I'm relatively content with my Pixel 4A running LineageOS (with root), but that's an experience that's really only suited to very technical users, in large part because some apps actively resist running in an environment the device owner actually controls.
My complaint is with the smartphone ecosystem as a whole: it's designed to empower the OS vendor and app developers over users. The entire tech world (outside Microsoft and maybe some corporate IT types) saw Microsoft Palladium as a nightmare scenario a couple decades ago. Now we've let Apple and Google do the same thing with barely a grumble out of the mainstream tech press.
How much Google controls the software experience and locks it down.
Currently I wish I could run a local HTML/CSS/JS App on my browser (like you can easily do in any desktop OS) but I can't.
UPDATE: I found a way!! I have to run a local HTTP server on my phone using an app like "Simple HTTP server", put my HTML/CSS/JS into a folder targeted by the server, and then go to in Chrome (it doesn't work in Firefox for some reason).
My least favorite thing is it is getting old and I can't find a good equivalent to the Pixel 4a to replace it with. They are all too big, have no headphone jack, and are too expensive for what I get out of them.
Ever since smartphones exploded the expectation to respond IMMEDIATELY is out of control. Anyone who gets my number I warn them they'll be left on read for days if not weeks at a time. If it's important I'll respond but otherwise it's whenever I get time to decompress and respond. I've got a buddy who I love we respond to each other every other week mostly. We will even have calls in between. People really get entitled to others time and it's insane.
I know someone's gonna say it but no the entitlement wasn't even remotely as bad with the older phones. Smartphones began putting pressure to respond because it was easier and then they introduced the "seen" option followed by the "typing" option.
Google cutting off customization and generally being annoying and creepy. I know I can install some other OS on it, but at the same time I don't want to deal with Google's "play protect" thing.
Lots of people covered other things I dislike more, so I'll say the curved screen at edges. I liked it flat better. It also makes it so much harder to install the screen protector.
The constant UI changes that fix nothing of importance and make using it less enjoyable.
A recent update changed the options for navigation from being able to hide the three icons at the bottom and swipe instead to make it like an iphone where you have one swipe up and it does things based on whether you hold or let go immediately and now the sides are go back swipes. They kept the option to show buttons, but apparently keeping the two options and adding this new train wreck as a third option is too hard. So to use my fulll screen real estate I have the joy of accidentally going back a page dozens of times per day, holding or not holding the swipe up the wrong amount of time dozens of times per day, and when I crop photos I constantly catch the stupid edge go back thing and have to cancel. At least it asks first I guess.
Why couldn't they keep swipe up for three things if they kept the buttons in the same spot anyway? I am still trying to get used to the new stupid thing after a few months because the bottom buttons are such a waste of space.
That is the worst offender, but changing icons, how notifications work, and several other things are just annoying enough tl not drive me away but feel like change for the sake of change. I know some changes can require a lot of maintenance to have multiple options, but keeping a basic navigation option when adding a third should not jave been a big deal.
Keeping too many things running in the background, making things laggy. (I do close out apps when I'm done using them, and I solve laggy times with the Optimize widget. I just wish it would automatically optimize)
Context: I have an iPhone 14 and I drive a 2012 Fit. The Fit first gen came with a USB port that connects to the stereo.
When I connect my phone to the stereo in my car, 4/5 times the iPhone will launch the Music app, and play the first track in my library. That’s been true for quite some time (since iPhone 7 at least.) I listen to podcasts on a non-Apple app, and I listen at 1.5x speed. Since the iPhone 12, when I disconnect the phone from the car or turn the car off, there’s a 9/10 chance Music will start playing, at 1.5x speed. This clearly has something to do with Core Audio and the old dock connection system in iOS, and it will almost certainly not be addressed because it’s only going to affect older cars that don’t have 3rd party CarPlay stereos installed, and Apple only cares about CarPlay now.
Had a Galaxy S8 and loved it. Got a Pixel 6 and now the slow fingerprint sensor is the bane of my existence. Why did they put it on the front? Why is that the standard now? It sucks, it's just slower and less ergonomic.
Under screen fingerprint sensors. Doesn't matter how old/new your phone is, they all suck. The one on my phone works... whenever it feels like it. That and OneUI sucks, but yk, custom ROMs ftw.
Under screen fingerprint reader (pixel 7 pro) . It's a downgrade from reader on the back of the phone (pixel 5). It's slower, less accurate, and worst of all, at night it often results in being flashed with a bright light.
I thought it'd be more convenient having the reader on the front, so i can unlock the phone without lifting it, but most of the time it's a nuisance because i doesn't work as well.
The screen protector is peeling just a little bit around the edges, but it's put on really well, and I don't want to use the replacement just yet, but it's slowly ever encroaching and leaving more and more of a dead zone in an area I don't touch all that often, but when I need to I question whether or not it's time to put the new one on.
It's been like this for almost a year now.
Also no ir blaster, so I can't subtly mute the commercials when I'm at the in laws.
After close to 6 years of use it’s reaching the end of its useful life. Unless there’s a catastrophic failure or something I plan to use it until it no longer gets updates, which should be some time next year.
My S20FE checks a lot of boxes but I miss a few features from my s8+, mainly the status LED and the heaphone jack. I also am not a huge fan of the fingerprint scanner, but it works well enough so meh. Removable battery, obviously everyone wanta that. I also wish the operating system could could install custom OS.
