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What did people do before smartphones to pass the time when you were bored?
  • Some tropes of the 80s and 90s: Teenagers ignoring their family while listening to a Walkman. Dads reading the newspaper and ignoring their family. Moms talking on the landline phone with friends and neighhbors. Nerds reading comic books. Dads playing golf. Mom shopping. Teens just "hanging out" at some random place like a parking lot, near a lake, under a bridge, behind the band hall, etc. Smoking. Crossword puzzles. Jigsaw puzzles. Cards.

  • Where do you carry your stuff?
  • If it's good enough for Chewbacca, who am I to argue?

  • Where do you carry your stuff?
  • Interesting, never heard of runner belts. Makes sense that they would sell something like that. Runners need to carry stuff, too. Thanks for mentioning it.

  • Where do you carry your stuff?
  • Every option is a compromise.

    If you're slender and wear pants that are fitted (not baggy) it's challenging. Bigger guys with loose fit pants can get a surprising amount in the naturally larger pockets.

    A courier bag AKA messenger bag is the man's version of a purse, and is certainly an acceptable option. It is annoying to carry all day and keep up with. But you won't have the weird-looking pocket bulges. They come in myriad sizes and designs.

    There's the "utility belt" thing where you clip a phone holster to your belt. They also make pouches for this. I think one or the other is "OK" but definitely wouldn't do both. You'll end up looking like Batman or a police officer. Things clipped to my belt are annoying to me, but some guys do it every day and it works fine for them.

    Some guys wear vests with lots of pockets. A select few can actually pull this off, but, it's going to look dorky 95% of the time, IMHO.

    Windbreaker or light jacket with pockets is another good option. But in the summer, not always ideal.

  • Eat shit Spotify.
  • Hopefully it's gotten better, but I know years ago song lyrics sites were a major source of malware.

  • Ranked Choice Voting - A Community for Discussion and Organizing to Implement Ranked Choice Voting
  • You can vote for more than one candidate, but you rank them by order of preference. This way, third party and independent candidates actually have a chance.

  • is this the right way to establish boundaries with my nosy coworkers at the hospital?
  • An approach that works well is to gray rock it. Be slow to answer. Make your answers as bland and boring as possible. They'll probably make fun of you for being dull as dishwater, but that's the goal! The more slowly and boring you answer them, the better. Give as few details as possible. Shrug and say "I don't know" a lot. Be consistent about it. They will lose interest in you and look for spicier prey.

    The downside is, they will assume you're dumb. But it sounds like you don't care what they think.

  • How light can vaporize water without the need for heat | MIT
  • That is fascinating. I wonder if the wavelength of green light is better because of something akin to harmonic resonance.

  • How 0% APR credits make money?
  • The dealer gets bonuses from the manufacturer if they sell enough vehicles, and the manufacturer wants to claim a higher percentage of the market. So both are motivated to take a hit on the interest as long as the customer is still paying the exorbitant markup.

  • Is it okay to be cautious about CCTV cameras?
  • I get where you're coming from. But if you're out in public, just assume there's no privacy. If you carry a phone, your movements and habits are being tracked anyway.

  • All political views should end with the word boy in a southern voice.
  • Kyle uses "son" a lot. Makes me chuckle.

  • Pioneering internet messenger ICQ shuts after 28 years - CNA
  • I had a buddy in the UK I chatted with on this thing in the early days. We thought we were so cool using it. We were not.

  • The Acolyte discussion and review megathread
  • I need to rewatch the episode, but I also felt like his recognition of him went deeper than "oh yeah, you're that guy we saw in the street before with Mae". Same thing with Yord. I could be way off here, but I felt like both of them had some kind of actual history with him. And maybe they didn't realize it until he was up close and personal, because he was much older / different.

  • Salad Fingers
  • Was surprised it wasn't already on the list.

  • Trump expects Biden to be a 'worthy debater' after spending months attacking his mental fitness
  • Researchers will be studying Trump and his followers for decades to come. A gold mine of data to help them better understand the mechanisms of authoritarian populism and cognitive dissonance.

  • Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission
  • And Nadella looks like the PTA meeting version of Lex Luthor.

  • Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission

    Microsoft quietly changed how folder backup works in the OneDrive app on Windows 11. Now, the OS enables it by default during the initial setup without asking the user for permission.

    Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission
    Sleep and His Half-Brother Death
  • It's so hard to get his attention, he just sorta lies there!

  • [USA] Appeals court rules that cops can physically make you unlock your phone Appeals court rules that cops can physically make you unlock your phone

    The 9th Circuit determined that forcibly mashing a suspect's thumb into his phone to unlock it was akin to fingerprinting him at the police station.

    Appeals court rules that cops can physically make you unlock your phone
    Online geography course recommendations?

    Looking for something engaging and interactive (preferably free, but I don't mind paying a reasonable price). Thanks for your suggestions!

    1 Kabosu dies: Shiba inu dog was meme and face of Dogecoin

    Kabosu, a Japanese shiba inu, inspired the viral "doge" meme and became the face of Dogecoin cryptocurrency.

    Kabosu dies: Shiba inu dog was meme and face of Dogecoin
    Boozilla Boozilla
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