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Devianart alternativ
  • The terms of service explicitly say that art remains copyright of the artist. Where are you reading that suggests that they've granted themselves extra rights?

    I guess you could interpret "are the property of Cara and/or the individual artist" to mean "are the property of either Cara and/or the individual artist at Cara's discretion", but that's such a stretch that I can't see a judge accepting it.

  • Is anyone else highly concerned with the SCOTUS ruling that the POTUS is immune from criminal liability?
  • I'm not American and so am not in touch with American politics, but I have an American friend who doesn't seem to be bothered by it. I assume he knows better than me, so I'm trying not to worry about it.

    But if I were to worry about it, I can see the whole Trump situation leading to another civil war for you guys...

  • Devianart alternativ
  • Tos:

    The closest thing I can find is the following:

    The Cara Site and all works of art (“Art”) and/or other user generated content (including without limitation commentary, images, third-party links, and similar content and/or works) (collectively the “Art And Other User Generated Content”), text, data, and other materials contained in the Cara Site are copyrighted unless otherwise noted and are the property of Cara and/or the individual artist who created any individual piece of Art And Other User Generated Content (the “Artist”). No such materials may be copied, reproduced, republished, modified or used in any way except as provided in these Terms and Conditions.

    Which doesn't actually grant any copyright; it just explicitly states that the artist remains the copyright holder.

    There seems to be a weird hateboner on Instagram for Cara, for unsurprising reasons.

  • Why do you still hate Windows?
  • I like being in control of my computer.

    Windows and Android have this attitude where they decide how you want to use your device and block customisation. And the fact that they feel entitled to be able to change how your device looks and feels without warning or permission is something that's deeply uncomfortable to me. There's also this feeling of not knowing what my device is actually doing, and how much of my data it is actually collecting.

    With Windows, there's also a lot of small papercuts that make it annoying to use (and that my Windows friends don't seem to understand):

    • Lack of middle click paste.
    • Lack of the ability to drag windows using "alt".
    • You can't turn off the window previews in the task bar.
    • You can't disconnect from a wired network connection from the connections list.
    • Sometimes the computer just restarts on its own for fun.
    • Finding settings is a pain because they keep adding new settings menus.
    • Whatever garbage the start menu is doing nowadays.
    • Installing software and drivers is a pain.
    • The attitude that you have to download (or buy!) third party software for core features that should be included in the OS.
    • It doesn't support my keyboard layout, and the editor for making new layouts is terrible.
    • The bitlocker password entry doesn't respect your keyboard layout. Or clear the entry when you get it wrong.
    • Windows licenses are a pain to manage.
    • Managing the bootloader just sucks.
    • The registry just kinda sucks compared to dconf and/or text config files.
    • Font rendering is ugly, imo.
    • I don't care about edge, fuck off with that shit.
    • I can't change the volume by using the scroll wheel.
    • Launching a pinned app on the task bar causes all the other pinned apps to shift around so I misclick.
    • Device letters are not stable if you add or remove devices.
    • It just resets settings sometimes, because why not?
    • It can't be installed to a partition that isn't the first partition on the disk. This is not mentioned anywhere, nor is the error useful.
    • It's just bad for developing on, due to lack of tooling.

    ... Whew I ranted for a while there, didn't I? Yeah, I dual boot Windows for the games that either don't run under protonwine or the devs want to add a rootkit to.

  • a socket's a socket
  • This has got me overthinking whether protogens would use phones or not...

  • Devianart alternativ
  • DeviantArt has been declining over the past few years due to controversial design changes and, more recently, a push for genAI garbage.

    A lot of artists I've seen have recently been going to , although it's relatively new and it's unclear if it will last.

    If you want something ActivityPub, you can also consider finding/hosting a PixelFed instance.

  • Any women on this app?
  • Their dms, most likely.

  • Any women on this app?
  • No. We have a strict vetting process.

