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July cocktail contest - Dry Dry July

The July contest is a non-alcoholic cocktail, must contain at least 3 ingredients. Non-alcoholic for purposes of this challenge is defined as non-intoxicating, not absolute absence of ethanol so a squirt of a tincture, splash of bitters, a base of kombucha or fermented ginger beer is allowed, also caffeine at reasonable level but a THC cocktail would be disallowed.

Happy July!

It's dessert time, what's your perfect post-dinner treat?
  • Well, a cocktail of course!

    I do like sweets sometimes. Ricotta cake with raspberries is the house favorite; tiramisu is amazing, cheesecake is great, ice cream, or a fruit salad. Those are all so good.

  • Do you feel that you are operating in a different reality than most of humanity?
  • What a good question! No, most of the time I feel I am stuck here with everyone else, in this timeline. Sometimes what I perceive diverges from those around me, other times it converges. But I think of those as different filters overlaying the same reality; although I don't believe this is the only reality in existence, it does feel like a ride we cannot get off.

  • Work from home
  • We went back to the office, I don't care because my commute is immaterial BUT now I leave my laptop there, I disassembled the workstation at home and packed it away, I will not work at home now. Teams is on my phone because I don't put the work email on my phone and needed a way to tell my team if I will be unexpectedly delayed. I don't open it ever though, and now we have a group text might take it off too.

  • Made fresh pineapple juice, suggestions?

    I made today a pineapple margarita with mezcal, tequila, lime, and the fresh pineapple juice. One more day before I start Dry July and I would like a banger, this is good but not great.

    Any suggestions for this weekend, also anything interesting and pineapple not alcoholic would also be most welcome. I am making tepache, but it's not done will make ginger beer, have mint in the garden, have tonic water, will probably buy some Chinotto soda too.

    What is *love*?
  • I have heard it said (this might help you) that love is a verb; it is an action, can be something you do more than something you feel. You can show love, without worrying about what you are 'supposed' to feel. Also if it helps - I am, as far as I know, pretty normal, and the feeling is not a bash you over the head certainty. It is more like a decision, in a way.

  • What is *love*?
  • I think of romantic love as what follows infatuation, if you get there. The continued slow burn of lust, affection and respect for each other.

    Friendly love is care, when you would let yourself be hurt to save a specific other person from being hurt, and are willing to be inconvenienced to do things for them, and trust enough to inconvenience them if you need something.

    Agape - love, love for the world, is both easier and harder to feel. It's easier to not be annoyed by things and people you don't personally know, but hard to care so much about them. That universal love feeling , the joy of existence and care for the natural world is also love.

    So yeah English in this regard just doesn't have (or doesn't use) different words for different types of love but they are different.

  • Microdosing and tripping on mushrooms is on the rise in U.S.
  • Honestly I would like to try microdosing LSD, not mushrooms. Something that can be measured, and my youthful experience with these, the tripping is more comfortable/happy/open.

    Also it's the only drug I'd ever try again as far as recreational drugs go. Well, I tried cannabis but hated the high, so I guess not the only one but the only remaining one that I would like to try again. In particular the very, very minimal microdosing but might be willing to also trip. Since I am hella respectable now, too many degrees away from being able to get the drug, especially in a format I could divide up to microdose, not sure it will ever be possible. But other than the legal considerations leading to lack of access nothing else makes me not want to - other drugs I think physically unhealthy or bad for your cognition as you age, or too addictive. I don't have those concerns about LSD. I think, like coffee it's more likely to protect your thinking in the long run, and certainly almost nobody wants to trip often.

  • Punch - Most searched cocktails of June The 5 Most Popular Cocktails of June

    Here are the drinks that you couldn’t get enough of this month.

    The 5 Most Popular Cocktails of June

    Apparently we were a bitter bunch in June!

    Anon thinks about Google
  • It's ok, and getting better. My big problem with it is (like you) that Google Play Music was incredible, so good, and they discontinued it in favor of the much worse and awkwardly named YouTube Music.

    Whoever convinced them to give up the branding of "Play Store, Play Music, Play Movies" should be drawn and quartered.

