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Rivals sure is one of the experiences of time
  • Everybody worse than me is a scrub, anybody better than me is a tryhard.

  • Ron DeSantis hasn't been in the news for a while and that's nice
  • Careful with thoughts like that! Just a week ago I was thinking "It's been a while since Kanye's done anything crazy", and now look where we are.

  • Gold Tesla Cybertruck owner in Massachusetts says he's been threatened and harassed.
  • Yeah, so once again you feel the need to put words in my mouth. I'm guessing because you realize that you had no actual point to make to begin with.

    So no, I'm not embarrassing myself. If you think I should feel embarrassed for saying that it's a bad thing to harass people, then you're a fucking idiot. I'd be more embarrassed to be caught defending or justifying such shitty behavior.

  • Gold Tesla Cybertruck owner in Massachusetts says he's been threatened and harassed.
  • If you don't have anything to add to the discussion, you don't have to comment. Either make your point - should you have one - or move on.

  • Gold Tesla Cybertruck owner in Massachusetts says he's been threatened and harassed.
  • While the Cybertruck is a screaming gold color, it's for a reason. It's a billboard for the medical spa the Syrian immigrant said he worked hard to build from the ground up three years ago.

  • Gold Tesla Cybertruck owner in Massachusetts says he's been threatened and harassed.
  • No I'm not, and no I won't. I'm talking about harassing the driver. I compared defending that behavior to a rapist's victim-blaming mindset. I've been very clear about that.

    I'm not trying to put words in your mouth, not sure why you're trying it with me, though.

  • Gold Tesla Cybertruck owner in Massachusetts says he's been threatened and harassed.
  • I'm not talking about making fun of the shitty car, I'm talking threatening and harassing the driver.

  • Is it moral to vandalize Teslas?
  • And there is no world in which the AfD takes majority.

    Yeah, about that... we said that about Trump, too. Twice, actually.

  • Gold Tesla Cybertruck owner in Massachusetts says he's been threatened and harassed.
  • Not at all what I'm saying. Just saying that you're using rapist's logic by blaming the assaulted for the assaulter's actions, and I think that's a pretty shitty thing to do, even if they drive an rusty nazimobile.

  • Gold Tesla Cybertruck owner in Massachusetts says he's been threatened and harassed.
  • "Did you see what she was wearing driving? Totally asking for it."

  • Is it moral to vandalize Teslas?
  • Show me the law specifically

    Criminal. Mischief. Third time I've said it. Go read.

    That's not vandalism nor is there any proof anyone has ever been charged for it.

    It is vandalism. Once again, "vandalism" has nothing to do with permanence. And whether or not somebody is charged does not change whether or not it's illegal, even though people pick up graffiti charges for sidewalk chalk all the time.

  • Is it moral to vandalize Teslas?
  • Here in Texas, it'd fall under criminal mischief


    Whether or not a court will spend the time hearing such a case is another story

  • Is it moral to vandalize Teslas?
  • Defacing is something permanent

    Legally, it isn't. People get arrested for sidewalk chalk art all the time. They often get dismissed because it's a bullshit law, but it's still a law.

  • Is it moral to vandalize Teslas?
  • I mean, AFD is gaining a scary amount of traction there, so yeah kinda.

  • Is it moral to vandalize Teslas?
  • No, it doesn't hurt Tesla. There's no such thing as bad publicity; if there was, Tesla's owner wouldn't have been able to throw up two nazi salutes at the inauguration and then be given access to all of the American people's personal data.

    Who do you think gets paid when the owner repairs the car? Tesla makes money every time somebody scratches up a Cybertruck.

  • Is it moral to vandalize Teslas?
  • Y'all act like OP wrote the damn laws.

    In many places, "writing" with the dust on a car is legally considered vandalism. It doesn't matter how temporary it is, or if it washes off with a stiff breeze or a light rain. Here in Texas, it'd fall under criminal mischief for "intentionally or knowingly makes markings, including inscriptions, slogans, drawings, or paintings, on the tangible property of the owner". Whether or not a court will spend the time hearing such a case is another story, but it's technically illegal, as the laws are written.

  • Is it moral to vandalize Teslas?
  • No. It doesn't hurt Tesla, it just hurts an individual, and you don't know their reasoning for buying the car in the first place.

    Many Tesla owners are Uber drivers who got their Tesla through Uber because they didn't have any other car to use. And they usually don't get a lot of choices on that car they get. Damaging their car is damaging their livelihood.

    Obviously that's not the case for every Tesla owner, but I'm not about to risk ruining the income of somebody who is likely already struggling, just because I'm mad at a billionaire nazi. And neither should you.

    If you want to break things, break things that matter.

