Trump was polling at 45% in the worst moments... AfD is polling at 15-20%
And there is no world in which the AfD takes majority. Not even most voted, let alone majority.
To be someone who hates snarkiness you should try being much less wrong.
VW is a publicly traded company, half the country owns it.
Grandma died due to lack of oxygen and they didn't care, why should they care about some "shithole country".
You asked what's illegal, not why it's illegal.
Or choice of mustard.
What about metallic hydrogen in the core of planets?
I'm not going to vote for good, I demand perfection!
- a bunch of Americans with Pikachu faces right now
Same with budget deficits, Clinton even got surpluses...
So we went from "no, trump would never do that" to "Harris would have done it anyway"?
I agree, they are complicit.
I can walk and chew gum.
My sources are fine, you are talking about elegible, I talked about registered.
I missed you guys! Now after the ethnic cleansing are you going to stay at the Trump Hotel in Gaza or the Trump Resort? It will have golf!
But now you can stay at Trump hotel, Gaza! Think of the amenities!