmy love to tell me how I’m not sick and just making it up for sympathy.

    Sorry… is there a community for “I’ve been pissed off for months now?”

    61 It's wild how many job listings might be fake

    Three in 10 employers have fake job postings, according to a Resume Builder survey. But sometimes phony listings can lead to real jobs.

    It's wild how many job listings might be fake

    > Resume Builder, which offers résumé templates, surveyed nearly 650 hiring managers in May and found nearly seven in 10 said it was "morally acceptable" to post fake jobs. Hiring managers credited the move with increasing revenue, morale, and how much workers get done.

    Here's the weird part though-

    > About seven in 10 of the fake jobs were on a company website or LinkedIn, according to the survey. And, yet, despite all the shenanigans, many fake listings often lead to real interviews — and even employment. > >Four in 10 hiring managers said they always contacted workers who applied for made-up jobs. Forty-five percent said they sometimes contacted those job seekers. Among companies that contacted applicants, 85% report interviewing the person. > >"A lot of them are getting contacted and interviewed at some point, so it's not necessarily a black box," Haller said.

    Does that part make sense to anyone?

    Archive of Spire Christian Comics from the 1970s. Highly amusing.

    Learn all about-


    Who is there to teach you about Jesus? Why, it's the Riverdale gang!


    But not just Archie and Jughead, oh no. A much bigger fish!



    InsanePeopleFacebook Flying Squid
    Definitely not a hoax. Trust us on that.
    The version of the 10 Commandments Louisiana mandates be in every classroom is not from the Bible. It is from a "formerly" racist organization called the Fraternal Order of Eagles. Here are 9 outrageous facts about Louisiana’s Ten Commandments law

    Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry signed a bill requiring every public school classroom to display the Ten Commandments after bragging that he “can’t wait to be sued” for this outrageous assault on ...

    Here are 9 outrageous facts about Louisiana’s Ten Commandments law

    > At one point the qualifications for membership were that one must be 21 years old, possess a good character, not be a Communist and be a Caucasian. By the late 1970s the all-white provision had officially been rescinded, but, because the Order used the blackball to admit new members, it was difficult for minorities to gain membership. In 1979 the FOE tried to get a lawsuit dismissed that alleged it was violating the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by not allowing African Americans to use their athletic facilities. The article stated that a local Eagle official could only cite Joe Louis as a black member of the FOE

    20 Trump expects Biden to be a 'worthy debater' after spending months attacking his mental fitness

    Former President Donald Trump is raising his debate expectations for President Joe Biden after spending months describing him as a weak, mentally unfit leader.

    Trump expects Biden to be a 'worthy debater' after spending months attacking his mental fitness

    This is way up there with the stupidest excuses Trump has ever made:

    > "Maybe I'm better off losing the debate, I'll make sure he stays. I'll lose the debate on purpose, maybe I'll do something like that," Trump said during an interview with Real America's Voices the day he visited with Congressional Republicans.

    Everything old is new again.

    That said, Taxi drivers have something Uber drivers don't- a union.

    InsanePeopleFacebook Flying Squid
    This looks kind of like a dinosaur! Checkmate, evolutionists!
    todayilearned Flying Squid
    TIL Mark Mothersbaugh of DEVO carved the world's largest ruby into the shape of a turd.
    Political Memes Flying Squid
    The Alabama attorney general's response to a letter of protest to the grand dragon of the KKK [I claim this counted as a meme in 1976.]

    More info here:

    FlyingSquid Flying Squid
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