  • [Patch Notes] Update 5.9.0 — THE FINALS Update 5.9.0 — THE FINALS

    Store update, some small tweaks, and a note about balance changes

    Update 5.9.0 — THE FINALS

    > > > Store update, some small tweaks, and a note about balance changes > >

    > > > Starting with Season 6, we’re shifting to a roughly 3-week balance update schedule. This should create a better experience for both players and our dev team, allowing for more consistent refinements. Major balance shifts will still happen at the start of each season, but balance tweaks will now be more frequent throughout. > >

    > > > Dagger > > > > * Decreased the backstab angle on the Dagger’s secondary attack from 180 degrees to 150 > > > > Dev Note: This change addresses concerns about the Dagger's backstab being inaccurate and the frustration around how easily it can land backstabs, seemingly from the side. With this change, this should be less of an issue. > > > > On a related note, we've noticed some community members testing melee mechanics in the Practice Range using target dummies. However, these dummies use slightly different hit detection logic compared to real players, making them an unreliable test for certain interactions. For example, we've seen reports of players landing melee hits on dummies while facing away from them. This is a quirk of the dummies and does not apply to actual players. > > > > To improve testing accuracy, we plan to replace the current target dummies with updated versions soon. This will ensure that the dummies provide more reliable feedback, especially for testing certain Gadgets. However, this change will take some time and testing before it is ready to deploy. > > > > KS-23 > > > > * Increased min damage falloff multiplier from 0.6 to 0.7, meaning the weapon now does slightly more damage at long-range > > > * Decreased bullet dispersion when aiming down sights to increase accuracy in the majority of different stances (such as crouching, running, etc.) > > > > > > Dev Notes: The KS-23 has been struggling after the recent fixes to ‘manual actions’ in Update 5.8. We recognize that these changes had an unintended negative impact on its performance, and we want to make sure it feels more viable in gameplay. > > > > With this update, we’re making some adjustments to help the KS-23 get back on track. This isn’t the last step; we’ll continue monitoring its performance and exploring additional ways to improve if needed. > >

    [Clip] A last-second team wipe to reclaim the platform

    I very quickly made up for all my terrible aim from the first half of the clip.

    Microsoft Bing Testing Dropping AI Labels From AI Answers.
  • Does it matter when half the authentic results on any search engine these days always take you to pages with AI content, anyway?

  • Why Gen Z Is Ditching Dating Apps
  • The article says as much. But it's also definitely both. While the dating app scene has been abysmal for the last 10 years or so, Gen Z is also a lot less sexually active than previous generations were at their age. There've been a few reports on how Gen Z is having less sex, and how they have less demand for sex in media because they grew up inundated with sexualized media their whole lives. It's pretty interesting to see the attitude shift toward sex with the generations.

  • Why do the femcels and the incels not.... date each other?
  • Their problems, despite their claims to the contrary, do not stem from other people not liking them. Instead, their problems stem from them not liking other people. If you put a femcel and an incel in a room together, they would just sit at opposite corners silently wishing death upon the other.

  • [Clip] Embark is bullying me with this wheel.

    First three spins from Day 1 of the event. Didn't catch the first one in the clip, but you can see by only one item being crossed out from the wheel that all three spins landed on the same item.

    Getting 1/4 ticket refunds is definitely a lot better than the nothing we got last time, but I've got a feeling I'm still gonna end up needing to spend multibucks if I want to get that final outfit before the event is over. :(

    Stand-up comic, Steve Hofstetter, explains firing his agency for signing Kanye West

    Sorry that it's a YT Short; this format seems to work well for Steve, so many of his uploads are Shorts.

    [Clip] Went to bully a camping sniper, ended up going on a fun streak

    For what it's worth, I don't invade spawn unless it's to send a message to somebody in particular. Once I dealt with his bodyguard (twice), I took him out and left their spawn alone for the rest of the match. :)

    What Happened to Decades?

    > > > Seriously, what happened to the idea of decades? We’re already halfway through the "20s," yet for the past twenty years, the cultural conversation has been dominated by "generations" instead. Here’s why that shift isn’t doing anyone any favors. > >

    Adam Conover talks about time, culture, and linguistics. I'm not sure about the accuracy of some of the things he talks about, and he admits that he's largely speculating on some topics. I felt it was something interesting to think about.

    [Patch Notes] Store Update 5.7.0 — THE FINALS Store Update 5.7.0 — THE FINALS

    This Store Update is bound to leave a big footprint!

    Store Update 5.7.0 — THE FINALS

    > > > This Store Update is bound to leave a big footprint! > >

    THE FINALS | Hairy Hiker Set

    > > > ### Content and Bug Fixes ### > > > > Contracts > > > > * Removed ‘Eliminate 5 opponents from 30 meters or more using gadgets,’ as it was not tracking properly > >

    [Clip] Landed some uncharacteristically clean snipes today.

    I'm actually a bit proud of this one. I'm normally pretty awful at sniping and tend to choke immediately after taking my first shot, so I surprised myself when I managed to maintain composure and land these shots.

    [Clip] SH1900 ASMR
    [Patch Notes] Update 5.6.0 — THE FINALS Update 5.6.0 — THE FINALS

    DISSUN steps up to the Arena, a new store, spawn changes for Quick Cash and Cashout, and lots of bugs squished!

    Update 5.6.0 — THE FINALS

    DISSUN steps up to the Arena, a new store, spawn changes for Quick Cash and Cashout, and lots of bugs squished!

