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TeamViewer responds to security 'irregularity' in IT network
  • Oh wow! Thats gnarly. On that note, have you looked at rustdesk? Tried it this week and it runs great. Its also open source.

  • Is pixel 4a too old for a new phone?
  • tangential: I‘m using a oneplus 6 with postmarketOS but depending on your friend‘s it skills, it might not be ready for him yet.

    So far its very usable but I suggest someone must want to swim against the current and do things differently. One could say a „pioneer“ type would be ideal for this.

  • Ping pong players exhibit superior brain structure and function, study finds
  • „Simple“

    I agree that being active is important and good for you but depending on the circumstances its everything but simple.

    I aspire to move a lot but the day being this active becomes easy will he the day. :)

  • I told other kids about me contributing to Lemmy, and now some of them call it "that app you made"
  • Technically correct. :)

    Kind of how foss in general works as well. If you contribute anything, you‘re technically making the app.

  • Mobile version on linux phone

    The phone is an oneplus6 with postmarketOS. VoxeLibre runs on minetest 5.9.0 dev, compiled from source. I played for about 30 minutes and it cost about 20% battery. It runs butter smooth and has no input lag at all. Must be one of the best mobile gaming experiences I ever had. A little optimization would be great down the line but i was surprised how good this is!

    Nintendo forces Garry's Mod to delete 20 years of content — Garry confirms Nintendo is behind Steam Workshop purge | Tom's Hardware
  • I am amazed at how evil a company can be. Well, if pirating any company‘s content was ever morally justified, its nintendo‘s.

  • How to fork a github repo to forgejo?
  • Fair enough! Thank you for the heads up. I will try and continue in that direction.

    The runners are very exciting but I still need to understand how use them.

  • Welcome to the fediverse: Your guide to Mastodon, Threads, Bluesky, and more
  • My first instinct was „meh“ but this reads like a great guide for non tech users to grasp the fedi.

  • How to fork a github repo to forgejo?

    Hi folks! I'm currently trying to learn a good workflow to fork a (say) github project and work on it on my forgejo. I have made forks and PRs in the past but I fail to see how to do it in this case, at least efficiently.

    I could of course fork on github and mirror the repo on my forge. That would include me putting my work on github instead of only making a PR on github. I would prefer forking directly to my forge and sending only the PR on github. On the other hand, if I delete my fork afterward, it was pretty irrelevant to begin with.

    How would you approach this?

    The Short Snow ( my first indie game, i spent 2 years and all of my personal savings on it)
  • The „maya“ convo strongly reminded me of green hell.

    Otherwise it looks cool. The synced wolves need some work I guess. I wishlisted it. Good luck!

    Btw. What engine?

  • Threads Self Migration Feature...
  • Yeah, awesome if threads make it easy to go from free to corporate without a hussle /s

  • Meta is connecting Threads more deeply with the fediverse
  • The reasons are plenty, they are laid out here:

    I‘m not a fan of reinventing the wheel so feel free to ask questions if you like.

  • What industry secret are you aware of that most people aren't?
  • The „you have to like people“ part took me nearly 20 years to figure out. I hate people in general with possible remedy for people who are nice. I‘m exceptional at managing people, I just dont vibe with them. This leads to absurd situations where everyone is happy, professionally but folks just hate my guts.

    So, I now work alone and am happy with it. :)

  • Sorry I can't do it.
  • Exactly my point. I tried installing it and it was great fun but under no circumstances is that "beginner ready".

  • Federation seems to have broken down
  • Thank you very much! This tool is great indeed!

  • Anti-Corporate Movement haui
    Corpos being corpos
    Sorry I can't do it.
  • Hi there, whoever suggested linux for your switch played a mean joke on you. Granted, arch works well if you know what you‘re doing, apparently. But no way it is a good starting distro.

    I‘m not sure how eldenring works on linux but most games run without problems.

    One little caveat is this: you need to understand that windows is a billion dollar product while linux is mostly community driven. It costs nothing, except many people donating their time. So I‘d suggest adopting a „its insane that hobbyists are able to build something like this“ view. Otherwise you‘ll get frustrated and will end up im privacy invasive windows territory again.

