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It's exhausting...
  • I’m not seeing where in those links it says only 48% of registered Democrats voted? If I’m missing it please point it out. The overall turnout was about 60% of eligible voters, so Democrats pulling in less than that and STILL getting more votes would be shocking.

    Getting angry at voters for not voting hard enough after turnout increases every election cycle should illustrate that yelling at people to vote harder isn’t a solution, it’s a stopgap. It doesn’t change that it’s an intentionally undemocratic system, and it doesn’t prevent the exact same “the person with less votes wins” result from happening again.

  • It's exhausting...
  • More people (as a percentage of the eligible voting population) voted in 2016 than 2012, and more in 2020 than in 2016.

    Finger wagging at people for criticizing the current ruling party (which is sending weapons to a country that is using them to commit genocide) instead of recognizing that we live in an undemocratic system is taking it out on the wrong people. Clinton literally won more votes in the election you're saying people didn't vote hard enough in. It's spitting in the face of everyone whose votes were shat on by the Electoral College to turn around and blame the people who were disenfranchised.

  • How supportive is your family of your transition? (Rate 1-6)
  • Despite having been on T for like 15 years now, being post top surgery, and having had a legal name change that they’ve had to put on paperwork, my sisters and I simply Do Not Speak Of It because they’re both evangelical. I’d say between level 4 and 5 for them. I don’t force the issue because I live across the country from them and only deal with it in small doses.

    I have a queer cousin that is easily my number 1 supporter and stands up for me to her family (also evangelical), I love her so much 🥹 She’s easily a 1.

    My parents were level 4/5 as well, but they’re dead so I don’t have to deal with that anymore. Kinda sucks they never got to really accept me before they died but they chose what they chose.

    Frankly I consider myself lucky that none of my deep south super Christian family members went level 6 on me.

  • Gender rule
  • To destroy, to create, to tear out, to establish are yours, Inanna.

    To turn a man into a woman and a woman into a man are yours, Inanna

    -Hymn to Inanna by Enheduanna, daughter of Sargon of Akkad, 23rd century BCE

  • Controversial measure overturning oil well restrictions won’t be on California ballot
  • The oil industry, which spent $20 million collecting signatures to put the measure on the November ballot, withdrew its initiative just before the deadline today. Instead the companies say they will challenge the law in court.

    Read: it is now cheaper to kick it up to SCOTUS than dump money into a propaganda campaign for an initiative that will likely fail.

  • NH Supreme Court Hears Case On Whether ‘Keep New England White’ Banner Constitutes Free Speech
  • “If this banner was a blank banner, we wouldn’t be here,” said Gens. “If it said ‘Support Our Troops’ we probably wouldn’t be here. If it said ‘Black Lives Matter’ we wouldn’t be here, because this gives way to all sorts of selective enforcement.”

    I see that “if things were different, they would be different” remains a standard for racists and their defenders.

  • How to know you'll turn out trans?
  • It sounds like you’re worried enjoying activities and having personality traits typically associated with women means you may be trans, which could negatively affect your family life if you transitioned. I mean this in the nicest way possible: my therapist would probably call this catastrophizing. It’s coming from a kind place (you don’t want to potentially upset your family), but it’s several hypotheticals stacked on top of each other. Don’t borrow trouble, as my grandma would say.

    Nobody is going to be able to give you a test to tell you with 100% confidence you aren’t trans, but if you’ve always felt comfortable with being a man and your anatomy, there is no reason to believe you will suddenly want to be a woman. Feminine men are no less men than masculine men. Some feminine men are even trans men! Being a man (gender identity) isn’t the same thing as acting masculine (gender expression).

    So, all that said, what made me realize I’m trans is finding out trans men exist. Seriously, that was all it took. Before that I only knew trans women existed and thought I wasn’t “allowed” to be trans. Within maybe a month of thinking on it and reading accounts from other trans men, I knew I was trans.

  • Slide
  • We did those shitty fundraising sales the entire 6 years I was in elementary school with the promise of more playground equipment and finally when I was in 5th grade they put up a single slide. In hindsight someone had to be skimming off the top there.