  • What's the most likely end of mankind and our world as we know it?
  • I think populations will crash, either gently through fewer kids, or violently through war and disease. That will likely throw us backwards technologically, maybe not.

    Or, who knows, maybe the population will stabilize and we get everything going in the right direction, then an asteroid hits.

  • Pride wins!
  • I am so confused. Did he think he had to marry a man because it's pride month? I can't ever wrap my mind around people who think letting others love who they want to somehow reduces their own freedom to love who they want to.

    Congratulations, I guess. May your children be many, and gay.

  • I will not be taking questions.
  • Our Kimchi is working so hard on this and I don't usually think of her as clever. She knows the knob opens the door so she bats at it, hangs on it.

    Neither cat has been messing with the toilet paper lately though.

  • Looking for a gentle daily shampoo
  • Mine is mixy wavy and curly (2c I would call it) and very coarse/strong hair. I do work out most days and live in Florida, so it's hot & rainy now, but can still get away with every third day shampoo, even though I do have to restyle each day.

    Shampoo day 1, rinse completely and restyle day 2, rinse, condition (NOT wash with conditioner just rake it through and rinse almost all out) and restyle day 3.

    I love, love the Malibu C hard water shampoo.

    Innersense Hydrating line is amazing, but probably too expensive for a daily shampoo.

    One you should try is the Jessicurl gentle shampoo, they sell in liters, so if you like anything they have (I like Confident Coils) you can buy a liter so the price per use isn't bad.

    And waves are curls, just a looser shape. Of course you are welcome.

  • Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission
  • I got a new laptop at work and everything, every file I worked in, was creating a second copy of itself on OneDrive. It was so annoying and took awhile but I found instructions on deleting the duplicates.

    It took all the files off my local machine and left the ones on OneDrive.


  • A sidecar-ish

    This is delicious. Fruity, tart, round in flavor.

    2oz cognac

    1oz Giffard Abricot

    1oz Heirloom Pineapple Amaro

    1oz lemon (a little more than an ounce, lemon was juicy)

    Shake everything, a coupe would be ideal but it's too hot now to have an outdoor drink without ice. I wouldn't make any substitutions or corrections so it should probably have a name, but I can't think of one. The cognac and apricot are French, the Amaro is American Hipster, the flavor smooth as hell, feel this should be easy but my brain is fried from work.

    What's you favorite song lyric of all time?
  • Emmylou Harris wrote two that are so beautiful and so sad, if you need to cry, Boulder to Birmingham:

    "I don't want to hear a sad song full of heartbreak and desire

    The last time I felt like this, I was in the wilderness, and the canyon was on fire

    And I stood on the mountain in the night and I watched it burn, I watched it burn"

    And also in the same song she sings - "well you really got me this time, and the hardest part is knowing I'll survive" wow.

    If that somehow doesn't work, Red Dirt Girl might.

    "She loved her brother, I remember back when

    He was fixing up a 49 Indian

    Told her, little sister gonna ride the wind, up around the moon and back again

    Well he never got farther than Vietnam, I was standing there with her when the telegram come for Lillian

    Now he's lying somewhere about a million miles from Meridian "

  • Seriously, where do I go?
  • Charlotte? Raleigh? DC?

    I'm in Tampa and it's a real mix here, but oof housing cost is out of control.

    If you don't like to be in a city, you will probably be in a backwards place, that's just how the US works. But lots of mid sized cities are moderate politically.

  • What's the best dish prepared by your mom/grandma?
  • My mom wasn't much of a cook but I loved when she made seafood boils, put newspaper all over the table and we ate it all with hands.

    My dad made Chicken Kiev it was so good.

    Maternal grandma made fried chicken, and gave us bags of pecans, she would sit on the porch with her boyfriend for hours while they shelled pecans and talked.

    Paternal grandma I remember oyster dressing at Christmas, yum. And I remember her lighting cigarettes on the gas stove.

