"Black Friday" is like two years long now though?
The stock market is such a predatory thing... we're just so systemically fucked in this reality.
If you're betting on that crowd, you're just choosing to overlook the fluoride in the water, gay chem trails, 5G tower and microchips in the COVID vaccine crowd. There is some overlap with the crystal people sure, but much more Alex Jones/QAnon, full on violent basement demon crowd.
So who is going to put out the fires, libertarian?
Well, everyone will just regularly pay a little to the person that has a fire truck and they'll put out the fires when needed.
To first half, nobody is stopping you if that's your priority, Brad....
And second half seems to be a false premise you just supposed entirely from your asshole?
Night night now.
I'm not speaking exclusively of relationships with managers. It's all "dangerous" on that side. I say avoid the risk if your social relationships outside of work are otherwise satisfactory. Again, if social connecting becomes your top priority over career, you can push boundaries at work, otherwise I'd say find an excuse to not go out for drinks and generally stay in the "middle" area where people speak about you in vague, but pleasant, terms... Then go home and live your REAL life with close friends, romantic partners and family who actually care for you.
Really, your work ultimately doesn't give a SHIT about you. Everyone would still be expected to clock in tomorrow if you dropped dead tonight. Take the hint and invest the BARE MINIMUM in work.
So (in my opinion) you need to first be very clear about your goal... You shouldn't just DO or NOT DO anything really - YOU are the variable that needs to be accounted for.
If you are younger or desperate for social interactions/ friendships, and depending on the type of job, you can often make great friends at/through work. So if that is your priority, this is an opportunity.
But, work friendships come with professional risk. Your managers aren't your friends, that dynamic will betray you if push comes to shove AND that thing you do/say at that party will be considered in your performance review and/or reported to HR. So, if career it your priority, then be pleasant, but leave it at "work friends" no genuine attachments.
Got a lot of attitude when telling them I preferred to opt out. Signs posted everywhere informing you of the right and the agent felt so put upon when asked. To the point that I mentioned to supervisor and she tried to over apologize like she cares and was going to talk to the agent, but she didn't give a shit. It's an intimidation/peer pressure thing, also they do scan your face, and then you can ask them to discard after the fact... But how many of us think that data is actually "gone" after they've collected it?
More likely you still have a scan somewhere in system, now just with an added flag labeling you as a difficult
Feels like a great time for a competitor to explicitly state that you in fact, do own your account on their site. Nuance to that as tech bros is always gonna be tech bros (and blue sky is also tech bros, just with temporary infective to say "nah man, it's cool baby..." for the time being while they build market share). But basically stating that you have full ownership and responsibility to manage your account, and that management transfers along with any kind of power of attorney shift or through any other related court actions
Think there's a lot of false premise and privileged POV in your statements here about your perception of reality.
Certainly not "fine mostly" by the major tangible measures that might contribute to a blanket statement like that attempting some basis in evidence. Maybe most counter to your position is the fact that the entire world is sliding right generally, most likely as an immature, frightened reaction to COVID-blamed inflation and opportunistic corporate price gouging. Among that, the lesser informed likely think that there is some "conservative" force that would reign things in - It's the idea that "Daddy will fix it", but in reality daddy never actually did fix anything when you were small, you just felt safe when he was there when you were a child. And Daddy isn't here anymore anyway - the person that would be daddy is headbutting windows at the US Capitol and asking Siri "how do you make pipe-bombs filled with liberal shit"
Also false equivalency with the Obama guns things - in that case, a lot of racist, conservative dickheads stockpiled weapons/ammo as a gut reaction and frankly a hope for a "race war", marinating in their always assumed victimhood, simply because a HALF black person was president. Versus now, where severely, actively threatened minority communities feel that they will potentially be forced into camps because of credible threats by the presumptive president elect gop do just that. So yes, now a few, exaggerated by media, are getting gun training and basic weapons out of fear of the collapsing world they observe first hand around them as the very real threat of someone kicking in their door in the not too distant future.
But I'm sure things are "fine mostly" for you. 401k doing okay? Still get your two full weeks in the Bahamas this summer vacation? Mom and Dad still paying your car insurance and cell phone bills on time?
The whole Russian project was to have our "polite society" collapse as we, as Americans, lost all faith in our institutions and turned against one another and in the process, also lost any kind of collective identity, which makes us a weaker target externally. That happened.
It's crazy to me, looking back, how much this was openly discussed along the way, as it successfully happened in slow motion over the last 10-15 years - wasn't there also a book released that just laid their strategy bare? If there are historians in the future, will be amazing to read the perspective on all of this with time and analysis from those not trapped within the cycle of death and hopelessness.
Curl is a good avatar for all these stubborn, ignorant conservatives wearing cowboy hats they didn't earn, forever in their daddy's shadow.
Just think about the sad, long life of Janet... This man's first cousin and long time beard that microwaves his Hormel chili each night.
That narrow-hipped man's blouse says, "Yeah I suck dicks, but I spits out the cum cuz I ain't gay brother!!!"
Merrick Garland needs to be remembered by history as an all time coward. The way we use Machiavelli to label a traitor, we need to use Garland to denote the most limp, failed and feckless human being.