Generally: That I can't mount my network samba shares into local folders without rooting the whole damn thing.
That I can't force my device to stay in wifi if no internet connection is available (to access local network only).
Device specific: That sometimes volume control is very buggy while putting in a headphone jack and I have to navigate into sub-sub settings hell to set everything back.
About 2.5 years ago I left behind Android and went to the Dark Side. Bought an iPhone. It was frustrating to use at first because changing OS is a pain in the ass, but I got used to it and actually really like it now.
But I still have two big complaints:
There ought to be some kind of icon in the toolbar to show me I have unread notifications. I miss this very much from Android, which would show icons for the apps that have notifications. The Apple Watch solves this by having a notification icon, but I shouldn’t need to buy a separate device for that functionality.
I cannot stand that I can only go back by swiping from the left side of the screen. On Android the swipe in gesture from either left or right side could be set up to be the “back” action. I understand why this is, Android developed with a dedicated back button and thus has an OS-level back command, whereas iOS is highly contextual and you flow through apps and menus differently than Android, and it has no dedicated universal “back,” so swiping in from the left is back and swiping in from the right is forward. It makes using a large screen one-handed unnecessarily difficult.
I dislike most of it, everything but paying contactless, making calls or SMS. I have a 2020 SE because it is small but I want a tiny dumb phone, being able to store my bank card on it to pay anywhere, and phone or SMS someone. The rest to me is useless, I very dislike it when I am somewhere and everyone is on their phone (mostly with the volume on 10 too), I don't even bring mine when I visit someone just to make a point how disrespectful it is when I am invited to your home and whipping out a smartphone.
Well, buggy software (MIUI) and the surveillance. I mean, there's a higher chance MIUI bricks itself during an update than with any Alpha-release custom ROM (so I don't update... [But it's also due to Android often removing features from API and breaking niche apps]).
E.g.: Wallpaper bug (stretched or awfully upscaled after changing brightness), brightness slider not working, broken screen rotation, battery drain, swapped L/R microphone audio channels, FM radio cutting out, system crashes and waves of killed apps, camera app in landscape has some buttons off-screen, MIUI screenshot tool occasionally breaks and stock screenshot tool is used (with full-blast audio sound effect no matter current volume settings), notification access service needs to be manually reset for each app after the app is restarted, 120Hz gets laggy after toggling battery saver on and off and needs to be manually reset, dark mode is forced on all apps but the setting to change this sorts all apps in random order,...
Also, the Poco X3 Pro motherboard has a tendency to die. I am on this phone's third motherboard currently.
Also... the volume buttons can get stuck. Xiaomi phones have issues with dust particles making their way into buttons and activating them randomly.
It feels like the os I have wasn't designed for my phone.
Buttons aren't scaled properly, system apps ask me for consent over "privacy concerns", no easy control over simple features like wallpaper, sluggish/buggy animations.
I have a Redmi
It's not compatible with LinaegeOS or any FOSS operating system, i checked.
A while back i would have complained that the fingerprint scanner was crap, but i actually got that working properly by entering the same fingerprint three times
I know my beloved flip 4 will eventually develop a fault. I had it a month before the initial release. I love it and I don't like the new design of bigger front screen. So one day I'll be forced to upgrade.
The entire point of the mini screen is to minimise the contact with the phone, not to just replace it on a half screen.
That its producer has gone bancrupt they have absolutely lived the enshittyfication while doing the settings in their custom Android and I am currently on the last supported android version (12) which will probably go unsupported soon-ish and the company I got the phone from has sold so few that the definitely better alternatives (Lineage, etc) don't have any reports of people who have done it with my device or even a tutorial. And reading into flashing it on an unsupported device is a rabbithole I currently don't want to spend time with. And if I fuck up I can't even write the company to fix it for me or smth like that...
Samsung S22 Ultra. Probably battery life, specifically that 15% means "you have 5 minutes left". And how long it takes to open the camera app and take a photo.
OS is okay, performance outside of the camera issue is okay, size, camera quality, screen, s-pen... I could have changed it this year and chose to skip. I might change it next year or even try to make it to 2026. New battery might be needed for that.
The cost to use it no matter the network no matter how cheap the plans it's still a bill regardless that has to be to use it. Would be better if all we had was intranet via relays so nothing cost to use it not the internet not conversations over it etc.
File system access being locked down unless you're rooted. I basically makes using some retro emulators impossible because in some cases the emulator installs the ROMs into the data partition which the launcher can't access.
The inevitable forcing of Google/Apple's fucking A.I into every aspect of my phone. I can only opt out for so long before it's just baked into the OS itself with no way to disable it. If I want to ask an AI a question, or to double check my code for errors, I'll go to a website and ask it. I don't need/want it doing shit proactively all the time.
Still running a Samsung note 8, probably the biggest thing I dislike is kinda wish it was a little smaller. It might fit in my pocket better, would probably be easier to hold, and I would be fine having other devices for stuff where I need a bigger screen. Not a huge deal, but I do kinda miss having a medium sized smartphone.
Finderpint sensors still suck. Get face ID on these please
Why does the device control button live on the left when swiping down the first time, but on the right on the second swipe? Put them on the same side for the love of god.