And Portal 2. Don't forget Portal 2.
Ravenholm was certainly an experience, but it's manageable. I mean, I'm more and more of a pussy when it comes to scary games but I pulled through.
I have yet to finish HL1in VR (as well as Opposing Force and Blue Shift), but it's certainly on my list. I played it up to around that early part with the long diagonal elevator with headcrabs dropping on you. Using the crowbar by actually swinging into them takes practice and I was getting my ass kicked, so I decided to restart on medium difficulty but never got around to actually doing it.
I think I got distracted by Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy VR being released... Those are incredible.
And the child's name? Albert Einstein.
HL1 is fun, but a little bit jank. The HL2 VR mod feels like the game was made for VR.
Manual reloading plays a big part. Ravenholm hits different when you need to load the shotgun shell-by-shell yourself instead of pressing a button.
Alyx is overrated. Half-Life 2 in VR is awesome.
I liked how the third one went in a completely different direction instead of rehashing what made Max Max yet again. It's a bit of a shock at first but it makes sense, especially since a lot of time has passed.
There's even one or two turns in the story that play out very differently from how it would have played out in the first two games because the overarching theme is a bit different. You can tell it's still Max though.
I remember originally being disappointed how Mona survived a shot in the the head from the first game, then Max survives a shot in the head in the game and then if you beat the game on the hardest difficulty she survives yet again.
Plus I prefered the looks of both Max and Mona in the first game.
But I've grown to appreciate the second game on subsequent playthroughs.
Address Unknown showed up in Max Payne 1 already, though it's fleshed out here. It's a loving parody of Twin Peaks, much like Alan Wake, so I'd say it's less setting it up here and more them sneaking in what they love before they decided to make a whole game based on the concept.
That's a webcomic I haven't seen in a loooong time.
Sounds reasonable, but the name? It's like they're not even trying to hide the fact we're in a simulation any more.
Grackles are crows, same as jackdaws.
It looks to me the mods there are fake vegans, trying to make as much damage to the cause as possible.
🎶...I was born to lead
And I'll starve till there's
no more mouths to feed🎵
Gotta love seeing CoD and Doom agreeing on this.
Yeah, before the community patched it up.
Newsworthy? At this day and age? Doubtful. A single random guy tweeting something is considered newsworthy today.
Some people can't even beat marriage without cheat codes smh my head
I mean, obviously? That's not what I was saying at all. I think you misinterpreted my original post in a big way.