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RIP in pieces
  • The dumbass bought a thing that the strongest and most valuable thing it had to offer was brand recognition and immediately eliminated the branding.

  • RIP in pieces
  • No for sure. But people were treating it like it might be legitimate

  • RIP in pieces
  • I find no reputable sources reporting his death

  • Breezy Weather: An open-source, privacy-friendly Android weather app forked from the now-unmaintained Geometric Weather
  • I've landed on it as the best blend of accurate and not terrifying for security

  • Breezy Weather: An open-source, privacy-friendly Android weather app forked from the now-unmaintained Geometric Weather
  • They have three choices of API to use. One of which is NOAA whose data license is compatible with F-Droid's free network resources definition

  • On a huge election year for the world, Meta will shut down CrowdTangle, it's tool for election integrity observers without replacement
  • It would benefit a social cause that is near and dear to his heart: making Mark Zuckerberg extremely wealthy

  • Helldivers 2’s Politics Appear To Be Flying Over The Heads Of Some
  • Bruh the more light we can shed on media literacy in this election year the better...

  • It used to be good. Then, nationalism
  • The settled on term is "alt country", though a lot of country fans prefer to other modern mainstream radio country as "bro country" since alt country implies that alt country is a departure from traditional country despite being more of a return to classical roots than an intended presentation of departure from the norm. I often tell people if Johnny Cash or Dolly Parton were starting their careers today they'd definitively be put in the alt country bucket.

    Which also gets me to an important point I wish more people would take into consideration: genre is a constructed element of music, largely stemming less from artistic movements and more from radio formats. The modern day music landscape has much less to do with artistic expression and much more to do with what advertisers thinks will sell tires, cheap beer, and fast food combo meals. Even deconstructed genres like hyperpop stem from the record industries need to assign everything to a specific radio format and artists wanting to put a spotlight on the commercialization of one of humanities oldest endeavors (song / dance).

  • Anyone tried CoffeeSock? A V60 Style Reusable Cloth Coffee Filter
  • I conceptually like them but I honestly find maintaining them too much work... If you can remember the frequent boilings they need, they make excellent coffee

  • Over 80 Percent Of Texas Women Don't Know How Bad Their State's Abortion Laws Are | They thought there would be exceptions. There aren't.
  • 100%, and I see SO MANY pissy high brow leftists working against their own best interests here on Lemmy. We need to show democrats that we have the voting power to stop the parade of neo liberals in big elections when the average democrat voter is social liberal (and the non-participant would be voters and third party voters are even more socially oriented than that)

  • Over 80 Percent Of Texas Women Don't Know How Bad Their State's Abortion Laws Are | They thought there would be exceptions. There aren't.
  • Too many Democrats still think their copilot is a rational actor and not a coked out gorilla. Reaching across the aisle hasn't been an option for at least a decade but the democrats want to just act like the coked out gorilla holding the other yoke is willing to go back to a pre-Reagan era of collaborative legislation. We need to vote the republican party out of relevance, and then vote the apologist democrats out if relevance to so we can get some actual election reform

  • Republican who supported “Don’t Say Gay” law sues Pride parade for barring his participation
  • They always seem to forget freedom of association is included in the first amendment, and that includes the right to tell Someone you don't like them and don't want to be around them

  • It used to be good. Then, nationalism
  • Nooo. This is a very narrow perspective on country. The original county artists were all on the margins and most of them fucking hated the jingoistic notions of America being great because being poor or black in America in the late 40s wasn't a good time

  • It used to be good. Then, nationalism
  • Country is a complex and varied genre. For every garbage ass Kenny Chesney out there, there's a Sam Gleeves, Dori Freeman, Shovels and Rope, or Dead South doing something interesting.

  • bOtH SiDeS!!1!
  • This is a dangerous sentiment to promote in a first past the post election. The united States needs many years of election reform before that's a safe thing to do or for one of the two major parties to manage to make themselves irrellevent immediately before election day

  • Daylight saving creator left the chat....
  • Or why not just seconds past the epoch?

  • so much for modern medicine
  • The meme is flexible. Your attitude is not

  • Buyers Are Avoiding Teslas Because Elon Musk Has Become So Toxic
  • I'm specifically talking about the us. Its the only EV market I really track because it's the only one I'd be buying in.

    Want a Tesla 3? The Ford Mach-E is cheaper and has longer range, as is also the case for the KIA EV6 and Hyundai IONIQ 5 (all with better fit and finish than the Tesla).

    Interested in the Tesla Model Y? The Cadillac LYRIC gets a little less range, but its very comparable.

    The only one that actually is strong in its price category is the Model S and there I'd say the Mercedes Benz EQS SUV isn't so far behind that I think you'd suffer from deep uncontrollable buyers remorse (not to mention quality control on a Merc is gonna be almost unmatched by ANY auto manufacturer)

    The model x, while cheaper than the Lucid Motors Air, is no longer the all out range king. Its also MORE expensive per mile of range so I'd call it a wash. Again. All I'm saying is other vehicles offed better value propositions than Tesla, not that every Tesla offering is a bad car. If you want an EV these days it doesn't need to be a Tesla unless you really want it to be a Tesla.

    Finally. The cyber truck. What can I say about the cybertruck? A lot it turns out! Fuck that vehicle. What fucking coked out moron designed that thing and what do they think trucks are for? Rivian and Ford both already have vehicles out that beat Tesla to be first to market and both have actual beds designed for actual truck stuff. The cyber truck is just a rich person toy for people who want to have a truck because trucks make them feel big and powerful but have never looked into what a truck is

  • Buyers Are Avoiding Teslas Because Elon Musk Has Become So Toxic
  • Search any of the following along with "Elon Musk":

    1. Transphobia
    2. Abusive workplace
    3. Scam
    4. Libel/Slander
    5. Alt right
    6. Apharteid profiteer
    7. Market manipulation
    8. Replacement conspiracy
    9. Broken contract
  • Teeny Tiny Itsy Bitsy Little Preying Mantis

    Posting from my alt account because file uploads seem to still not be working on beehaw

    For the screen readers: This is a very small preying mantis that was on my door this morning. It is about the length of my first finger's first bone (the finger tip).

    Beehaw is also down, but they elected to do it Beehaw (

    Hi Beeple! I (Lionir) have shut down the server until further notice. There seems to be a big vulnerability in Lemmy at the moment that is propagating at an alarming rate. I'd rather be safe than sorry. Hope this doesn't last too long.

    Lionir elected to prevent any potential data leaks by shutting down Beehaw until the issues and are identified and resolved

    14 Fairphone 4—the repairable, sustainable smartphone—is coming to the US

    Fairphone teams up with the developer of the /e/ Android fork to enable US sales.

    Fairphone 4—the repairable, sustainable smartphone—is coming to the US

    Not much to add. Saw it in another technology forum and thought it also belonged here for the solarpunks

    Quill7513 The Quuuuuill

    Alt account of for looking at stuff Beehaw defederated

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