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Universal basic income is 'straight out of the Karl Marx playbook,' financial guru Dave Ramsey says
  • "Dave Ramsey is a dickhead that nobody should listen to, and he should fuck off all the way over there" says doctortofu, a random nobody on the Internet

  • Study: More complaints, worse performance when AI monitors employees
  • You mean constant invasive surveillance is actually counterproductive AND expensive? But, but, but, all those AI tech-bros told us it would make the line go more up faster! That's why we gave them billions of dollars! How could that happen!? Who could predict humans don't enjoy feeling like prisoners under constant watch?

  • Some of my Gymnocalycium cacti started blooming

    cross-posted from:

    > This pic is of a big boy that looks a bit like a lophophora underneath the flower, and here's one of an amazing grafted ball of fun I got last year (rootstock is slightly sun bleached, but quite healthy otherwise): > > [!Gymno-Bloom2.jpg]( > > Looking forward to more and bigger flowers soon!

    Edit: one of my gymno triplets also started to bloom some time between 3 hours ago and now! I was hoping all flowers would open up together, but it's still pretty :)


    Some of my Gymnocalycium cacti started blooming

    This pic is of a big boy that looks a bit like a lophophora underneath the flower, and here's one of an amazing grafted ball of fun I got last year (rootstock is slightly sun bleached, but quite healthy otherwise):


    Looking forward to more and bigger flowers soon!

    Edit: one of my gymno triplets also started to bloom some time between 3 hours ago and now! I was hoping all flowers would open up together, but it's still pretty :)


    South Carolina implements one of US’s most restrictive public school book bans
  • Can't let kids know about sex until they're old enough for catholic priests and MAGA republicans to lose interest in them - will someone think of the children diddlers!?

    Disgusting, and a that librarian says in the article - it is only going to get worse...

  • Progress report: grafted bois growing big and strong!
  • Haha, it does, doesn't it? That one is my wife's and she calls it "little rabbit" because it kinda sorta looks like one :)

  • Progress report: grafted bois growing big and strong!
  • Sometimes it helps it grow when it's barely able to do so on its own - that's the case for the bright red and yellow ones that are popular in flower shops. They can't photosynthetize well on their own, so grafting allows them to get nutrients from the rootstock instead.

    For other ones it's either purely aesthetics, or speeding up growth - grafted cacti tend to grow much faster. Either that, or making sure delicate ones don't die - it's more difficult to kill a grafted cactus, since rootstock ones are normally pretty resilient, and scions are protected from root rot and such because they sit on top :)

  • Progress report: grafted bois growing big and strong!

    cross-posted from:

    > These were the first cacti my wife and I grafted ourselves at a workshop last year in August. Both took, and are growing FAST - love how healthy they are! > > For reference, here's a pic from last year (doggo for scale). Unbelievable how much bigger they are in less than a year! > [!Grafted-Smol-Bois.jpg](

    Progress report: grafted bois growing big and strong!

    These were the first cacti my wife and I grafted ourselves at a workshop last year in August. Both took, and are growing FAST - love how healthy they are!

    For reference, here's a pic from last year (doggo for scale). Unbelievable how much bigger they are in less than a year! [!Grafted-Smol-Bois.jpg](

    Does anybody have tips on how to make cauliflower crispy?
  • Maybe try searing it on high heat until it gets brown and crispy-ish on the outside and then put it in the oven? Breading it might be another option, but in both cases you're only going to get it semi-crispy on the outside - I think it has too much water content to crisp all the way through.

    Edit: Haha, searched for "crispy cauliflower" and that's what came up:

  • Do you recognise any usernames on Lemmy?
  • Not really, because I normally don't even look at or register usernames unless I emphatically agree or disagree with a post. I've been doing this for years, first on forums, then on reddit and now here. I don't want to be biased against the content of the message just because I like or dislike a particular poster, so I mostly ignore usernames altogether.

  • Jeff Bezos Spent $42 Million To Build A Massive Clock That Will Outlast Humanity
  • "Ozymandias Clock" would perhaps be a more fitting name...

  • DeSantis Claims Florida Marijuana Legalization Ballot Measure Will Let People 'Bring 20 Joints To An Elementary School'
  • Yes,and then the trans drag queens will start raping children with those joints and their BLT BBQ agenda! And the sun will go dark, and the milk in cows' udders will go sour, and then banned books are going to rain from the sky, right Ron?