    If you want a more gaming ready distro, try pop os or bazzite. Good luck

  • How people manage to play and chat online with random people?
  • It doesnt sound dumb. Maybe its just not for you.

    I play minetest online and some folks I chat with, some I dont. Its a private server so peeps dont bother others.

    Big chat servers like on discord bore me because its mostly just trashtalk. Either lemmy or matrix, both are fine.

    Hit me up if you wanna discuss it. Have a good one.

  • Federation seems to have broken down
  • I solved it with help. My fail2ban filters were too strict.

  • Lemmy Support haui
    Federation seems to have broken down

    I'm experiencing some odd behavior. Lemmy communities on my server seem to have stalled (no new posts and or comments) since 2 days.

    I went ahead and upgraded lemmy to 0.19.5 and postgres to the current version but to no avail so far.

    .ml got banned by fail2ban but I set it on the ignore list now. any ideas where to start looking for the problems? I checked for the other big communities and they're okay it seems.

    I can of course start adding logs in here but I would love to know which service or log I should start with.

    Thanks for reading. Have a good one.

    Edit: outgoing federation works. this post made it to ml in seconds.

    Looking for new Site Admins
  • I feel like „site admin“ is a bit misleading. Then again, lemmy doesnt have a proper distinction between local and site wide moderators afaik.

    I‘d be interested to help with real admin stuff like docker containers, dns and firewalls. Let me know if that interests you.

  • Have you ever owned a rare or unusual car?
  • I really enjoyed reading your comment. You and share a ton of similarities in views and other things. Feel free to hit me up on matrix (link in profile). Have a good one.

  • Anti-Corporate Movement haui Elon Musk's X revenue has officially plummeted, new documents show

    Remember when Elon Musk said he wanted X to be more PayPal-like? New docs show this plan is still on.

    Elon Musk's X revenue has officially plummeted, new documents show

    cross-posted from:

    Anti-Corporate Movement haui

    cross-posted from:

    > Meta releases Threads API for developers to build “unique integrations”

    Anti-Corporate Movement haui
    Amazon-Powered AI Cameras Used to Detect Emotions of Unwitting UK Train Passengers | WIRED Amazon-Powered AI Cameras Used to Detect Emotions of Unwitting UK Train Passengers

    CCTV cameras and AI are being combined to monitor crowds, detect bike thefts, and spot trespassers.

    Amazon-Powered AI Cameras Used to Detect Emotions of Unwitting UK Train Passengers

    cross-posted from:

    Anti-Corporate Movement haui

    cross-posted from:

    Anti-Corporate Movement haui Microsoft QA Contractors Say They Were Laid Off for Attempting to Unionize

    Microsoft, which subcontracts the quality assurance provider, has a standing labor neutrality agreement with the Communications Workers of America.

    Microsoft QA Contractors Say They Were Laid Off for Attempting to Unionize

    cross-posted from:

    > Microsoft QA Contractors Say They Were Laid Off for Attempting to Unionize

    Hi there! (Appreciation and asking for help)

    I just found this community through the old one on world. good idea to move away to avoid further centralization.

    Minetest/Voxelibre appreciation I'm running a whitelisted minetest server for a couple friends. it is publicly listed and peeps can ask to join if they're so inclined. I really enjoy this game although or because I own minecraft and feel like hobby devs like me should spend their time on foss projects, not microsoft.

    Weird behavior Currently, I'm experiencing some interesting behavior: I'm in a jungle and due to thunderstorms, the trees caught fire. the simulation distance I suppose, the fire does not get put out by rain and slowly burns down all the things around me. Although it is raining every day.

    I tested this by going near the fire while it was raining and it gets put out.

    I think fire should either have finite lifespan if not placed on netherrack or at least lightning should only hit in the same distance as the simulation distance is at.

    Currently trying to judge if anyone else has this problem and considering if I should look for an issue/create one.

