Every show you ever watch will be really interesting and engaging ending on a giant season 1 cliffhanger and will be canceled never having a followup episode.
The first circle of heck is for people who listen to media in public without headphones. They shall walk through life with lots of AV media available to them, but the soundtrack never matches the video.
The second circle of heck is for the people who take up two parking spaces. They are damned to a place where they all have shittier cars than everyone else forever.
The third circle of heck is for people who pull fire alarms as pranks. They may live their lives as normal, except sometimes a loud noise will happen and they will be taken outside the building and drowned with a fire hose for awhile. Forever.
The fourth circle of heck is for programmers who don't document their code. They will be stranded in a country whose language they have no way of learning.
The fifth circle of heck is for Toyota engineers. For the sin of putting the oil filter directly underneath the exhaust manifold, they shall have the skin of the back of their hands blowtorched off a few times a day, every day.
The sixth circle of heck is for the people who just can't get out of the way at the grocery store. All of the delicious food they could ever want is buried 5 miles deep, and they are equipped with oven mitts on their hands for digging.
The seventh circle of heck is for people who modify their cars to have loud exhausts, get a dog that barks at all hours of the day, etc. They live normal lives, but they can hear the Sun.
You can get used to anything. All of these suggestions that start with "everytime" will be changed to "sometimes." Because it's the hope that kills ya.
Everything glares and your eyes hurt. It also smells constantly of BO and is uncomfortably warm. There is a tinnitus drone on the edge of your hearing. Everyone mumbles. You constantly forget why you came into the room. Food all tastes of cardboard and your scalp itches most of the time. You get cramp in your hands and feet at inopportune times.
Every month, you have to give a large proportion of your income to someone who owns 40 houses and you have to go through them to get anything in the house fixed. Every time you attempt to do that, they will complain and potentially buy some white paint, even if it is a plumbing issue.
in heck you have to travel everywhere by car. and there’s always traffic.
just woke up and want to brush your teeth? that’s gonna be a 15 minute drive to the bathroom. watching tv and want to take a break to get a snack? 20 minute drive to the kitchen. want to go to the supermarket to pick up some more milk? 40 minute drive, round trip.
Your pillow is always warm. But never enough to be comfortable.
When you sweat, your skin feels too cool too quick but you keep sweating.
You master power naps with falling asleep fast and waking up 20 minutes after. You're always left destructively groggy.
Your sock's seam is just thick enough to brush against your toe.
Your elbow feels like you need to crack it for relief. It. Just. Won't. Crack.
You're an adult and act like it.
You have a mildly odd feeling in your stomach at all times—sometimes it flares up and you're somewhat concerned you're going to be nauseated.
You hear the waiters cackle, shortly after you told the one serving you "you, too." When you push your silly paranoia away, you see the group pointing your way and laughing again.
No matter what you do, you simply cannot find the right way to sit or lie.
Your soap always has a pubic hair on it when you get in the shower, even though you took it off last time.
Mobile phone screen protectors always have a bubble with a grain of sand in it.
Bike tire is always slowly leaking, but there is no discernable puncture.
Mobile phone volume controls are always next to the power button so whenever you want to adjust the volume, you lock the screen instead.
Kitchen sink drains slowly.
Petrol tank in the lawn mower and your petrol can are always empty when you need to cut the grass, so you have to go buy more before you can mow the lawn.
Whipper snipper line keeps breaking within 10s of starting, due to your awful couch grass.
Doorbell battery is always flat.
Driveway camera alerts always come through just as the delivery person is driving away with the package you needed to sign for.
Clothing on sale is always too small or too big.
Any clothes that fit when you buy them shrink in the wash.
Smoke alarm low battery chirps always start in the middle of the night, and you don't have any replacement batteries. Also, they are randomly between 5 and 10 minutes apart so it takes a long time to find which one has the low battery.
Your bread loaf is always mouldy before your weekly grocery shop.
When you want to eat them, bananas and avocados are always unripe, or all brown inside.
Apples have a 50% chance to be floury inside but you can't tell until you bite.
The person next to you on the train always has a cold.
Bus timetables don't line up with train timetables.
Red light cycles are timed so you get the red on each intersection unless you exceed the speed limit.
The sun is always low in the sky and in your eyes (directly or in the mirror), while driving to and from work.
Supermarket workers always give you the product that expires earliest when you order groceries for pickup.
Every time you eat something, some food getd stuck in your teeth and you can't get it out for hours.
Washing dishes, the cloth is always dirty
Every time you undo your seatbelt, the belf doesn't retract properly and you have to fiddle with it for ages, if you try getting out of the car you just get tangled in it
Infinite phone tree - Any choice takes you to the next menu tree but 50% chance to take you back to the start. The second menu tree just leads to an infinite array of phone menu trees, each with a 50% chance to go back to the beginning.
The land moves around at random. Your house (and everyone elses) might be somewhere one day, and in an hours time it's somewhere else. Good luck making a map.
A single ear bud is always violently yanked out of one ear just before your favorite part of the song. There are no wireless earbuds, just the old cheapy wired kind with those black, foamy covers.
Every floor and piece of furniture will be made of wood and randomly (and nearly always at the worst times) you will get splinters that you cant remove from your skin.