    Balance Changes

    Quick Cash

    • Increased the max duration of respawn waves from 25s to 30s

    • Increased the respawn wave timer increment for players who die just before a new wave spawns from 5s to 7s

      • Dev Note: The changes we made to Quick Cash spawning increased the pace of the mode. These two changes should slow the pace down a little, similar to what we had previously, while maintaining the benefits of spawn waves keeping teams together. We’ll monitor how these perform and continue to adjust as needed.
    • Changed spawn behavior to prevent teams from spawning very close to enemy players


    • Changed spawn behavior to prevent teams from respawning very far away or far too close to objectives
    • Changed spawn behavior to prevent teams from spawning very close to enemy players

    Content and Bug Fixes

    \\Animation \\

    • Very small reduction to visual recoil on Lewis and M60 Red Dots sights to keep the experience in line with other weapons
    • Fixed a rare issue where eliminated players would get frozen and not turn into coins
    • Clothing will now move correctly when spinning your character in the menus
    • Fixed an issue where inspecting and throwing grenade-type gadgets simultaneously could make character animations look broken


    • Added a Club page quick navigation icon to the top of the menu
    • Party-up requests from Clubs will now show in the event log and prompt a new marker when available


    • Fix some occurrences of contract tracking for Goo Barrel and Fire Extinguisher
    • Fixed inconsistencies in the "Eliminate 5 opponents from 30 meters or more using gadgets" contract


    • Fixed an issue with Goo being able to launch players and objects in rare cases
    • Jump Pads will now correctly launch players traveling on ziplines rather than detach and drop them
    • Fixed various issues when hold interactions would sporadically cancel


    • Players can now gift full outfits to friends

    Performance & Stability

    • Fixed a rare crash related to the lockbolt

    Private Matches

    • We now allow spectators to reconnect even when a private match is paused
    • Fixed an issue where input was not working when reconnecting as a spectator
    • Retain camera rotation when moving from a player to the freefly cam in spectator mode

    Settings VOIP

    • Added the ability to toggle the automatic gain control of the microphone volume to the settings

    Specializations Winch Claw

    • Will now cancel and block vaulting for opponents on successful hits

    \\UI \\

    > > > Fixed an issue with scrollbars not being consistent and overlapping in some situations throughout menus > >



    • Fixed an issue where you could start or continue sliding while performing the secondary spin attack


    • Using the secondary attack at the same time as activating a Jump Pad will now launch players to the intended (longer) distance

    Duel Blades

    • Fixed an issue when swapping back from a deployable like the Jump Pad would cause the Dual Blades to get stuck swinging only once


    • Fixed an issue where the backstab wouldn’t re-trigger the charge up after a vault if the input was held down

    Security and Anti-Cheat

    • Refined and updated several detection rules to improve the precision and effectiveness of identifying players exploiting unfair advantages
    • Updated anti-cheat methods
    [Clip] Defending the platform with the SR-84

    Trying to channel my inner @inlandempire with these CQC snipes. :)

    I think I'm also going to start posting clips on Loops. I'll probably mirror anything I share here onto Loops, but I'll also upload random, smaller clips there, as well.

    [Clip] That wasn't the glitch mine...

    It's obvious in hindsight, but it jumpscared the hell out of me in the moment lol

    Ozzy Osbourne - Crack Cocaine

    Wasn't expecting to see Ozzy drop a music video in 2025, but here we are.

    [Patch Notes] Store Update 5.5.0 — THE FINALS Store Update 5.5.0 — THE FINALS

    This week is a store update and a few fixes to broken contracts!

    Store Update 5.5.0 — THE FINALS

    > > > This week is a store update and a few fixes to broken contracts! > >


    > > > Contracts > > > > We have implemented additional fixes for the following contracts as they have not been working correctly: > > > > * Hit opponents [x] times with arena carriables, cash boxes or the decryption key > > > * Earn 20,000 cash in one round, 4 times in Cashout Modes > > > * Play 3 matches of World Tour or Bank It > > > >

    My aluminum Reate Exo-M is too loud!

    I just received my aluminum model Exo-M in the mail today, and I absolutely love this knife, but it's so damn loud! I feel the urge to fidget with it, but I worry that I'm annoying my neighbors. It's so loud and piercing, it sounds like a Garand ping every time I open a package.

    Does anyone have advice for noise reduction on knives? I thought about maybe putting a thin layer of epoxy or silicone or something along the ends of the frame that make contact with the blade, but I feel like the tolerances are so tight that any amount of material being present could possibly interfere with opening/closing the knife, so I don't want to risk something like that just yet. I suspect that any kind of coating I could apply would also just peel off almost immediately, anyway.

    Any ideas? Or should I just learn to live with it?

    [Clip] Chased the Heavy all the way down to my last bullet

    Braindead play on my part, but sometimes those work out in the end.

    [Clip] Retribution

    Our humble pie comes in blueberry, cherry, and .223 Remington varieties.

    Chozo Chozo
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