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Tea versus Coffee
  • Never liked coffee. I usually drink Yorkshire tea in the morning, but sometimes mix it up with other black teas. If I drink any during the day, it’s green tea. Evenings are for herbal teas if I have any.

  • What is your favorite though provoking movie?
  • Seems like a lot of responses think a movie needs a twist to be thought provoking. Not saying they’re wrong, but what about things that make you think about how screwed we are like “The Big Short” or “The Laundromat?” Movies like “Schindler’s List” make you think about human capacity for evil and compassion. “Blade Runner” brings up questions of what makes you a human.

    Make no mistake, all the “twist” movies mentioned so far are great. Just trying to introduce another thread to the discussion.

  • Props to Alpine and Kali for disabling this bullshit out of the box
  • So I do HPC installations, and using Mellanox/NVIDIA adapters in Ethernet mode absolutely sucks. First, when you initially install them, they’re named something like ens2f0, where “2” generally corresponds to the PCI slot. Pretty easy, until you install MOFED. Yeah, I know you don’t need MOFED, but the drivers included in RHEL are waaay old. Anyway, after installing the newer drivers, that exact same interface becomes ens2f0np0!

    What’s even better is there’s no guarantee that a PCI Ethernet card in PCI slot 2 will be “ens2…” which I would argue is predictive!

  • which one do you prefer? having kids or no kids? and why??
  • I don’t have kids of my own, but through my time with my step-kids, I’ve learned I would’ve loved to have one or two. I totally understand people who don’t want kids. They can be a huge, expensive hassle. But I feel like I’ve gotten so much more back from them than it ever cost me. Plus they gave me this cup that I drink from every morning.

  • What would you consider your threat model?
  • Awhile back, I got a bookbub deal alert email about a series called the Lattice Trilogy. When I read the synopsis, I wasn’t sure I’d buy the premise: a future where privacy simply doesn’t exist. Still, out of curiosity and an extremely low price, I gave it a read. Wound up reading all three books. Since then, I’ve been watching privacy die in much less sci-fi-y circumstances.

  • Lemons(?) of Lemmy, what is something that feels so obvious to you that you just get lowkey pissed at the world for not knowing?
  • In case you’re not being sarcastic, this is about 2-footed drivers. They tend to always have their left foot “resting” on the brake pedal “just in case.” What they ignore is there’s a small amount of movement in the brake pedal that will light up the lights but not engage the brakes. So even if they’re not just wearing down the brakes, they look like they’re braking ALL. THE TIME.

    I also hate this.

  • Roger Stone Caught on Tape Discussing Trump’s Plan to Challenge 2024 Election
  • While many in the US have one or more gun, I would argue most were unaware of bump stocks until the 2017 Las Vegas Shooting. TL;DR, a bump stock uses the recoil of the rifle as a “spring” to help pull the trigger over and over again - effectively behaving like a “machine gun.” As already stated, it does not meet the US legal definition of a machine gun because you’re still firing one round per trigger pull. The bump stock basically makes the trigger pull automatic.

    As for why it’s a big debate, read the wiki article. One guy killed A LOT of people pretty quickly using this device to greatly increase his rate of fire. It was a public eye opener for much of the country. So much so, that even Donald f’ing Trump came to the realization that something should be don. He didn’t even really get much push back on it from the right or the NRA. That’s how sobering the massacre was. That said, it happened long enough ago that it’s memory probably isn’t powerful enough for anyone to change the law to ban them and similar mechanisms (see: the binary trigger elsewhere in the comments). If they tried banning them today, the NRA and conservatives would fight it tooth and nail.

  • Trump Hits “I Have Black Friends” Stage of Total Racism
  • There’s a lot of depth to this reply, and it hits the nail on the head.

    Seriously, as an emotional being, the guy is just empty. From his comment about not understanding why soldiers would go to war when they get nothing out of it, to his never ending willingness (eagerness, even) to toss literally anyone under the bus to save his own ass. This guy really has no earthly concept of sacrifice, honor, duty, community… seriously pull out a fucking thesaurus.

    I think he is the single most self-centered person I’ve ever seen, heard of, or read about. I’m not even being hyperbolic. The greatest writers in history wouldn’t put a character like him to paper because readers wouldn’t buy it!

    You say that’s how he understands friendship, and I agree. I’d only add that he genuinely thinks everyone else is just wrong about it. It’s kind of sad, and also kind of amazing to watch.

  • Trump floats eliminating U.S. income tax and replacing it with tariffs on imports
  • I don’t know if this isn’t already a thing, but if he uses that stock as collateral to overpay for another social media company, or some other stupid flex, he should be taxed on that valuation with no deductions whatsoever.

  • Siblings

    One can’t keep herself out of a box or anything resembling a box. The other is responsible for the never healing contusion on his sister’s ear (though, she sometimes starts it).

    I think she misses her old buddy

    Our mini schnauzer passed in January. They were pals.

    Do you drink milk from the cereal bowl?

    Do you drink the cereal-flavored milk straight from the bowl? I grew up doing this because my parents taught me how good that milk tastes. As I’ve gotten older, I feel a little self-conscious about doing it in public. It’s not something I notice other non-children doing.

