Hungary, the Spiders Georg of European corruption
The Japanese word for cat, “neko”, apparently etymologically translates as “quadruped that goes ‘nyan’” (which is the Japanese equivalent of “meow”). The Mandarin word for cat, IIRC, is “mao”.
The British side should be Eddie the Iron Maiden zombie mascot in full British Army dress uniform
Let’s hope he also costs AfD, Le Pen, Farage and the Australian Tories their expected victories.
Ukrainian conscripts will have a line of known-loyal barrier troops behind them with orders to shoot them if they fail to obey. Old Russian Army tactic.
It would be possible to humanely kill someone by overdosing them with opiates, though that fails the test of capital punishment advocates because it’s too pleasant a way to go out. So what they’re looking for is a way of killing someone that is neutral to mildly unpleasant, but falls short of torture.
If they capture Ukraine, they will have a fresh pool of conscripts, not to mention Ukraine’s impressive military technology.
The stupidity is deliberate. It’s an assertion of values and power (“we are in charge, not the pencilnecks who say things are complicated”). It’s like the aggressive ugliness of a Cybertruck: forcing your will onto everyone else wouldn’t demonstrate your power as much if everyone else didn’t find you objectionable.
If it wasn’t for those meddling kids, the Dems would be breaking fundraising records
The Canucks won’t stand a chance
Are they sincere accelerationists, or is that another mask for “it’ll help Putin and I’ll get Gazprom shares”?
Maybe the working class should rise up and seize the means of production
As a Scientologist, he’d have a lot of experience huffing his own farts
Enshittification is the promise of clout
They do. There was a big wave of emigration from Germany after the conservative clampdown of 1848, which included religious minorities such as Mennonites and those with progressive and radical views. (The latter bolstered sentiment for the abolition of slavery in the run-up to the Civil War.)
They even had a dialect of German in Texas (Texasdeutsch), which was spoken in various communities until WW2. Some linguists from a German university travelled to Texas about 20 years ago to interview the handful of (then elderly) speakers and study the dialect.
If it wasn’t for the Normans, the English would have one long word for it too
An actor whose name was once bowdlerised to Jerk Van Lesbian.
“A masterclass in owning the woke snowflakes”, or something like that
It’ll be a cold day in Hell if he doesn’t permit it. His mission is to prove to the stakeholders that Labour has no truck with the left in any form, so any point of difference with the most hardline Tory government imaginable is a liability.
2024: Ireland accuses Israel of genocide. Israel ends diplomatic relations with Ireland. Ireland’s membership in the EU protects it from punitive sanctions from Israel’s allies
2025: The UK starts dumping non-EU-compliant goods into the EU customs zone through Ireland, undercutting EU producers. The EU moves to suspend Ireland from the Customs Union. Ireland calls on the EU for diplomatic backup. Germany replies “lol get rekt antisemites”. Ireland is reunited as an economic satellite of the UK, a century or so after independence
Attached: 3 images Handala, a wiper group posing as a ransomware group who target Israeli companies, claims IIB (Israeli Industrial Batteries) supplied explosive batteries for pagers and Vidisco supplied Xray machines which didn’t detect said batteries. They claim they will be releasing 6tb of da...

Allegations that bomb detectors from an Israeli firm are configured to let bombs through if they have a specific code (presumably used by Mossad). The title is a reference to an anti-counterfeiting watermark used in currency
The Google futurist talks nanobots and avatars, deepfakes and elections – and why he is so optimistic about a future where we merge with computers

Attached: 1 image imagine being a teen and having an awkward first time with your first bf then see an article years later where you find he's since fucked 699 cars

The creator of the gimmicky DIY sex sleeve says any criticism against the Orifice is “gene warfare."

Teledildonics and eugenics: what more could you ask for?
Minister says he will work with business to investigate, while China dismisses suggestions of involvement as ‘absurd’

Specifically, covid wrecked his lungs: Bryan Johnson is a 46-year-old tech bro who cashed out a few years ago and now spends all his time trying not to die. He has been interviewed by most mainstream news outlets where he has documented his extreme and bizarre quest for immortality. From a story in ...

The Billionaire Who Wants To Live Forever Has Long Covid
UK losing belief that hard work brings better life, and fewer millennials now think work always comes first, survey indicates

Can anyone recommend a good case for carrying a Steam Deck in a backpack or similar which is less bulky than the factory case and yet protects the device? (I’ve heard the Dbrand Killswitch and JSAUX Modcase recommended, though that was a while ago.)