  • Ladybird announcement
  • Yeah, it's a bit at odds with their "free from corporate influence" angle. Absolutely no reason to not use Matrix.

  • "take a few months off and take care of yourself"
  • Have you considered picking up a creative persuit? For example, learning an instrument, making a game, drawing stuff, that kind of thing? Hopefully should help with the feeling of not doing anything with your time (although be sure to not force yourself to do things when you don't have the motivation to do so).

  • Worst is UTC vs GMT
  • I used to think this way, then it was pointed out to me that, without timezones, we'd be in a situation where Saturday starts mid-workday in some places.

  • what’s your thoughts on Linux and Windows…
  • Oooh, I get to say an "Umm... Actually" fact. File names are not case sensitive in Linux nor are they case insensitive in Windows.

    It's entirely possible to have a case insensitive filesystem on Linux (I think ext4 supports a mount option for it now). Likewise, there's a bit you can set on folders in Windows that makes its contents case sensitive. So realistically, case sensitivity is a property of the folder, not the OS.

    Yes, that's as annoying as it sounds.

  • Do you think people who consume drugs are cool or they have mental problems?
  • But... Uncle Sam said drugs weren't cool!

    On a more serious note, my views are if it doesn't hurt anyone else and you fully understand the implications and consequences, you should be allowed to take whatever you like.

    I'm terms of mental illness, I'm leaning towards drug addiction being a result of it rather than a cause. If someone is facing depression and doesn't have the support they need, they may turn to drugs as their only option.

  • People doing the 30 days linux Challenge are having several problems because of Mint's old packages and technology. Why people still recommend it when there is Fedora and Opensuse with KDE and Gnome?
  • I think the onboarding and new user experience for Mint could be better, but I think there's one important thing that I think makes Mint a good intro distro: Its Ubuntu base.

    If you look up guides for "linux" it usually gives instructions for Ubuntu, which usually also apply to Mint. Likewise, if you look for software downloads you tend to find Ubuntu debs.

    I know flatpak fixes these issues to an extent, but I think we're not there yet.

  • I spent a 2+ years and all my personal savings making this game (alone). What is the best things or methods to optimize my game? I use Unity engine and C#
  • If you're serious about getting help from the community, open source the game and/or provide concrete questions on what code you want to improve.

  • Redundant Safe
  • Technically that would mean that one copy of the file is no longer updated when the other is.

    You should consider using ln bkp.tar.gz bkp2.tar.gz instead.

  • What are the crazy adventures you want to try in your life?
  • Basically, "furries" are animal people like in Disney's Robin Hood and Zootopia, and the fans of those creatures. There's some sfw art at ! if you want to see. Humans in media are boring. :P

    Personally, I've seen it to be a very open, accepting and welcoming community. So I guess I romanticise being with a group of like minded people, which is something I've felt lacking in my life.

    ... Annoyingly, due to its history as an lgbt-friendly splinter group, it's who a lot of the bigots started targeting when it became socially unacceptable to be honophobic online. Grumble grumble.

  • What are the crazy adventures you want to try in your life?
  • This isn't the most glamorous or exciting thing, but I want to go to a furry convention sometime.

    ... I'm really typecasting myself here on Lemmy, aren't I?

  • Infected games under Proton.
  • Proton isn't designed to be a security layer and afaik doesn't go out of its way to sandbox applications. I'd expect a lot of viruses will fail to do anything, but there'll also be some able to do things like steal your browser or discord passwords.

    There's no reason to risk it; don't run anything in Proton that you don't feel safe running on Windows.

  • Videos SavvyWolf
    Athena the Goofball
    Are you "out" as furry?

    So this is something I've been thinking about a bit recently, and I'd be interested in hearing people's thoughts on the matter.

    Lets suppose you meet someone, and chat socially with them. Maybe a work colleague, maybe a friend met through a friend. You aren't that close with them, but you get the vibe that they aren't a bigot or judgemental at the very least. If the conversation turned to furry stuff, would you tell them that you like furry art?

