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Do you feel that you are operating in a different reality than most of humanity?
  • I thank my stars I'm not NT. Texas as a whole doesn't seem like it's all that great, let alone North Texas.

  • Happily ever after.
  • Obviously she should have left to live in the forest as a wild woman.

  • What are diabetic test strips made of?
  • I don't think the strips themselves do anything but hold your blood for the actual tester you put them in.

  • Sleepers of lemmy, do you have your cell phone in your dreams?
  • Depends on the dream. Usually when I have a lucid dream, it's mundane as fuck and just feels like being awake and I might talk on the phone or dream about memes. The wild, fun dreams don't have anything like that.

  • Physics
  • "This is how the world works, except maybe it's not." - Physics

  • Let's just hope they don't do it to a DS9 runabout.
  • So, like, they could transport a bubble of breathable air into the computer for Miles and Julian for about an hour or something... Why couldn't they do it more than once so they could take all the time they needed? ๐Ÿค”

  • Games where an emulated console version outclasses the PC port?
  • I always preferred the SNES version of SimCity to the original PC version. The graphics and music are way better and the gameplay is exactly the same.

  • German Dinosaurs
  • Wait... Pterodacticals aren't dinosaurs? ๐Ÿคจ

    Aren't those the flying ones?

  • Thanks, but I donโ€™t need to know the weather in my personal space
  • Why is the barometer on the phone handled by the fitness shit? If this is legit the reason it wants health and fitness permissions, the sensors should just have their own permission category, IMO. Or you know, just have everything piecemeal so the app only uses what it actually needs and gets nothing more.

  • Play stupid games, win stupid prize
  • you're blocked for doing something funny

    As a funny person, this makes me sad. They should get a sense of humor.

  • ruletation
  • I saw a video on higher dimensional geometry the other day and it said something at the end that gave me the following question: How do we know for sure that anything we perceive in our 3D world is actually only in 3D and not simply what we can perceive of higher dimensions?

  • Misplaced Faith in Racist Ignorance
  • I can definitely tell the difference when I hear most of them; but I'd not be able to identify most of them specifically. Then again, I'm not racist and am fascinated by a lot of Asian culture so I am exposed to a wide range of languages from that part of the world. ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ

  • "cool" and "hot" are both compliments
  • Would "hot blooded" be good or bad? ๐Ÿค”

    I guess if your temperature is 103 then it's bad, unless you're a Foreigner.

  • How does a $3.99 canned food item come out to $4.45 in California?

    There's no sales tax on unprepared food in this state (I'm also paying by EBT with food stamps) and the CRV for the can is only $0.05. where the fuck is the other 41 cents coming from? ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

    Have you ever clicked on an ad *on purpose?*

    Just as the title says: Have you ever clicked on an ad, knowing it was an ad, on purpose? What ad was it? Why did you click it?

    Curious because I realized I have not once in my life clicked on an ad shown online on purpose. Accidentally, and being tricked into clicking the wrong thing sure; never with intent though.

    Is there a "canvas" of the universe? Do we even know? Would a canvas follow the same laws as the paint?

    Think of the universe as a painting. There's the image made in paint, and the surface it was painted on. The canvas.

    The stars, the planets, the gasses, the matter and energy and even the space between are the paint. What's the canvas? Is there a canvas? Would the canvas follow the same rules as the paint?

    What foods from the shows would you like to try if you could?

    There's a few for me. Yamok sauce. Various synthohols. The desserts Troi's always eating (or being). But most especially gagh. I wouldn't let the fact it's some kind of living worm distract me from the way all the cool people describe it. If Riker likes it, I think I would too and I certainly wouldn't want to look like a p'taQ in front of Riker.

    Have you ever just suddenly felt like someone punched you in the face (or elsewhere), for no obvious reason?

    My right eye just suddenly feels like I have a black eye out of nowhere (didn't injure it or anything recently). It doesn't happen often, but this is something I've felt before. What the fuck is that? Did a ghost punch me in the face or something? I wanna hold some ice over it but I'm not sure it would do anything since nothing actually hit me.

    Edit: Not like a migraine; it's not a pressure behind my eyes, it literally feels like I've been punched and am nursing a black eye. The lower eyelid is tender AF, too, if I touch it. I posted this before I went to sleep and I just woke up about an hour ago and it still hurts.

    Edit 2: You know what? It might be from wearing my VR headset. It was on kinda tight last night and the way it sits, most of that pressure is right at the top of my cheeks, just under my eyes. I might have burst some blood vessels and gotten a bruise.

    What happened to "stoner" comedies?

    Half-Baked. Happy Gilmore. Billy Madison. Grandma's Boy. Dude, Where's My Car? Where have the movies like this gone? Clerks 3 was, I think, the last good one I've ever seen (and even they got too real and too sad so I don't even know if I ever want to see it again as a comedy). There's gotta be some good, funny shit that's even funnier when stoned out of your mind that's more recent than that, right?

    I'm upset that I didn't have continuous capture turned on on my PS5...

    Playing Bloodborne and Father Gascoigne straight up did a 180 while in the air during his 2nd phase leap attack when he had ๐Ÿค much health left after I dodged behind him to land the final blow. Like what the fuck ever, dude. Just die already so I can make your daughter cry instead of making me cry. ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ

    What would be the best way to fix the little stopper switch for one of the motors on my Aquilla?

    One of the stepper motors' switch things (the metal part that hits the bar to tell the motor it's at one end of the track) came out and it's either bent too much or snapped off (it's so small I can't really tell) and it doesn't go back in place, which means I can't use the printer because the motor with the head on it doesn't know when it has reached the end of the track and just tries to keep going if I don't stop it.

    My first thought was to print a new piece but... That won't work when I have to use the printer to do that. The motor itself is great. It's just that stupid little metal triangle thing used to give the teeny tiny switch some more surface area to be pressed.

    I want a Mixed Reality thing that works the opposite of how I am seeing it done right now...

    Right now it's augmenting reality with fake shit. Like you see the real world and can put non-real things in it. What I'd like to be able to do is be in a fake world and bring real world objects into that.

    Like, say I'm in VRchat just sitting somewhere hanging out it would be cool if I could bring my drink, my food, my vape, etc into the game so I don't have to fumble around looking for them with my hands. I haven't found anything that does this though... :/

    Kolanaki ๐Ÿ‡ฐ ๐Ÿ”ต ๐Ÿ‡ฑ ๐Ÿ‡ฆ ๐Ÿ‡ณ ๐Ÿ‡ฆ ๐Ÿ‡ฐ โ„น๏ธ

    I'm just a weird, furry, pan guy (cis he/him). I also have a big, blue username.

    I'm learning Japanese so sometimes I might write something out in romaji just to practice. Please correct it if it's wrong!

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