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My disdain for mega banks knowns no end
  • I'm reading (well, listening) to a book called "Trust me, I'm Lying" about the modern news cycle, and how lies and intentional outrage at lower levels (blogs and social media) get funneled up to traditional-media, and how that is driven by people like the author.

    I wouldn't be surprised if causing outrage and later deleting the tweet and following up with a half-hearted non-apology was the intent all along.

    Really great book, IMO. Same guy (Ryan Holiday) had a book about the conspiracy behind the Hulk Hogan sex tape ("Conspiracy") that was also real good.

  • Debate this!
  • Don't let this election, or any election, allow us to forget the time back in nineteen ninety eight when the undertaker threw mankind off hell in a cell and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcers table.

  • Stay Mad, Tankies
  • The Republican party wouldn't exist if everybody voted. That is a straight up fact. As fucked as our election system is, they are far enough the minority that if everyone got out, the EC wouldn't matter.

    You want a "left light" and a "true left", you aren't going to get it by abstaining, or by voting for nonviable moonshot third-party candidates. You are going to get it by abolishing the far right party and making that tiny sliver of the whole population realize that their antiquated views aren't welcome here.

    They need to be crushed.

    They only exist because people don't want to vote for the lesser of two evils, so instead they just don't vote. And what do you know, a -1 for the less evil is just as effective as a +1 for the more evil.

    All of their success is brought on by feeding apathy in their opposition, making it more difficult to vote, destroying any faith in the system, and gerrymandering.

    So yes, in my opinion, the far left refusing to hold their nose for a few minutes may as well be voting for the insurrectionist.

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  • The president sets the tone of the administration. Ultimately they are the big boss, but they don't do everything.

    I take issue with being called a Biden supporter. Biden is mediocre at best. I'dve much preferred if a more...motivational, I guess, DNC candidate in 2020. We obviously knew that whoever won would be 4 years older (and many more battle-worn) come re-election, and it's pretty unorthodox for any party to let the incumbents president be primaried. I can't think of a time.

    In fact, I think the DNC was secretly hoping that Biden would've bit the dust 2 or 3 years in.

  • things you can only do with boys
  • Stop sharing any photos of people who don't give consent, whether they can or not.

    In an alternate timeline where we never had the stigma around nudity, I'd be just as embarrassed of my nose in a photo than I would of my penis.

    Or maybe 10 years after I cut ties with you because you became a massive douche sandwich, I don't want my picture on the same Facebook wall as your white pride rally.

    Not you, personally, but any body really.

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  • This is a really important point.

    The president is really only as good as his staff. They can only do so much as an individual person.

    Joe Biden knows how to hire a good staff, and respects the limitations of hisnl office.

    Meanwhile, if Trump could've harnessed the energy from his revolving door of "loyalists", we might've been able to stay under 2°C.

    But, part of Project 2025 is actually planning to make 50,000 merit-based non-political positions (basically middle-management, and sometimes lower, at NASA or ATF or Dept of Education or FDA) into political appointments, and fire them if they don't toe the party line. In order to circumvent Congress and run everything unilaterally.

  • Pls someone make this reality
  • Well my 6th grade science teacher told us that Chernobyl was fortold in the book of revelations and it meant that the world will end soon. Public school. In New England. In the 90s. The 1990s.

  • Oh Joe...
  • Best proof of this was the impeachment (impeachments) of Trump. They knew going into it that it was a token move and it wouldn't mean shit once it got to Senate. If.

    But by then they waited for too long. Trump is the result of a shit storm decades in the making, not it's cause.

    And what are they supposed to do? Not even try to hold him accountable and prove that nobody will even attempt it?

    Once again millennials will have to barely survive thanks to the actions of our elders, and we'll surely get their misdirected grief for it. We crawl so our parents could run. Now all that's left to do is wait for their hearts to give out and hopefully there's something left to trickle down.

  • Oh Joe...
  • The problem there is that Democrats have some level respect for the rules. They are, for better or worse, too docile to play by the Republican rulebook (which was seemingly printed on a cocktail napkin). The Republicans have no respect for the rules. They've shown it time and time again. There were at least three headlines in the past week, before the debate.

    You can't win that game playing the rules, but agreeing to breaking the rules just means that fascism wins, and in doing so, the Republicans win.

    The best way to have fixed this was to have been properly calling people out along the way, and recalling congressmen and impeaching judges for years. The second best way would've been to vote them out and stop voting for charlatans. We are long past both those ways. The Republican party of today is made by and for liars, cheats, and scoundrels, and they control a solid 1.5 thirds of our federal government today.

    That is where the Democrats fucked up. This has been a slow decline to hell since Reagan, and it ramped right the hell up after McCain/Palin. They've had decades to plant that tree and they're still debating over the best time do it now.

  • it's a big deal jack
  • That faint weak voice was straight up embarrassing compared to Trump's booming confident voice. Of course it's easy to be confident when disregarding the truth. It still didn't do Biden any favors.

  • it's a big deal jack
  • I only got to see the closing statements. Biden looked worn down. Unconfident. Soft spoken. I could barely understand what he was saying and I had to turn on closed captioning.

    Then Trump starts talking...and it's all bullshit, but God if he doesn't sound good spewing it.

    America is fucked. The world is fucked. We're all gonna die. Buckle in.

  • AOC defeats moderate challenger in Democratic primary
  • That's exactly it.

    The lies in MSM aren't what they say, it's what they don't say.

    The best place to see this is at Planet Fitness, or similar place with TVs constantly tuned to all the major outlets. Watch them all at once and observe what each isn't saying.

  • That moment when he realizes he's done a dumb thing.

    Apologies for the potato quality. My wife has an iPhone.

    He's on a different side of that fence from where his run is attached.

    TIL if The Bare Naked Ladies had $1m when the song was recorded, and parked it in S&P500, they'd be rich.

    While $1m USD in 1988 is worth only $2.6m in 2024, if they just put it in the S&P 500 back then and left it there, it'd be worth over $44.6m today.

    I don't know if the Dijon ketchup is really worth it.

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