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  • The reason metric makes sense is because its standard, and 90% of the world uses it. Being the odd one out just causes problems in the long term, especially as we move towards a more globalized world.

  • Aliens haven't contacted us. Scientists found a compelling reason why.
  • The thing is, out of a population of trillions (or even quadrillions as you say), you only need a few thousand to travel to the stars to colonize another planet. With how large the population is, that is bound to happen. Just like there were bound to be pioneers travelling to the new world to settle it, despite how dangerous the journey was. And how there will be pioneers to settle the moon or mars or further out.

    And a civilization like that would absolutely send stuff to other star systems, if only for science, so most of the research for the journey would already be done. And this is assuming that a civilization wouldn't want ever greater quantities of resources for ever greater projects, or access to other star systems for reasons we cannot fathom today (maybe neutron stars or black holes have some incredibly tempting uses? Or maybe there's some useful resources out in the galaxy that we have yet to discover?)

    Basically, a successful civilization like that is bound to spread out, it's difficult to see scenarios where a successful civilization would be so homogenous in thought as for that to not happen. Amd then it's before we even get to sending AI probes to "colonize" space and gather data.

  • Q: “Are we doomed?” A: “We would be, if not for the amazing developments in renewable energy.”
  • Yes I know degrowth isn't about population, that's what I said?

    But if population naturally declines, I really don't think it's a good idea to try to reverse that trend. Less people means less resources consumed, and better quality of life for those children. Prioritize the people already alive over those that aren't born. We have more than enough people in the world, and a lot of those people's potential is not fully reached due to inequality.

  • Q: “Are we doomed?” A: “We would be, if not for the amazing developments in renewable energy.”
  • Degrowth isn't just about population, or even about it at all. Degrowth is about doing the opposite of what capitalism forces us to do, infinite growth on a finite planet.

    But also, the last thing we should do is incentivize birthing more people. We have increasing amounts of automation technologies, we don't need more people.

  • Pity, really.
  • I guess because the Gen Z comp sci students are the people who are truly fluent in computers. We were immersed in the internet and digital technology from a young age, but also had the curiosity to go beneath the surface of them, and get a real understanding of how things work. Most people just use the technology superficially, even if they have grown up with the internet and computers.

  • Scientists Propose New Way to Find Aliens: Detect Their Failing Warp Drives
  • Of course it's assuming that's how advanced propulsion tech works. But it is useful to try to detect, just in case that's how it actually turns out to work, no?

    And if we detect something interesting, like a potential warp bubble collapse, well, that also gives us a strong hint that it's possible, helping us to direct research in the right path.

    Detecting techno-signatures of aliens would be super useful for us.

  • Let’s make games open source, so future generations can enjoy them
  • Yee, you're mot going to be hurt by open sourcing your game 5 or 10 years later. By that time practically nobody will buy your game anymore. And of the ones who still will,.they likely aren't the ones that would even bother with looking for alternatives other than a big sale on a store page

    But then, open sourcing adds to human culture, it lets others modify the game, or use it as a foundation for something new. And those things will credit you, and you will still get some extra benefit/good pr.

    It's just a good thing to do, imo.

  • I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again — Ludicity
  • It can be useful in explaining concepts you're unsure about, in regards to the reading part, but you should always verify that information.

    But it has helped me understand certain concepts in the past, where I struggled with finding good explanations using a search engine.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (


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