    Do you keep a different set of non-furry socials for your irl friends and family? What about having a furry profile pic on your work slack? Or your Github? Do you try hard to make sure that nobody will be able to find your secret furry double life if they know you IRL?

    I guess, in essence, I'm wondering if you draw a hard line between your "sfw furry life" and your "IRL life".

    Furry SavvyWolf
    I just stumbled upon Accell's art

    Stumbled upon this artist on bluesky ( ), and their art is adorable.

    Not sure how well known they are, but look at how soft everything is!

    Xenia Desktop by

    Source: Full version on their Ko-Fi:

    It's very nice!

    Videos SavvyWolf
    Has exercise helped your mental health?

    Just a simple question to those of you suffering from depression, anxiety or are just going through a tough time. Now or sometime in the past.

    Have you tried exercising, and did it help? What kind, and how did it make you feel?

    Advocacy and those with severe difficulties

    Content Warning: This is a post detailing arguing with a friend about ND rights. It's probably going to cover topics of discrimination, eugenics, conversion therapy/ABA and other serious topics.

    Hey. So I have this friend, let's call him Woof, who I'm close to. Like, close in an almost-dating-but-its-complicated way. I find it difficult to find new friends, so basically he was the only real person I could lean on and confide in as a friend.

    Due to various things, I've kinda gotten emotionally invested in the whole neurodivergence movement thing recently. The idea that things like autism should be treated as diversity rather than disability.

    Woof... Doesn't see the same way. He works as an ambulance driver and as such has seen a lot of people who have all sorts of difficulties... My understanding is that he thinks the whole ND movement thing is a bit naive and ignores some people who really need help and support.

    It's something we've butted heads about before, but it's gotten really bad the past two weeks. I just... Think there's something we're miscommunicating and misunderstanding. What he's saying sounds logically sound, but feels uncomfortable to me...

    I know I probably shouldn't rant about this stuff to the internet, but I could really use some comments by a neutral party. Especially since it feels like I'm strawmanning him super hard and projecting some of my own uncertainties onto him. Or maybe I'm avoiding uncomfortable truths? Or maybe I'm overlooking something and will make a fool of myself (which happens every time I talk about politics...). Again, just looking for extra views and thoughts.

    The crux of his thoughts are that some people really suffer. There are autistic people that have severe problems, like intense hypersensitivity, weak cognitive ability, inability to communicate. Those kinds of things.

    Outwardly at least, I personally don't have much issues. I have a job (for the time being - my quality of work has been slipping due to mental health), I can travel around unaided and I can communicate to people decently well. I have a lot of mental fuckery and problems, but that doesn't stop me getting the coveted title of "high functioning".

    So I can't really say that I have experienced the hardships faced by everyone. There are a number of people that will never be able to adapt and fit into society. Or those that are constantly overwhelmed by the world and have severe trouble coping. They have my sympathies, but I'm not them.

    Given that, am I forcing my views on people where I shouldn't? Am I assuming people are generally like me, and so I ignore the voices of those who have greater difficulties?

    Are we all like that here? Most people here are adults who can articulate their thoughts and desires clearly enough and can function "okay" enough in society.

    Can we truly advocate for people with more severe versions of the same symptoms? I think so; it's similar to how bi people can advocate for gay rights despite being able to have "normal" relationships. Woof doesn't think the same way for ND though. Different severities of conditions might require different allowances and support, which can get overlooked by people fighting just for themselves.

    I was going to go into specific cases about specific events, but that's probably not going to be useful. We've argued about a lot of the main controversial autism things, so I'll try to give a summary.

    My stance is usually on the "pro-ND" side. I think regardless of neurotype, everyone should get the support and not feel the need to change who they are. That even those with severe difficulties deserve to live their lives as best they can and be who they are.

    Woof's stance seems to be usually on the "pro-change" side. That if there was a way to remove people's neurodivergence without causing harm, it should be offered to them. And that for those that are truly suffering, it should be the choice that is encouraged.

