This is what I think would be most probable too. It's still too socially stigmatized to outright say something that effectively just means "I'm a Nazi," so they'd have to play it off as some kind of joke.
I do, however, think a lot of them would suddenly, for no reason in particular, begin saying things like "Well, Hitler was a bad guy, but he did have some good ideas..." while going on to describe some of the worst ideas known to man.
Well, after they wash the jizz out of their pants, they'll probably try to gaslight us into thinking it was just a joke and he was doing a parody and we're just too dumb and librul to understand.
I don't think that's accurate. It's more the fact that our media is so afraid to call out fascists and Nazis they'll literally invent an implausible scenario...
More likely would be "heil Trump". Validating Trump as Fuhrer of America. Conservatives might be ok with this. Watch for congress to burn, and blame on DNC, that results in banning the party.
"The left just looove to call people racists and Nazis, and he gave them exactly what they were asking for and now they're losing their minds. He's the world's biggest troll! I think it was hilarious, honestly - sure, he probably shouldn't have done it, yeah, it wasn't pc, but you call people Nazis long enough, what do you expect. Everyones a Nazi, everyone's racist, meanwhile you've got liberals voting for people who sleep their way into positions of power and politicians who want to bus in votes from Mexico. It's all bullshit smoke and mirrors. Politicians are all dirty. I like Trump because he doesn't care what the mainstream thinks- he'll burn it all down if he needs to to drain the swamp, and he's doing it while thumbing his nose at the political establishment with statements like this."
I just realized that you said Musk and not Trump. But honestly, a Trump supporter would probably hear "mumble mumble said Heil Hitler mumble" and assume you were talking about Trump anyway. I'm going to leave it as-is.
They will just deny it ever happening and say it’s taken out of context. He can’t possibly be a Nazi because he likes Israel. And if it happened (which it did not), it’s not important. Libs are so easily triggered these days.
It’s just bots at this point. They ban anyone with a brain. Got banned from there like 8 years ago for posting a tweet by Trump that criticized his actions during his first term. Banned within 2 min.
I don't know about the conservatives but the press and 'centrists' will probably go "Hmmm maybe it's just autism. Surely he didn't really mean it. No, can't be. I can't think of any past behaviour of his that would make this seem intentional. Autistic people do nazi salutes and say heil hitler all the time."
They’ll probably just recycle the same excuses the neoliberals have been using to excuse Nazis in Ukraine for years. Probably start in with the “nuance” bullshit arguments.
There was one user whose username was "DragonFucker" or something, and another user addressed them with their username, the comment was removed and they got banned... 🙄
Don't want this to get taken out of context and seem like I'm actually saying the HH phrase, so using asterisks is to indicate I'm not actually trying to saying the phrase.
There was one user whose username was “DragonFucker” or something, and another user addressed them with their username, the comment was removed and they got banned… 🙄
They got unbanned and the comments got restored IIRC