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Lawmakers want to know why there are fewer LGBTQ+ homeowners than straight: 'Concerning disparities'
  • I'd be interested if they took samples of home ownership across LGBTQ+ and cis populations in geographies with high acceptance of LGBTQ+ populations. Do we see parity in this case? Could it be that geographies that contain accepting societies all have low home ownership?

    As in, could places where higher home ownership exist not overlap with LGBTQ+ acceptance?

  • Bleeding subscribers, cable companies force their way into streaming | Companies like Comcast and Charter brought about the streaming industry they now want to join
  • Sticking to the old model of “pay for cable TV and watch commercials” is never going to work, be it cable or streaming. I don’t think I’m in the minority here, either; I’ve heard this sentiment from plenty of others.

    As much as wish I could agree with you, the previous ad-free streaming services now almost all offering an ad-supported tier disagrees with your conclusion. Price conscious consumers are choosing ad-supported subscriptions in large enough numbers for streaming services to offer them profitably. I'm okay with this. Not everyone has the money that I do, but I'll almost always choose the ad-free version of a streaming channel instead of the ad-supported.

    One of the few exceptions to that is Hulu. I don't watch enough on Hulu to make it worth $18/month, and the ad-supported version can be had for $1/month-$2/month.

  • Bleeding subscribers, cable companies force their way into streaming | Companies like Comcast and Charter brought about the streaming industry they now want to join
  • Cable companies have seen the writing one the wall with Cable TV for quite awhile. They had the perfect product to pivot to with broadband. Had they offered a great product with great customer service, they'd have had the market forever especially how much consumers felt burned by telecoms abusing their market dominance with with early broadband.

    Instead, cable companies doubled down on the lock-in and bundle model with deceptive pricing and horrible customer service ceding ground to wireless providers and even the same telecoms that were hated before.

    Our household cut the cord on cableTV/satellite about 14 years ago, but kept cable modem service since then. Now that the local telecom has laid fiber at 500Mb/s for $49/month we dropped any relationship with the cable company. Two months before the fiber came in, cable suddenly dropped the price of our 100Mb/s service and increased the speed to $300Mb/s. At $80/month it was still better for us to ditch the cable company and go with the telecom fiber connection.

  • "Inside Out 2" is the fastest animated film to reach $1 billion at the global box office
  • But somehow I wonder if kids may find it more boring than adults, because I would probably not get this movie as a kid.

    I think it was aimed more toward tween and teen on the young side, and the "kid in all of us" on the older side.

  • Redbox’s owner files for bankruptcy after repeatedly missing payments and payroll
  • I'll agree that's a good thing, but that depends on there being assets (likely in this case), but it also means workers may have to wait months or years before the bankruptcy proceedings are complete. That shouldn't be a burden lower wage workers have to shoulder.

  • How to make a month go by as fast as possible other than sleeping
  • Start with Short Stories or novellas. A whole story from beginning to end in as short as 3 pages or as many as 30 or so. There are entire books of short stories (anthologies) in every genre you can imagine. You say you don't have the patience. However, in the time its taken you to read this entire thread, you could have finished a short story. You've proven you have the patience.

  • Tesla says Model 3 that burst into flames in fatal tree crash wasn’t defective
  • And as I told someone else on another thread, there’s no such thing as a good day.

    You're alive and breathing. I'm glad you're here. Your loved ones and family care deeply for you. Apart from all other challenges in life, that's a good day.

  • Tesla says Model 3 that burst into flames in fatal tree crash wasn’t defective
  • How wonderfully evasive of you!

    • The reading is pretty clear to me that you're implying that Tesla (and presumably EVs in general) catch fire more than non Tesla (or again, other EVs).
    • That is clearly proven wrong
    • You ignore your previous point and move the goalposts to your "defect" angle
    • When called on you moving the goalposts you claim the original reading of the original point is wrong
    • When called to clarify your original point, you refuse to explain it, and even claim to have no other way your claimed unknown point could be communicated
    • You claim victory with nothing to support it

    Should you ever want to change careers, you have a strong talent for doublespeak and propaganda. Pick up some Russian or Mandarin language skills, update your Linkedin, and you'll be well on your way to a new career!

    Now with my own snark aside, I need to say this. You're not an idiot. I know this. I've read many posts of yours where you accurately and passionately defend your position, even extending your the language of your arguments to make yourself understood by your audience. This current thread is out of character for you, and from what I've seen elsewhere, you're better than this.

    I'm going to chalk this one up to you having a bad day and end the conversation here. I hope your day gets better, friend.

  • Redbox’s owner files for bankruptcy after repeatedly missing payments and payroll
  • I'm not sure that was much of an issue for DVD. Historically VHS had those huge licensing terms for new releases ($90 for VHS), but the same rules didn't apply to DVD (new releases $20). This was one of the main reasons VHS rentals died so fast after DVDs came out.

    Also at least at one time, I remember Redbox was simply buying DVDs at retail stores instead of buying from retail stores for their disc inventory. I see that Walmart is listed as a creditor. That makes me think perhaps Redbox still was.

  • Redbox’s owner files for bankruptcy after repeatedly missing payments and payroll
  • Sad to see this for two reasons:

    1. Physical discs and the rental model have always been a fallback against oppressive streaming licensing, and with so few video rental stores left it Redbox was the last one standing.

    2. It sounds like they missed payroll for their workers. No worker deserves to have their finances thrown into chaos because an employer can't manage their books.

  • Tesla says Model 3 that burst into flames in fatal tree crash wasn’t defective
  • In looking for other information I did run across this quote. Its in an article from Forbes, so take it with a grain of salt, but the quote isn't from the author but from Tesla corporate. It doesn't offer a complete picture, but its the closest to your question I've run across so far so I thought I'd share it:

    “Tesla has reported that between 2012 and 2021 there was approximately one Tesla vehicle fire for every 210 million miles travelled. This includes fires that did not originate in the vehicle, like arson, structure fires etc. According to the National Fire Protection Association, the national average in the U.S. was one fire per 19 million miles travelled. This suggests Tesla’s EVs are 11 times less likely to catch fire than the average car,” Edmondson said." source

  • Tesla says Model 3 that burst into flames in fatal tree crash wasn’t defective
  • You're moving the goalposts on the conversation then. If I read the article properly, the "defects" comment in the suit was related to the crash, and not the fire, where the deceased driver and the surviving passenger both had Blood Alcohol Levels way above the legal limit. That wasn't related to the fire.

    Are you conceding on your original point and agreeing that BEVs are far far less likely to catch on fire than cars with an ICE engine and gas tank?

  • Comedian Tom Smothers, one-half of the Smothers Brothers, dies at 86

    Tom Smothers, half of the Smothers Brothers and the co-host of one of the most socially conscious and groundbreaking television shows in the history of the medium, has died at 86.

    Comedian Tom Smothers, one-half of the Smothers Brothers, dies at 86

    Tom Smothers, half of the Smothers Brothers and the co-host of one of the most socially conscious and groundbreaking television shows in the history of the medium, has died at 86.

    The National Comedy Center, on behalf of his family, said in a statement Wednesday that Smothers died Tuesday at home in Santa Rosa, California, following a cancer battle.

    “I’m just devastated,” his brother and the duo’s other half, Dick Smothers, told The Associated Press in an interview Wednesday. “Every breath I’ve taken, my brother’s been around.”

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