  • June Cocktail Contest - hot, hot, hot
  • My daughter doesn't like it either - I find it has an affinity for pineapple, and I make tepache and also fresh pineapple juice a lot, so get a lot of mileage out of it. It was really good with Cynar in the pas de loup one too but the drink wasn't spicy overall.

    If you never figure it out, try it in or on pineapple upside down cake, or on vanilla ice cream. Or the Pas De Loup one I tried, 2 parts mezcal to 1 part Cynar to 1/2 part Ancho Reyes, lemon and honey to taste.

  • which one do you prefer? having kids or no kids? and why??
  • I just wanna say I am sorry that it is near impossible for single dads to adopt kids. I understand the reasoning but want to cry because there are kids who need parents but you can't be the parent to one.

  • Paper Plane on a rainy day, what are you having?

    The rain lilies are happy, and I am enjoying the rain with a paper plane. So happy the rainy season has arrived at last.

    What are y'all drinking?

    Mezcalita, or, a comedy of errors.

    Well, this was quite a journey but it's good.

    I was going to have a margarita with our dinner of chicken and black bean enchiladas, oh no, used almost all the tequila making a batch of margarita and one of Paloma for memorial day. Ok, plug the gap with mezcal, the good one. Measure the juice from my measley lime, nope not enough, juice my last lime, well now it's too much but I don't want to waste it. So a smidge of simple. I'll be damned, it ended up very good but I do think it is because of the good mezcal.

    1oz Tequila Ocho claro

    1oz Del Maguey Chichicapa

    1oz orange liqueur

    1.25 oz lime

    .25oz simple (1/1)

    Ranglum Berlin’s Modern Classic, the Ranglum, Is No Ordinary Rum Sour

    In less than two decades, the tropical drink has become a sleeper hit in the local cocktail scene.

    Berlin’s Modern Classic, the Ranglum, Is No Ordinary Rum Sour

    Punch has such good articles. Any Germans who can confirm this is a local drink? I've never heard of it. I particularly liked the line:

    "The simplest cocktails have the smallest margin for error."

    Pineapple & Bourbon cocktail

    I am making tepache, and juiced the fruit of the pineapples. This is heavenly, if you don't have the pineapple Amaro a spiced and slightly bitter but not too heavy amaro, like Toscana might work, or Ancho Reyes original but I highly recommend the Heirloom for fruity drinks, it's so good.

    2 oz fresh pineapple juice

    2 oz bourbon (stronger is better)

    1 oz Heirloom Pineapple Amaro

    1 oz lime juice


    I first mashed the tajin in a mortar and pestle. Wiped the rim of the glass with the squished lime and rolled it in the tajin, put big ice cube in the glass. Then shake everything else together and pour into prepared glass. My pineapple juice is very, very sweet this time, you might need to adjust if you have a more acidic one.

    June Cocktail Contest - hot, hot, hot

    Happy first birthday to Cocktails@lemmy-world!

    For June, the challenge is a hot cocktail - either spicy or literally hot. Bring on the heat! Warm yourself if you are in the southern hemisphere, or cool off with a spicy spicy drink if it's summer (it is very much summer here).

    No specified ingredient this round, doesn't have to be alcoholic but must contain at least three ingredients, most upvoted wins.

    The game!

    I was having a cocktail of cognac, apricot liqueur, and lemon juice, and thinking we could have a game. Make a drink using one of the ingredients in the previous drink. So to start - a drink with cognac, apricot liqueur, or lemon juice.

    One more rule: don't repeat the chosen ingredient - so Ruaidhrigh brought the lemon juice from the first drink into the amaretto sour - next drink can't use lemon as the one ingredient brought forward.

    The Fox River Bring Back the Fox River

    At Beverly Hills’ Spago, the crème de cacao–spiked Old-Fashioned is reimagined as an easy-going stone fruit julep.

    Bring Back the Fox River

    I like Punch's "bring back the" series. Readable and interesting, often like this one, new versions of old forgotten drinks. I wouldn't go to the trouble of making peach bitters, and not sure I could handle something so sweet but the flavors seem mighty interesting.