  • I am happy for the Linux Mint team
  • Out of curiosity, since I switched from Windows to Mint recently so I'm not married to it just yet - what would be your recommended distro for Windows users that uses a better/newer tech stack? Mint worked out of the box for me, but if love to try other distros too if they're better.

  • Maven Imported 1.12 Million Fediverse Posts
  • The anti-AI knee-jerk reactions can be extreme, I agree, but at the same time one of important features of Mastodon is that your feed is nor controlled by an algorithm in any way.

    So when a company comes, takes those posts and screws with them to create an algorithm to show them, I understand people getting angry - at least some of them joined to be free of that exact thing...

  • Maven Imported 1.12 Million Fediverse Posts
  • The wildest part is that he's surprised that Mastodon peeps would react negatively to their posts being scrapped without consent or even notification and fed into an AI model. Like, are you for real dude? Have you spent more than 4 seconds on Mastodon and noticed their (our?) general attitude towards AI? Come the hell on...

  • Amazon India: employees made to pledge not to take water or bathroom breaks in 50°C temperatures
  • Modern slavery in Amazon yet again. If there was any loophole that allowed the use of "classic" slavery, manacles, whips and all, I bet Amazon would be the first to jump at a chance to chain their workers to product racks too...

    And all of us all over the world who give them money are supporting this. I need to try much harder to de-Amazon my life, and I wish governments were not bought and paid for and threw the book at them HARD every time they do shit like this...

  • I've been asked to share my messy and disorganized collection, so here it is - feel free to point and laugh ;)
  • In winter I do put the more delicate ones inside and cover the rack to create a mini greenhouse, but with global warming in full swing I might not have to do it for much longer, since Tokyo is turning tropical...

  • Went to Tokyo Cactus and Succulent Grand Bazaar today and didn't come home empty handed ;)
  • Valdezii seems to be a synonym of ritteri, and hintonii is the second one, so unless Wikipedia is wrong (which is of course possible), I got'em both (the one in the back is hintonii, the label is covered from this angle):

  • 61% in US are against sending aid to Israel
  • That's too bad, because the 1% that most politicians listen to and/or take bribes from is very strongly for it, so, ya know...

  • Starfield's latest update draws player ire by sticking a bounty hunting quest behind the Creation Club paywall
  • The Bethesda of old is long dead. After the disappointment that was Starfield, it will take multiple rave reviews and watching a few streamers playing on Twitch for me to even consider giving them any money. And I sure as hell will not be paying for goddamned mods, not now and not ever. Eff that and eff the greedy assholes that now run Bethesda.

  • Elon Musk threatens to ban Apple devices from his companies over OpenAI partnership
  • Yet another childish tantrum? Wow, is it another day ending with "y" already? How time flies...

    Do it you pathetic spoiled manchild, stop flapping your gums and actually bloody do it.

  • I've been asked to share my messy and disorganized collection, so here it is - feel free to point and laugh ;)
  • Thank you! That's the problem though - it's not particularly deliberate - we just put new ones wherever there's still some room left ;)

    I did actually order sone color labels yesterday, and I'll be marking and rearranging them according to dormancy periods - it's going to make watering way easier at least.

  • I've been asked to share my messy and disorganized collection, so here it is - feel free to point and laugh ;)

    When the weather allows it, I keep most of my plants outside, so the main picture is a view that shows my balcony from the far end, just to better display the extent of my wife's and mine craziness.

    Here are some closeups of different racks and sections - I will properly organize it one day, I'm almost certain of it ;) You can click the embeds for full-res photos.









    I also have a rack in the living room, next to the TV, with some lamps: [!Hot-Mess-10.jpg](

    That's about it for now, at least until the weekend - might notice some more cute succ-ers when I go grocery shopping or whatever, and as you can clearly see impulse control is not my forte :P

    Went to Tokyo Cactus and Succulent Grand Bazaar today and didn't come home empty handed ;)

    It was very hot, very crowded and yet still worth it - finally got not just one, but both known species of Aztekium without going bankrupt - I wanted one for a long while, but they tend to be stupid expensive in Japan.

