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“May have just legalized murder by one individual”: Experts alarmed at “stunning” SCOTUS ruling
  • I'm not the one being slow. SCOTUS had 8 people while McConnell held up Garland.

    Officially SCOTUS was and is nine people. But if the wheels of government turn slow enough, SCOTUS continues to do its job with whoever has made it through the process.

    Officially 9, it functioned with 8. No one is credibly saying all those decisions must be thrown out or that SCOTUS cannot function during a shortage.

    If that shortage was 4, people would be vocal. But legally, it would still be functional.

    I not talking about changing the official number. I never did in this thread until you did.

  • The rent is too dang high in Cities: Skylines 2, so the devs nuked the landlords
  • The residents can also become homeless.

    If that happens, they tend to hang out in parks.

    Edit: I don't know why the down votes. Maybe I wasn't clear that I was explaining the game has multiple ways in which it attempts to match what we see.

    The game residents can become homeless. Just like the rent/landlord thing is telling, so is that.

  • Trump’s mass purge of state department likely to sow chaos, US diplomats say
  • Obama broke Occupy. Biden and Clinton are vocal about not supporting the anti-genocide protests (except to say the protestor have specific rights).

    There are no political leaders sympathetic to protests here. Only those who could maybe be cowed if we really fought. If that was likely, the FBI would infiltrate and agitators would create reasons for enforcement.

    We're talking Floyd levels of riot that would remind people of Jan 6th and leave people feeling justified. MLKs proymtests were NOT popular at the time... We're looking for something and someone like that. Closest we've got is Shawn Fain.

    My riot, for now, is my vote and my tepid support of formerly-Dark Brandon. He's done a lot. More than most. But Garland was a shit pick. And now we're here with trials delayed all over the place because Garland dithered.

  • I wrote this article about grieving as an atheist.
  • I want neither a religious leader nor some physicist with vague "energy" platitudes as a speaker at my funeral. But I think that's the thing. Death is personal. We want different things. And that's it's own beauty.

    For me... I want an atheist with an understanding of pain, suffering, delight and nothingness. Someone to, without lecturing, explain that in my view I was not here for eons. Then, for a brief period I lived. I stumbled, loved, and grew old. I relished my moment. I saw it for what it was and made what I could of it. And now I return to the nothing.

    Selfless, selfish, nurturing and angry. I did it all. I stayed at home for vacation, I traveled. I was poor. I had a season of money. I lived my moment. I am at peace with that. It could have been far, far worse.

    And while returning to the nothing may seem ghastly to some, to me it has beauty. Symmetry.

    Even this happy life has struggle. One day, the struggle ends.

  • Hamas leader said civilian death toll could benefit militant group in Gaza war
  • I mean yeah, but... No?

    Their stories are different. It's like saying that three fan fics by three different authors that use a select few "same characters" actually have the same characters... When they behave in ways that are incompatable with the other fan fics.

    That's kinda the problem. That and geography. They all think the same patch of land is super important. And the land around that is important, too.

    This is one of the ways that those "same characters (gods) " were incompatible.

    When you back away from it all, it's the God of Abram/Abraham. But the details matter to adherents. And the details are quite different.

    The us and them created by those stories is essential to understanding this. And the land grabs. And the killings. And the rationale.

  • Matter 1.3 is here to help get your smart home energy usage under control

    This seemed more balanced and upbeat than other reporting on the topic.

    I'm always happy to see support for Matter and increased awareness.

    The more we expect matter devices and insist on them, the better things get for consumers.

    Photo Gallery - Hardware & Software Recommendation Request

    Now that HA is getting further with local voice control, I'm working towards a full non-cloud, de-googled home experience.

    We have a Google Home Hub and we love the slideshow aspect of it. If the Hub goes, I'd like to replace it with something visually appealing and take on the responsibility of putting photos into some directory(s) for use in a slide show.

    Does anyone have:

    • Preferred HA card/integration/HACS solution?
    • Recommended hardware (ideally it's a screen, not a tablet)?
    • Advice for me while I'm on this journey?
    Pikmin Bloom App (replicates r/PikminBloomApp)

    A community to discuss Niantic’s Pickmin Bloom game. Tips, tricks, events, questions, rants and raves are all fair game.

    Pikmin Bloom App


    It's a work-in-process, but it already has many of the items people seek and additional commenters are welcome!

    Pikmin - Leveling

    Tips and tricks for leveling Pikmin efficiently

    Friends for Challenges

    Weekly challenges allow up to 5 total people per attempt and the more active participants you have, the easier the challenge becomes.

    Please add your friend code for others to find, or look among the ones already listed.

    Player - Leveling

    High Level Overview

    Strategies for new and leveling players

    • Spending gold
    • Timing mushrooms
    • Finding friends/people for weekly challenges

    The above is a placeholder and your comments are very welcome. Please add any of your thoughts about certain approaches, references you've found helpful, anything that will help a person join and mature through the game quickly will be welcomed.

    Quick Reference - Sticky

    As this community is built out, various references will be added. This will work as a springboard to those references - on lemmy and elsewhere.

    Pikmin Bloom News

    #New to the Game

    #General Strategies

    Where do you turn for game information?

    I tend to rely on City Planner Plays, and then Biffa, for hands-on explanations or analysis.

    There has to be other sources of solid content - what is your preferred source of information?

    I may give the dev diaries a read-through today, but I strongly suspect the content creators have already done a credible job of surfacing the bits that matter.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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