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BBC: What is 'AI washing' and why is it a problem?
  • Meanwhile, for investors it can make it harder to identify genuinely innovative companies.

    ok, investors can be impacted... hard to be sympathetic to them but sure

    Extracted money (profit) could at least be recuperated into infrastructure; scamming the investors is good, but it should not turn into yet another corruption scheme.

  • AskHistorians 5714
    Did people really commonly believe in the inevitability of the "divine right of kings"?

    Contemporary anticapitalist narratives sometime compare a supposed inevitability of capitalism currently for globalised societies with the supposed (religious) inevitability of monarchies before the Industrial Revolution.

    How comparable are those beliefs in their respective hold on societies before and after the Industrial Revolution?

    Punk 5714
    Drown Me - FEALE Drown Me, by FEALE

    from the album Indoor Activities

    Drown Me, by FEALE
    Vegetarisch oder vegan: Habeck hat im Regierungsflieger Fleisch gestrichen
  • Oliver Sallet wollte wohl Fleisch.

    Tagesschau-Programmbesprechung so: "Und was habt ihr in letzter Zeit so erlebt?" "Habecks Flieger hatte kein Fleisch, könnt ihr euch das vorstellen?" "Sag nichts mehr, Eilmeldung, Katastrophenalarm!"

  • Stop use docker
  • Say Plasma "breaks" - a wiki will not help fast enough.

    I'm not trying to defend rolling release for a gaming console, but give me at least the option to decide for myself whether I'm ok with breakage or not. There is this kernelspace NT driver that I wanted to try, but I couldn't because pacman is locked.

  • Stop use docker
  • I don't like containerisation because it leads to bullshit like atomic distros. I don't want a spicy Android.

    Steam OS has some cool elements like the menu, the in-game side panels and the game mode/desktop dichotomy, but incremental rolling release is utterly deranged from my POV as an Arch user (btw).

  • 1
    Can crows hunt?

    My roommate told me that as they went into an urban forest, they saw (or heard) a crow picking pieces of flesh off a still living and screaming rabbit until the rabbit eventually died.

    Are crows able to prey on rabbits or was that incident more likely caused by a third, but then absent animal?

    "Der giftigste Ort der Welt" - Simplicissimus

    Eine unterirdische Giftmülldeponie in einem ehemaligen Salzbergwerk, eine Abraumhalde aus dem Salzbergbau und eine unterirdische Salzwasserverklappung in der ehemaligen Grenzregion gefährden die Werra und damit auch die Weser und Nordsee.

    RTX 40090

    Crosspost from:

    3 Survey of mental health and exposure to blasts reveals differences among displaced people who remained in Ukraine

    Researchers from the International Blast Injury Research Network at the University of Southampton conducted a survey to understand how the mental health of displaced Ukrainians has been affected by the ongoing war. Their findings, published in PLOS Global Public Health, describe high levels of post-...

    Survey of mental health and exposure to blasts reveals differences among displaced people who remained in Ukraine
    Giant store of global soil carbon revealed (Soil Inorganic Carbon) Study reveals giant store of global soil carbon

    Soil carbon usually refers only to the organic matter component of soils, known as soil organic carbon (SOC). However, soil carbon also has an inorganic component, known as soil inorganic carbon (SIC). Solid SIC, often calcium carbonate, tends to accumulate more in arid regions with infertile soils,...

    Study reveals giant store of global soil carbon

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    Giant store of global soil carbon revealed (Soil Inorganic Carbon) Study reveals giant store of global soil carbon

    Soil carbon usually refers only to the organic matter component of soils, known as soil organic carbon (SOC). However, soil carbon also has an inorganic component, known as soil inorganic carbon (SIC). Solid SIC, often calcium carbonate, tends to accumulate more in arid regions with infertile soils,...

    Study reveals giant store of global soil carbon

    BReg-Expertinnenkommission stimmt für liberaleres Abtreibungsrecht Plädoyer für liberaleres Abtreibungsrecht

    Offiziell sollten die erwartet brisanten Ergebnisse erst in der kommenden Woche vorgestellt werden. Doch über den "Spiegel" sickerte schon am Dienstag der Kern dessen durch, was eine Regierungskommission nun vorschlagen wird: Eine Liberalisierung des Abtreibungsrechts in Deutschland.

    Plädoyer für liberaleres Abtreibungsrecht
    Cyberpunk 5714

    ᑡlepsydra is also known for some splendid Witch House, but this is more Cyberpunk/Techno.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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