Here's everything you need, press this one button and the majority of the country will celebrate you perpetually and history will call you a hero... Doesn't lift a finger, throws up down the front of his shirt, falls asleep.
Fuck Merrick Garland, without qualification.
X never was. Twitter is dead though
This needs to be a series.
Next is with one of them holding an "Abortion is murder" sign while the other says, let them finish my procedure first, it's medically necessary.
Your fucking snek is gonna get stepped on
I don't care if Monday's filing cases without evidence to clog the courts
Tuesday's prematurely declaring victory and Wednesday accusing fraud because vote count went overnight due to unsupported and disproven gop challenges of voting machines
Thursday, trucks with ski masked neo-nazis pulling up to the Capitol with assault rifles
It's Friday, I'm in a camp for suspected Marxist socialist antifahs!
Monday, barricades at politician's homes can fall apart
Tuesday, Wednesday, break my elderly neighbor's hip when cops break the door down at the wrong home and tackle her for being a suspected "illegal"
Oh, Thursday doesn't even start because musk/trump dept of efficiency has outlawed clocks and calendars so there can be no more legal labor challenges of unpaid overtime, no weekends and no holiday pay
It's Friday, I'm in only the second week of trump's second, never-ending term as America's dictator clumsily toppling 250+ years of democracy
You know you can do the right thing here. Go register, go vote. (Start here) - It's fast, simple and painless. You know we have to tell ourselves the above could never happen here to feel safe, but you also know it's closer to reality then ever before and you can do something, right now.
You willingly give them key points of information about yourself, directly or indirectly. They then read those signals and use your own information against you to convince you they have answers. And they are often wrong, but you walk around repeating their "insights" as if they are true.
I heard a person call into a show the other day, voice only, and talk about some poor working conditions at a factory. Made me think about how it would probably be so easy for nefarious bosses to be able to identify that person through voice recognition SW with all of the data that comes from us looking directly into cameras and speaking clearly in modern workplace meetings.
Do "anonymous" callers need to start using voice modulation software for these kinds of calls in the modern world?
As a little background, I didn't actively use Reddit for months following the blackout. I still barely stop in over there and if I do I'm never logged in our contributing to the communities there (where I was previously a daily poster/commenter).
Just bringing up a point that I'm not sure I'd seen anyone discussing directly over here; the general sentiment and quality of posted information on Reddit has become tangibly worse in multiple ways (I think coinciding with this group, us, leaving).
Now don't get me wrong, Reddit sucked in many ways and for long before the migrations to Lemmy, but there is a noticeable difference in a few key areas:
Less skepticism in replies
Less sourcing of information in posts and replies
Less counter positions expressed generally
If there is a decent reply, you have to scroll much further down to find it
Less plain labeling of obvious bullshit
Many of us used to introduce counter viewpoints or clarifying information into posts, with sources. That functionally worked as a roadblock to stall the quickly building momentum of disinformation/misinformation. Those roadblocks often feel absent over there now, IMO.
Not saying we hold a responsibility to go back there or that we were saving lives before, but the difference is very apparent to me - Have you seen it? Any examples?
This was on the roku app on a TV, haven't explored other platforms yet.
I'm assuming this is to disable the ability for users to quickly start, back/exit and restart a video until an ad doesn't play. Eternally user hostile, enshitification bullshit.
Assuming to artificially secure people with new memberships through their first 4-6 weeks to establish a habit through the first billing cycle. Is this a known thing?
Through the great depression...
When 9/11 happened...
The 2008 housing crash...
On a smaller scale, when the Titanic sank, I'm assuming someone inevitably got rich from the aftermath somehow?
Who are the people/groups that make up history's must successful parasites? Who "came out on top" in each instance of historical human suffering?
The rest of them all look good, but Addison just looks like a professional ball player out the gate.
So obviously we're all on Lemmy for a complicated combination of reasons, but we all likely share some common ground, namely...
- need for privacy
- need to own/control/access the data we produce
- healthy skepticism about the trustworthiness of for-profit corporations, in general
So if we don't want meta to know even innocuous things; like how many times/when we message our grandma, and we don't google to know when we're searching for remedies to a rash, and we don't want reddit to... Well we just don't want reddit - we don't want them to profit from or weaponize that data against us in a myriad ways.
We also don't want them artificially removing features and creating tiered layers of service/value hidden behind a paywall (I understand this is very present in the some of the commercially available DNA services).
So that brings me to DNA testing services. Since they started to emerge in the mainstream they were immediately an interesting, exciting novelty and I also knew it was data I wouldn't feel safe trusting with a for-profit org - with broken systems like law enforcement and health insurers on speed dial and just salivating for the goodies they collect.
So all that considered, any groups that provide this type of service that you do trust/use, and why?
Hey all, I used to use a to do app and can't remember name, it was very distinct though, please help!
- visual aesthetic was of an IRL open paper journal (distinct touch: out had a coffee stain on upper corner of the paper)
- extremely simple, text input on lines and a checkbox to complete (animation of pen crossing by hand would play IIRC)
- only option besides complete/delete was to move to "tomorrow". Then when you flipped the page (animation) you'd see the next day's tasks.
- only looked at today and tomorrow in favor of simplicity
- For some reason, I want to think it was just called "today" or "tomorrow".
Any ideas?