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  • Lors de la dernière législative j'ai voté par internet (français de l'étranger).

    L'élection de notre député et un nouveau vote a été effectué car une partie des électeurs n'ont pas reçu les SMS avec les codes de vérification pour voter.

    C'est ça le problème du vote par internet, ça fait reposer le bon déroulé des élections sur des acteurs privés.

    Ça ouvre la porte a tellement de manipulations potentiels. Dans le cas des français a l'étranger aller voter leur signifier devoir prendre un billet d'avion a plusieurs centaines d'euros, une nuit d'hôtel et deux jours de voyage. Dans ce cas la balance penche en faveur du vote par internet malgré les défauts, en métropole c'est moins évident.

  • Jeffco Sheriff: Man shoplifts bolt cutters from Walmart to steal kid’s e-bike locked up in front of store
  • Or do like what the people are the bike rental company I went to did.

    They wore regular clothes and took an angle grinder with them (the key broke in the U-lock).

    Kindly ask the nearest shop to plug the angle grinder to cut open the lock on the bike that was in the street, went on with it and left with the bike.

    No one bother to ask any question.

  • Europeans, how common are random spam phone calls in your country?
  • France too, I came back a few months ago and after a month.

    I had my number for years but suddenly after a month I started receiving a lot of spam. I would love to know who gave away my number too.

    At least now at the spam calls have to come from specific numbers so it's easy to block.

  • How One Chinese EV Company Made Battery Swapping Work
  • Yeah, when I wanted to buy an electric car I look at the used market for the Renault Zoe but I quickly gave up.

    The idea of paying a monthly subscription on a used car quickly turned me off and buying the leased battery back from Renault was prohibitively expensive.

  • How One Chinese EV Company Made Battery Swapping Work
  • I stopped reading the article there.

    Either the author is voluntarily misleading or he has no idea of what he is talking about.

    Here is the map all the fast charging stations (>100kW) along the way between Paris and the Mont St Michel.

    The Tesla model 3 in Europe uses the standard combo CCS plug so it can use all of these stations.

    I did not count them but at a first glance the number of charger is higher than "none"

    Edit: OK I read the article after all but I really don't see what problem battery swapping would solve.

    I could see a use case for public transport that has to go a specific road and need to run non stop every days but even then I suspect that having overhead cable on a short section to charge the battery while running would be more appropriate than battery swapping.

    The article is talking about the lack of charging station but battery swapping just make the problem way way worse. A battery charger is just a parking spot and a high voltage AC - DC transformer connected to the grid. It's relatively cheap and easy to install, does not take much space and work for all electric cars compared to a battery swapping station that can only work for one specific brand (specific model too ?) need robotics and plenty of storage. Its much harder and expensive to install and you need one charging station per brand. This means less stations overall.

    Finally there is the speed of charging, this is true that battery swapping is probably faster than fast charging but honestly I don't find charging an electric car that inconvenient.

    On long highway trips I need to stop around 20 minutes every 2 hours, a 20 minutes break every 2 hours is not that bad, just enough time for a toilet break, a quick coffee before going back on the road.

  • Chinese cars are pouring into Mexico — and the U.S. is worried - Autoblog
  • I'm sorry but 1 star out of 5 on the European NCAP is terrible ! This car is a death trap !

    I would never set a foot in a Chinese ....

    Oh wait ! I was looking at the Jeep wrangler, never mind.

    The BYD has a 5 star rating as well as an the other chinese cars I checked.

    Euro NCAP - Jeep Wrangler

  • VCs, Very Smart
  • Energy is only a fraction of the issue and easily solvable, I'm not a 100% certain but I think that some mines are even powered with renewables energy.

    The main issue is tailings, millions of cubic meters of toxic, sometime radioactive, full of heavy metals mud. The tailings are piled up behind dams that regularly breaks and contaminate entire regions.

    Even of the dams don't break it is still hundred of square kilometers of land that is contaminated for millennia.

  • VCs, Very Smart
  • There is absolutely no green way to extract all the material needed to build a datacenter.

    There is plenty of green ways to raise cattle, however with these ways you can't feed everyone beef at almost every meals.

  • Pathetic.
  • I can guarantee if the story is true or not but my father talked regularly about a neighbor that he knew when he was a kid.

    The neighbor was a ballet dancer above 2m tall and was driving an old school mini.

    To be able to fit in it he removed the front seat and was driving sitting in the back seat.