    Have a good one! :)

    Anti-Corporate Movement haui
    You heard #Adobe. Deep down you knew this was coming. Now all your art are belong to them. Time to move on to better things...

    cross-posted from:

    > You heard #Adobe. Deep down you knew this was coming. Now all your art are belong to them. Time to move on to better things... > > You heard #Adobe. Deep down you knew this was coming. Now all your art are belong to them. Time to move on to better things... > > Kreative Suite > \* Krita is your new design/painting app > \* Kdenlive will give you video-editing powers > \* glaxnimate adds 2D vector animations to you videos > \* digiKam organises your collection images > > > Also: > \* Inkscape - create sophisticated vector-graphic designs > \* Scribus - layout like a pro > \* GIMP - need we say more > \* Blender - ditto > >

    Anti-Corporate Movement haui

    cross-posted from:

    > The Star Fox-style roguelite whose dev refused to use AI voices to cut costs is adding an entire "anti-capitalist revenge" campaign about a cat-girl destroying AI

    Anti-Corporate Movement haui
    What logo should we use?

    This community does have quite a couple of subscribers but so far we have no favicon/logo. What do you think we should use?

    Jeff? Bill? Elon? Some cursed „cousin“?

    The most popular idea will be considered. Still needs to be legally doable and somewhat represent the community of course.

    Happy hunting!

    Anti-Corporate Movement haui Diamond industry 'in trouble' as lab-grown gemstones tank prices further

    "A diamond is forever," but perhaps not for the increasing number of consumers who are spurning the gemstone for its lab-grown counterparts and gold.

    Diamond industry 'in trouble' as lab-grown gemstones tank prices further

    cross-posted from:

    > Diamond industry 'in trouble' as lab-grown gemstones tank prices further

    Anti-Corporate Movement haui

    cross-posted from:

    > Ultrakill dev says it's fine to pirate his game if you don't have money to spare: 'Culture shouldn't exist only for those who can afford it' > > I actually bought ultrakill but now I have an even bigger respect for the chad that is Hakita

    Anti-Corporate Movement haui Microsoft blocks Windows 11 workaround that enabled local accounts

    Many users use an e-mail trick to avoid creating a Microsoft account. This has now apparently been stopped by Microsoft.

    Microsoft blocks Windows 11 workaround that enabled local accounts

    cross-posted from:

    > Microsoft blocks Windows 11 workaround that enabled local accounts

    Anti-Corporate Movement haui Google can keep your phone if you send it in for repair with non-OEM parts

    In its services and repair terms and conditions, Google says it will keep devices sent in for repair if they have a non-OEM part.

    Google can keep your phone if you send it in for repair with non-OEM parts

    cross-posted from:

    > Google can keep your phone if you send it in for repair with non-OEM parts

    3 Alzheimer’s Breakthrough: Researchers Discover Novel Way To Potentially Halt Disease Progression

    Innovative research from Mount Sinai has also identified new pathways for research. Researchers at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai have achieved a major breakthrough in Alzheimer's disease research. Their study identifies a promising method that could potentially slow or even stop the p

    Alzheimer’s Breakthrough: Researchers Discover Novel Way To Potentially Halt Disease Progression

    cross-posted from:

    > Alzheimer’s Breakthrough: Researchers Discover Novel Way To Potentially Halt Disease Progression > > This study focuses on the manipulation of the plexin-B1 protein to enhance the brain’s ability to clear amyloid plaques in Alzheimer’s disease, opening avenues for future therapeutic strategies to potentially halt the progression of the disease > >

    Medieval Dynasty Game Files

    Hi! I'm knee deep into a Medieval Dynasty Playthrough with a couple of friends and as usual I feel the urge to use spreadsheets with this type of games.

    There are a couple of very cool resources out there but some are outdated and I dont want to search forever until I find one that is well maintained.

    Does anyone know if the prices of the items are stored somewhere in a readable format? If so, feel free to let me know where. I went through the files on my linux steam install but aside from some texts I havent found anything useful so far.

    Thanks for reading. Have a good one.

    Anti-Corporate Movement haui
    Just a reminder we are the future of social media.

    cross-posted from:

    > Just a reminder we are the future of social media.