    Editing to add: I do drink the milk from the bowl. As to when I'm eating it "in public:" hotels mostly. Self-conscious was probably the wrong word. I'm more wondering if people silently judge a grown person drinking cereal milk from the bowl. Not losing sleep if they do, just curious.

    SSH through ProxyJump w/ conditional RunCommand

    Trying to do a couple things. I have 2 jump hosts I can use to get into my cluster login node. From my laptop to the jump hosts is password. From jump hosts to login node can be key-based, so if I do it all from CLI: [me@home ~]$ ssh user@jump1 Password: [user@jump1 ~]$ ssh user@login1 [user@login1 ~]$ Same process if I use jump2.

    So first thing I'm trying to do is set up my ~/.ssh/config to use the ProxyJump host and key file to get to login1. I have the following: Host jump1 Hostname jump1.domain Host jump2 Hostname jump2.domain Host login1 Hostname login1.cluster ProxyJump jump1 #ProxyJump jump2 I'm not sure how to configure the IdentityFile entries for each jump host. The user on the jump hosts has different id_rsa keys in ~/.ssh, but both are in the authorized_keys file on login1.

    Second thing I'm trying to do is join or start a tmux session. From CLI, I can run: tmux has-session -t mysession || tmux new -s mysession && tmux a -t mysession I've learned that to just join a running session (tmux a -t mysession), I need to include "RequestTTY yes" in my ssh config entry for login1. What I can't get working is the conditional statement that will fire up a new tmux session if it doesn't already exist.

    Photoprism or Immich

    I’ve seen a lot of recommends for Immich on here, so I have an idea what the answer here is going to be, but I’m looking for some comparisons between it and Photoprism I’m currently using Synology Photos, and I think my biggest issue is it’s lack of metadata management. I’ve gotten around that with MetaImage and NeoFinder. I’m considering moving to something not tied to the Synology environment.

    well pump help

    I have a well pump in my garage that seems to have stopped working. When plugging it in, I hear it running, but the pressure never goes up, and the motor never stops. No idea what I’m doing with this thing.

    What are some of your favorite lyrics?

    Like the title says, what are your favorite lyrics?

    I just heard one of my favorite verses today:

    > “In a seedy karaoke bar by the banks of the mighty Bosporus > Is a Japanese man in a business suit singing “Smoke Gets in Your Eyes.” > And the muscular cyborg German dudes dance with sexy French Canadians > While the overweight Americans wear their patriotic jumpsuits”

    External links not showing

    Not sure if this is just for content from, but I’ve verified on another app and in the mobile web interface that the link is there.

    Backing up Blu-Ray movie doesn't work

    Trying to backup a TV show I have on BD to my Plex server. The other discs in the season work fine w/ MakeMKV, but this one will only read the deleted scenes. So far, I've tried MakeMKV and dd (which returns an I/O error on this disc). Any other thoughts?

    How to reply to a comment?

    Is this not implemented, or am I too dumb to figure it out?

    Adding second account is convoluted on IOS

    I have accounts on and After launching the app, when adding my account I'm presented with some common instances to select from. After choosing one, I enter my credentials using 1Password. To add the second account, it's a completely different process, and I can't use 1Password for the username.

    YSK: If you reply to a comment, you should probably give it a vote

    Why YSK? Comments you reply positively to, should definitely get your upvote. Comments you disagree with should be at your discretion. Trolls deserve downvotes (seriously, they live for those). Disagreeing with someone in the midst of a good discussion doesn't necessarily warrant one, and might deserve an upvote. Even if you don't reply, but you agree with the comment, give it your vote.

    Also, this has nothing to do with propping up folks' egos. Comments with more upvotes will likely be seen first the longer the post is up. Alternatively, downvoted posts are less likely to be seen unless users are looking for them.

    Of course, this can lead to folks accusing communities of having leftist/right-wing bias, but I think overall it improves the usage of the site. Personally, the thing I liked most about Reddit was the conversations in the comments. Usually the ones with the most upvotes were more worth the read & engagement.

    23 Tracking Lemmy/Kbin Mobile Clients

    Sheet1 App Name,Platform,OS,Stage,Community Link,Code Link Artemis (Kmoon),Kbin, Lemmy (Upcomming),Android, IOS,<a href="">Private Beta (Starts end of June)</a>,<a href=""></a>,Proprietary Beyond,Lemmy,Android, IOS Jerboa,...

    Tracking Lemmy/Kbin Mobile Clients

    I've created a Google Sheet to try and track the various apps in development. I created it from info in this thread.

    UPDATE: Changed access to comments only since people were changing the table to meet their requirements rather than keeping the actual information up to date. If something needs to be added/changed, add a comment or message me.

    USpolitics d00phy 'They literally lack all substance': Boebert and MTG buried by Dem over committee antics

    During an appearance on MSNBC on Saturday afternoon, Rep. Jasmine Crockett (R-TX) was asked what it is like to work with Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and Lauren Boebert (R-CO) behind the scenes in committee and she indicated that it is a waste of everyone's time.Earlier the week, Crockett was...

    'They literally lack all substance': Boebert and MTG buried by Dem over committee antics
    wareagle for Auburn University related stuff Home of the Auburn Tigers in the fediverse! -

    Dedicated to discussion of Auburn University athletics, events, news, and general discussion. War Eagle!

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