    Love the two cute jellybeans too - Conophytum burgeri. Hell, love all of them, that's why I bought too many yet again :)

    Here are a few closeup shots: [!Tokyo-Grand-Bazaar2.jpg](



    Went to Tokyo Cactus and Succulent Grand Bazaar today and didn't come home empty handed ;)

    It was very hot, very crowded and yet still worth it - finally got not just one, but both known species of Aztekium without going bankrupt - I wanted one for a long while, but they tend to be stupid expensive in Japan.

    Love the two cute jellybeans too - Conophytum burgeri. Hell, love all of them, that's why I bought too many yet again :)

    Here are a few closeup shots: [!Tokyo-Grand-Bazaar2.jpg](



    Today's haul from one of the biggest cactus farms in Japan

    cross-posted from:

    > First bigger shopping trip this season, and I bought way too many again. > > I'm kinda tired now, so just a quick brag before I properly id them :) > > Here's some more shots: > [!New-Cacti-May2024-2.jpg]( > > [!New-Cacti-May2024-3.jpg](

    Today's haul from one of the biggest cactus farms in Japan

    First bigger shopping trip this season, and I bought way too many again.

    I'm kinda tired now, so just a quick brag before I properly id them :)

    Here's some more shots: [!New-Cacti-May2024-2.jpg](


    Did darkly-pureblack theme suddenly become way less black, or am I going crazy?

    It used to look, well, black, but now I'm seeing this, which is a bit hard to read... Did the theme change recently? I'd love to goback to my white-on-black look if possible...

    New succulents - May 2024

    cross-posted from:

    > Today's haul from a small succulent show in Tokyo. From the left, Adromischus marianiae var. herrei, a hybrid Orthonna (cremnophila X herrei), Myrtillocactus geometrizans also known as "Boobie cactus" (no, really!) and a pwetty wittle Pseudolithos cubiformis. > > Love every single of'em already! > > Here's another angle: >

    New succulents - May 2024

    Today's haul from a small succulent show in Tokyo. From the left, Adromischus marianiae var. herrei, a hybrid Orthonna (cremnophila X herrei), Myrtillocactus geometrizans also known as "Boobie cactus" (no, really!) and a pwetty wittle Pseudolithos cubiformis.

    Love every single of'em already!

    Here's another angle:

    Three Musketeers

    Went to a succulent/cactus store today to get some repotting soil, came back with that, and these three little stowaways :)

    From the left, Pseudolithos migiurtinus, a beautiful Pleiospilos nerii in bloom, and cute Gymnocalycium quehlianum var. calochlorum triplets.

    First new succulents this year

    Went to a gardening store to pick up some rosemary and thyme (since I still have more than enough of sage and parsley;)) and found these beauties: a white(ish) Echeveria sold under a moniker "Queen", and a beautiful plump Pleiospilos nelii. First new succulets this season - looking forward to seeing them grow!

    New year, new succulents, old me

    cross-posted from:

    > I still can't stop myself from getting succulents. These two just arrived today - a fuzzy-wuzzy Mammillaria plumosa on the left, and a cute spiky potato (Pachypodium densiflorum) on the right. > > Not the best time for potting, but I saw them online and couldn't help it :)

    New year, new succulents, old me

    I still can't stop myself from getting succulents. These two just arrived today - a fuzzy-wuzzy Mammillaria plumosa on the left, and a cute spiky potato (Pachypodium densiflorum) on the right.

    Not the best time for potting, but I saw them online and couldn't help it :)

    Potential workaround for federation issues?

    Just posting a link in case our awesome admin team missed it - Happy New Year guys, you're great!

    I'm dumb, and Ceropegias are succulents that look really cool, so here's one together with a cute little opuntia

    Went shopping for something else, and just randomly saw them at a flower shop - couldn't pass them up, and here they are! :)

    An absolutely stunning grafted Gymnocalycium specimen that I got just now

    cross-posted from:

    > Ordered online, and it looks even better than in the photos! Just extraordinary - instantly became my favorite one in my collection!

    An absolutely stunning grafted Gymnocalycium specimen that I got just now

    Ordered online, and it looks even better than in the photos! Just extraordinary - instantly became my favorite one in my collection!

    doctortofu doctortofu
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