  • It's been a few weeks, but my tomato plant isn't putting out flowers. What's wrong? 😭
  • Has it been hotter than normal where you are? My sister has told me some plants in her garden are struggling this year because of the heat and putting out small crops. Your plant doesn’t look damaged though, the leaves all have good structure and color to them, and the hay over the soil is good heat protection. I agree with the other comment, it probably just needs some time.

  • Do you think this law should pass?
  • The tweet is misrepresenting what Section 377 is. It is a law against all sex that was “against the order of nature”, and was used to persecute queer people. The anti-gay sex part was ruled unconstitutional in 2018.

    I also can’t find any news sources saying the Modi government is even considering completely getting rid of the law, as Indian conservatives are generally in support of it. What is the source for this?

  • Block rule
  • Yeah, I do feel lemmy leaves something to be desired with blocking. I like Bluesky’s system, where it stops them from interacting with you and also breaks any posts of theirs that were quote tweeting (quote posting?) your posts.

  • Block rule

    Image transcription: a post from that says: "i never block anyone" is the social media equivalent of taking floor drugs

    no ragrets

    Text description: screen cap of a post from

    reminder: Harry Potter tattoos have a higher regret rate than trans surgeries and that's very funny actually

    FBI Indicts Doc Who Leaked Trans Kids’ Medical Info to Chris Rufo FBI Indicts Doc Who Leaked Trans Kids’ Medical Info to Chris Rufo — Assigned

    Dr. Eithan Haim has portrayed himself as a victim of politically motivated prosecution after he leaked information about trans kids treated at Texas Children’s Hospital to a notorious culture war activist.

    FBI Indicts Doc Who Leaked Trans Kids’ Medical Info to Chris Rufo — Assigned

    cross-posted from:

    > FBI Indicts Doc Who Leaked Trans Kids’ Medical Info to Chris Rufo

    FBI Indicts Doc Who Leaked Trans Kids’ Medical Info to Chris Rufo FBI Indicts Doc Who Leaked Trans Kids’ Medical Info to Chris Rufo — Assigned

    Dr. Eithan Haim has portrayed himself as a victim of politically motivated prosecution after he leaked information about trans kids treated at Texas Children’s Hospital to a notorious culture war activist.

    FBI Indicts Doc Who Leaked Trans Kids’ Medical Info to Chris Rufo — Assigned
    retrofuturism Catoblepas
    From Us Steel 1960 series - by Syd Mead

    cross-posted from:

    > From Us Steel 1960 series - by Syd Mead

    In your country, what "common" animals are tourists most excited to see?

    It has always amused me that the tourists to the US that I’ve spoken to are often very excited to see raccoons, and disappointed if they don’t see them before they leave.

    Some others I’ve noticed on the east coast of the US are blue jays and cardinals. Boy, do people get excited about those if they’ve never seen them before! Very pretty birds of course, just very easy to get used to and see as uninteresting as well.

    Wher(ul)e is this from?

    I saved it from a cropped image of an old zine and forgot to make note of where I got it 😭 Reverse image search isn’t helping me

    Queer shitposters you’re my only hope!

    Unexpected pros/cons of transitioning

    Socially, medically, or otherwise.

    Unexpected T pro: my cat loves aggressively head butting my facial scruff after a day or two of not shaving

    Unexpected T con: my cat’s hair gets caught up in my facial hair any time I do this and it’s annoying to get it all out

    The rule is still present in your time, as it was in ours

    Alt text: pictures of suburban neighborhoods and homes with text over it that reads: “this is no place of honor. No esteemed deed is commemorated here. What is here is dangerous and repulsive to us. Turn back.”

    What is the strangest tech related bug you can't resolve?

    Note: this is not a request for troubleshooting help.

    For the past few years my 10ish year old “smart” TV will maybe once a week or so completely lose the ability to play sound in the Youtube app, and only in the Youtube app. Sound works just fine everywhere else. Bizarrely this is always triggered by an ad and never a video. Restarting the app doesn’t fix it, and neither does clearing the cache. Fortunately doing a full restart of the TV fixes it, it’s just irritating to have to restart because an ad somehow broke the sound.

    What technological gremlins haunt you?

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