    ... I guess his stance also reacts with my anxiety beast in a bad way... I would consider myself as someone who has suffered my entire life. Would it be better if I were someone else? Would Woof prefer me if I were someone else? Do I have a moral obligation to prevent people like me from existing? Do I deserve to live? Blegh.

    But yeah, sorry for rambling. It's all been stuck in my head and I'd appreciate some different viewpoints. Even if it's just to tell me that I'm wrong. If you've made it this far, I appreciate you reading it.

    Anthro Comics SavvyWolf
    Duncan and Eddie | Slice of life webcomic Duncan and Eddie

    Two boyfriends stumbling their through life together. They may not be the most competent couple, but that won't stop them from loving each other to bits! Updates every SUNDAY

    Duncan and Eddie

    Webtoons Description: > Two boyfriends stumbling their through life together. They may not be the most competent couple, but that won't stop them from loving each other to bits!

    You've all probably seen this before, but posting anyway because I want to see this community become a repository of furry webcomics. :D

    It's a comic about two people being gay and adorable together.

    First Page:

    0 4 billion if statements

    I recently stumbled upon this screenshot while researching social media on the train. Of course, it was followed by a cascade of spiteful comments, criticizing this fresh programmer’s attempt to solve a classical problem in computer science. The modulus operation.

    Videos SavvyWolf


    Got recommended this channel by The Algorithm, they have a few videos on AI and logic with cute dogs.

    Looking for advice/sympathy about anxiety

    Hey autistic peeps. I'm not really in a great space mentally right now, and figured I'd ask if anyone knows of any good coping mechanisms or tricks or whatever.

    Anyway, some background. I'm one of those perpetually online types with no real irl hobbies. As you probably are aware (because Lemmy), there's been a lot of disruption in the online space recently. There's also been a fair amount of disruption in my personal life which I shan't go into. Kinda tempted to make a post here or /c/mentalhealth detailing my woefull history, but I'm not sure if there's interest.

    Anyway, the main thing is that since May, I've been struggling with anxiety, and been kind of letting it rot, get worse and pull in other things. It's at the point now where it feels a bit overwhelming and it's actively getting in the way of my thought patterns, which is as scary as it sounds.

    Through talking to people (including friends who I really appreciate taking the time to put up with me) about it, I've been able to drill it down to two main "fears":

    • I'm scared of trying new things or enjoying familiar things in case they get taken away from me in the future.
    • I'm vey uncomfortable with the idea of being restricted from things because of who I am or what I believe in.

    They struck me as being, for want of a better term, "autismy" thoughts, and get the feeling my nt friends dont "get" it. Just wondering if either of these statements resonate with anyone, or if anyone has advice on combatting them.

    Videos SavvyWolf
    Furries Out of Context [Suggestive at times, but nothing explicit]


    Youtube recommended me this series, and they're quite funny.

    An emotionally charged rant/vent about fediverse politics

    Fair warning, this is something that's been in my head for a while now, and I just want to get it off my chest. This is going to be a very emotionally charged post, so... I guess take everything with a grain of salt and with the understanding that I suck at word choice.

    So this is partially in response to l_b_i's thread asking about Lemmy/Yiffit here: . Would have responded there, but that seems to be focused on Lemmy (and particularly Yiffit) side of thing, and I want to rant about the fediverse as a whole.

    So, firstly the software. I think Mastodon is a really good piece of kit. As a Twitter competitor, it's really good and has more than enough features. It also makes a fairly solid ActivityPub reader, although it doesn't really work with Lemmy that well.

    Lemmy is rough around the edges, but that can be fixed with work. The leanings of the developers might be concerning, but it's AGPL so whatever.

    ActivityPub as a whole is a cool concept, many social media networks connecting together regardless of platform. Anyone heard of pixelfed? No? It just kinda happened and if you have Mastodon you might have been following a Pixelfed user without realizing it.