  • I managed to finished my project thanks to a 3D printed router copying guide

    !A picture of a 3D printed router guide !A 3D Model of a router guide

    My router (makita) was supplied with a copying guide but the opening was too small.

    I've look online but I could not managed to find the right size so I did what any sane person would do: print one

    Edit: more pictures of the result !a dinosaur shaped observation tower !another picture of the observation tower with a kid standing on it

    A symptom of linux past traumas

    So, I had to reinstall windows as a dualboot, because I need some CAD tools for work. It was painful but it's not thebaubject

    I'm running nixos with systemd-boot and I installed windows on another drive. I started to research how to add the entry on the boot list so I don't need to go in bios to switch the boot order each time I want to change OS.

    Most of the information I find is about grub on nixos but I finally find information on how to add a manual entry. On the Arch wiki I find some information but now I have to blend all that to make it work on my laptop.

    It's late and I'm scared to mess up my boot partition so I go to sleep to work instructions on it the next day.

    The next day I'm ready to do all that only to realized that there is already the entry for windows is already in the boot menu, it has been added automatically.

    So I spent all this time to think about how I while have to adjust my system manually only to realize that nixos already did it automatically for me.

    ... pour ces raisons, le Conseil d’État annule le décret de dissolution des Soulèvements de la Terre Soulèvements de la Terre, GALE, Alvarium, CRI : le Conseil d’État précise les critères justifiant la dissolution d’une association ou d’un groupement

    Depuis 2021, la loi permet de dissoudre une association ou un groupement de fait qui provoque à des agissements violents à l’encontre des personnes ou des biens (1). Saisi par quatre organisations dissoutes, le Conseil d'État précise aujourd’hui le mode d’emploi de ces dispositions. Une dissolution ...

    Soulèvements de la Terre, GALE, Alvarium, CRI : le Conseil d’État précise les critères justifiant la dissolution d’une association ou d’un groupement

    Ca m'a donné la banane pour la semaine !

    Edit : aaaah ! J'ai été trop lent d'une minute.

    Not The Onion: a french group has been arrested 5 years ago and are currently being judged. A picture of macron with a dick drawn on it is cited as evidence of plotting a terrorism attack Criminalization of encryption : the 8 december case

    This article was written on the basis of information related to the so-called "8 December" case (see the footnotes for a global overview of the case, we focus on the "numerical part" of it in this articleFor a summary of the 8 December affair see in particular the testimonies available in thi

    Criminalization of encryption : the 8 december case

    To be fair they were also using encrypted messaging to talk to each other like WhatsApp and Signal, they even show their mom how to use it which is extremely suspicious.

    > “All members of this group were particularly suspicious, only communicating with each other using encrypted applications, in particular Signal, and encrypting their computers and devices […].

    > The Investigating Judge

    > when the DGSI [a French security agency charged with counter-espionage, counter-terrorism, countering cybercrime and surveillance of potentially threatening groups] has questioned Bastien about what he thinks of Macron. A photograph on his computer is mentioned, which according to them details the President's security arrangements for the July 14th parade. (...)

    > The device in question (an aerial photo taken from the press) is highlighted in such a way as to draw a dick. A dick.

    > The link is made with Bastien's passion for drones. The implication is that he could have used a drone to attack this dick-shaped device using explosives.

    Becoming Maman: Use positive psychology to improve your relationships with family, friends, partners and your children. Siona Blaise

    How to use positive psychology to improve your relationships with family, friends, partners and your children.

    Siona Blaise

    I'm wanted to share with you the blog that my wife is writing, she's writing about parenting and relationships and she's making some amazing articles !

    Collective energy self-consumption, aka "selling electricity to your neighbor" France reaches 187 collective self consumption operations, says grid operator

    French grid operator Enedis has identified 187 collective self consumption operations in France, as of the end of March. The operations bring together 2,200 consumers and more than 300 producers, generating 11 MW total power capacity, mainly from solar.

    France reaches 187 collective self consumption operations, says grid operator

    I believe this is a very good initiative. France is allowing collective self consumption.

    It means that in an appartement building or in a neighborhood (up to 2km radius) people can organize in a collective to redistribute electricity to each other. If someone has extra production one day then he can redistribute to other people in the collective. For free or at the price they agreed upon in the collective.

    It does not need any extra hardware, it's using the existing installation from the national utility grid.

    This is exactly how I imagine a solarpunk community would work.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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