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You're at the local bar and it's karaoke night! What are you singing first?
  • If you want one to bring the room to life, the answer is "I Want It That Way" by the Backstreet Boys. It kills 100% of the time--everyone will sing along. You can't help it.

  • Make it stop.
  • Is this true?

  • I Just wanted to close the valve...
  • Thank God for my Snap-On Strap-On.

  • Is really possible to understand the magnitude of ones own brain?
  • Yeah, I'm pretty sure learning more about myself would make me simpler by definition.

  • How much success have you had with modded Skyrim specifically?
  • Yeah, don't you just click the little picture and it works?

  • To all you outside of the US...
  • We're Amy Winehouse/Lindsay Lohan/Britney Spears. We love(d) the limelight, but it's not so great when we're spiraling downward.

  • CBT
  • I'm not a therapist. Is the idea that you forget about all of your problems because your balls are being tortured?

  • CBT
  • Cognitive Ball Torture.

  • What secret conspiracy would you like to actually start letting other people know?
  • The basic gist: a lot of the early promotion of Trump, "TheDonald," its start on 4chan. Pepe the Frog. Qanon nonsense. It was the first place I also noticed the trend of (specifically interracial) cuck porn with weirdly divisive messaging/themes, before it became a trending theme on every mainstream porn site.

    If you look into what Russia does/has done in the U.S., the goal is always to sow division. The means are often irrelevant. Though they've had great success supporting the right, they also create fake groups/initiatives on the left, the general goal being to widen the social rift. Our racism problem as a country has seemingly been a frequent target, for obvious reasons. And, in short, I can think of few things more inflammatory to a racist, white MAGA person than, "Black men can fuck your women better than you."

    "Cuck porn" may have been too broad. I'm not saying they invented cuck porn, nor interracial porn, etc...etc... Only that I believe they may have seen it as a potential wedge to promote in their information efforts, particularly when accompanied by weirdly divisive, aggressive messaging.

    I could also be wrong/crazy, and I wouldn't bet anything important on it, but I figured it was a fun one to throw out there, given the question.

  • Looks like paradise
  • They seem cute until you find one scurrying around your kitchen in the middle of the night.

  • Looks like paradise
  • I love this idea and am filing it away for the imaginary future where I own a home and need more greenery, damn it! Because it's going to be so lush and green. And there will be water and mountains and a rainbow...

  • What secret conspiracy would you like to actually start letting other people know?
  • Alright, I'll bite.

    I think it'll someday be known that Russia was involved in the promotion of cuck porn, partially explaining its increased prevalence.

  • Pride wins!
  • Sure thing, Don.

  • I will not be taking questions.
  • He lives in a hut in the rainforest maybe?

  • I will not be taking questions.
  • Bank vault doors. With digital keypad entry systems. They're really smart cats.

  • Time to move
  • "How's that heart attack treatin' ya back there?"

  • Victory lap!
  • By then, they'll have released Solitaire 2.

  • Charlie Chaplin's The Great Dictator Speech + Hans Zimmer's "Time"

    Timely and timeless 84(!) years later.

    ivanafterall ivanafterall
    Posts 2
    Comments 48