Everything glares and your eyes hurt. It also smells constantly of BO and is uncomfortably warm. There is a tinnitus drone on the edge of your hearing. Everyone mumbles. You constantly forget why you came into the room. Food all tastes of cardboard and your scalp itches most of the time. You get cramp in your hands and feet at inopportune times.
Pretty porny if you ask me.
I have no idea what any of this means.
Not at all. About 3% of US males are Jewish, but around 80% of US males are circumcised. It's just societally accepted mutilation. The origins have a lot to do with puritanical attitudes toward sex, probably historically influenced by religion.
I've never used dark mode for anything and never will. It's also funny how people care enough to dislike that I have a different preference, as the downvotes show.
Because they are mostly awful hate-filled specimens.
Rule one. It's spelled turtle.
Why have I never seen this sub before, but today it's about half of the posts on my local feed?
You should stick cats to all your shit that doesn't need toy cats in in any way, like forks, toothbrushes, TV controllers, glasses, candles... for that extra joy.
Is DEI the new woke? These fuckers need punched hourly with their inane rabbiting shite.
Americans are weird as fuck over cutting off bits of flesh from your cock. Psycho behaviour.
Why would you think that would be a good idea, regardless of placement? It just makes it impossible to put in your pocket or to set it anywhere but screen down.
Ttantay Fufnad Oof had a lame second album.
What on earth does demure mean apart from its usual meaning?
Is the job you describe in your first paragraph really a job, though?
Fuck, and I can't say this enough, Israel.
In short, no. Many people are just pricks. Ignore them. You'll look back in a few years and think how unimportant those people really were.
I have a moss question. If I want moss to grow between bricks on my driveway (5mm gaps), can I just cut moss up, put it in, and water it? Will it grow (there's residual soil between the bricks as weeds grow there)? There's loads of moss (sphagnum amongst others, nearby) which I could harvest. Or do I need some kind of mix with a culture (like moss and milk, or something)? Is there any particular type of moss? Any advice is appreciated.
They wouldn't be as annoying as they are if the people playing the games in the ads made good decisions. Seeing people fail through obvious bad choices is way more irksome than someone smashing it.
My 9 year old wants a gaming laptop and my laptop spec knowledge is minimal. He wants to play Fortnite and Minecraft and the like, nothing fancy. Any ideas re good laptops to buy, or good places to look? I'm in the UK and my budget is 300 quid tops, ideally less.