    What are you drinking, Lemmy? Memorial Day weekend edition

    I'm kicking off a long weekend with a paper plane with one oz of cognac added. Perfect.

    Has anyone tried Frapin 1270, their entry level congac? I have the namesake perfume and like it a lot, but that doesn't seem like a good enough reason to buy the booze.


    A hybrid.

    2oz tequila

    2oz fresh grapefruit juice

    1 oz fresh lime juice

    1/2 oz Campari

    1/2 oz simple syrup

    Shake all, add 2 oz fizzy water, dirty pour into glass.

    Delicious, honestly. Increase the sugar if you want it more Paloma like, or more of the Topo Chico, to make one like like Texas ranch water. Sub mezcal if you really hate Campari, but you may like it in this.

    Saturday drink, what are you having?

    I'm having a bourbon and amaretto sour (inverted Morganthaler recipe, basically). Are you having a Saturday drink?

    Riff on Pas de Loup

    Not much to look at but tastes good.

    1 oz whiskey (bourbon is all I had but I would try with Scotch)

    1oz Mezcal

    1/2 oz Ancho Reyes

    3/4 oz Cynar

    1 oz lemon, 1 oz honey syrup

    It's quite good, I found the original on Mixel app, it seems they scraped it from Reddit? Original omits the whiskey, halfs the lemon and sweetener. But even with the additions I taste mostly mezcal and Ancho. Bitter in a good way.

    Hi Lemmy, what are you drinking this weekend?

    I'm just having coffee (moka pot coffee with foamed milk!) and water today, can't relax yet. Considering what to make in the weekend.

    Smoky Spicy Strawberry

    A boozy Saturday drink.

    2oz bourbon

    .75oz good mezcal

    .75oz berry liqueur (any will work, or berry syrup, I used Montbisu Framboise)

    Bare splash of vanilla liqueur, shake of bitters, or splash of absinthe or amaro (I used the vanilla, if you have a more interesting berry liqueur it might not need anything here but mine is not complex)

    2 dropperful of fire tincture

    4 strawberries plus one for garnish

    1/2 tsp sugar (might not need if you have better strawberries)

    3/4 of a lemon

    Quarter the strawberries and put in shaker with 1/4 if the lemon, add the sugar and muddle the fruit. Add the booze, tincture, and juice of the half a lemon. Shake with ice and double strain, serve over big ice, garnish with the remaining strawberry.

    It's very good, I like bourbon with mezcal and like bourbon with strawberry so thought it worth trying. Lemon peel muddled adds bitter edge, don't omit.

    I was trying to make a strawberry heart but it came out more like wings!

    Queer Old Friend

    I am really sorry I didn't get a picture of the finished drink, too dark but it's gorgeous. I don't like the gin I have and thought vodka and mastiha would be more to my taste so:

    1.5 oz vodka

    2 oz adjusted grapefruit juice (juiced one sweet pink grapefruit and one lime, mixed, then measured 2 oz of the mix)

    1/2 oz each of the St. Germain, the Campari, and the Mastiha.

    Shaken, poured what fit into a coupe and drank the rest from the shaker, it's delicious and the dark pink with foam is really beautiful.

    May Cocktail Contest - a Dry Rum!

    Congratulations to on the win for April, and to the closest challenger and most active participant BigGovernment[

    For May, the challenge is a less sweet rum drink. Roll out the barrel, pirates!

    The rules are even fewer than before, not requiring pictures since that's not working for everyone but a picture may get you more votes.

    The drink must be original (as far as you can tell with a quick online search). Can be wholly original or a variation on a standard. A complete recipe and your impressions - what does it taste like? Winner is the most upvoted, downvotes are discarded.

    Winner of the May contest can have glory unending, and can pick the theme for July.

    Whiskey Business Beam Suntory unveils new name - The Spirits Business

    After a decade under the ownership of a Japanese firm, Beam Suntory has revealed a new name, website and visual identity.

    Beam Suntory unveils new name - The Spirits Business

    I feel out of the loop, did not know that Jim Beam and Makers were owned by Suntory, now Suntory Global.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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