    I just... Have been increasingly frustrated at the aristocracy running everything recently. There's just so much drama between admins that result in them completely severing connections between instances. And this isn't petty squabbles between two small instances either, these are large instances with up to several thousand users each. Constantly falling out and causing their users to fall out of touch.

    Personally, I've been using the Fediverse seriously since like April (or whenever the Reddit drama started), and currently have 5 fediverse accounts (excluding my super secret AD ones). I'd consider them all to have been on instances involved in fediverse politics that had resulted in some amount of connections being lost.

    Since April, to my knowledge, there's been three major fediverse-wide "dramas" that have resulted in major instances either defederating or threatening to defederate. One was started by someone who had perhaps too much influence and inability to listen to feedback, one was started by a literal troll and one was started by Facebook. How does a platform that prides itself on being censorship resistant let itself fall apart this easily!?

    I don't want to have to feel like I have to keep on track of the latest fediverse politics. I don't want to have to feel like I have to keep a backup of my followers list just in case something happens. I don't want to feel like I have to frequently change instance due to the influence of some other instance. I don't want to have to feel like I have to "pick a side" in conflicts that are mostly hidden in an unsearchable space.

    Hell, the Mastodon devs literally had to add a screen to the defederation flow that basically says "this is how many people you are going to fuck up".

    I just want a place to look at people in funny animal costumes and fancy coloured pixels. Maybe it's because of autism, maybe this is a neurotypical thing as well, but personally I am very uncomfortable with the idea of losing contact with people I follow without realizing it and not being able to regain that contact. I'm also heavily vulnerable to obsessing over drama and politics (and try to curate my feed to avoid it as much as possible), which I can't really do against this stuff.

    For the Fediverse to work, we NEED to fix this. We need to get better. Maybe something simple like this: . Maybe a public record of accountability for instances that explains why things happened.

    Honestly, with these issues being a frequent enough occurrence I can't really wholeheartedly shill Mastodon as a Twitter/Bluesky alternative anymore...

    For reference, if you were a furry content creator looking for an instance to maximise reach, I'd personally recommend you avoid the following instances (from personal experience):

    • Any instance with a hidden blocklist
    • Very small instances, since they have limited reach and may vanish.

    Not saying these instances are bad, it's just that, through their fault or otherwise, they've been involved in drama that has effectively cut them off from parts of the fediverse.

    Anyway, thanks for reading my rant. Apologies for having to do this and ruining your day, but I just needed to get it off my chest.

    Red Landscape [OC]

    Just something I threw together last night, figured I'd share it here. Enjoy!

    Think it came out decently, although I think the "grass" is a bit messy.

    Videos SavvyWolf
    Let's Play | Holly Streams Super Lesbian Animal RPG


    A couple playing through Super Lesbian Animal RPG; a game that is unashamedly both lesbian and furry.

    It's a good game!

    Videos SavvyWolf
    Underground Eevee


    I can't get this out of my head. Send help.

    Videos SavvyWolf
    The Industrious Rabbit - Technical videos mostly focused on the Amiga The Industrious Rabbit

    Get your paws dirty and learn something new! Animations, live streams, and other videos, published whenever. By Read blog posts, browse the wiki & code repository, ...

    The Industrious Rabbit

    I know you've probably seen their videos before elsewhere on Lemmy, but I figured I'd give a shout out here.

    I wasn't an Amiga person myself, but it's all very interesting, and illustrated well.

    (Also, this is kind of an experiment to see if the pings work or not)

    0 link, for the googly disinclined:

    0 link, for the googly disinclined:

    3 Friday Facts #380 - Remote view | Factorio

    Hello, we would like to talk about the remote view changes coming in the 2.0 base game update. This is one of the foundations to be able to talk about the space platform and planets later, so lets get into it!

    Friday Facts #380 - Remote view | Factorio
    savvywolf SavvyWolf

    Hello there!

    I'm also , and I have a website at .


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